Monthly Archive for September, 2023

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10 action to control anger

Here are 10 actions to control anger:

  1. Deep Breathing - When you start to feel anger, take deep breaths to calm yourself. Inhaling slowly through the nose and exhaling through the mouth can reduce tension.
  2. Take a Break - If possible, step away from the situation or the person triggering your anger. A short break can help you collect your thoughts.
  3. Use Visualization - Imagine a calm and serene place to divert your mind from anger.
  4. Write Your Feelings - Keeping an emotions journal can help you express your feelings in a constructive way.
  5. Talk to Someone Trustworthy - Sharing your feelings with a friend or family member can be cathartic and provide support.
  6. Practice Assertiveness - Learn to communicate clearly and respectfully without resorting to aggression.
  7. Physical Exercise - Physical activity can help release tension and improve your mood.
  8. Progressive Muscle Relaxation - Practice progressive muscle relaxation to reduce physical tension.
  9. Meditation and Mindfulness - These techniques can help you stay calm and distance yourself from anger.
  10. Seek Professional Help - If anger is a persistent problem that negatively affects your life, consider consulting a psychologist or therapist to acquire tools for more effective anger management.

Remember that anger management is a process that takes time and practice. Use these strategies consistently to improve your ability to handle anger in a healthy and effective way.

Grit: winning athletes’ mindset

“Grit” is a relatively new concept used to describe a particular attitude or mindset that combines determination, perseverance, passion, and inner strength.

Here are some key elements associated with grit:

  1. Determination - Grit is often characterized by a strong commitment to pursuing a long-term goal, without being discouraged by difficulties. Those with grit are willing to work hard and overcome obstacles to achieve success.
  2. Passion - Grit often arises from a deep passion for what one is trying to achieve. When a person is passionate about what they do, they are more likely to make the necessary efforts to succeed.
  3. Resilience - Grit also involves the ability to withstand adversity and failures. Those with grit don’t easily give up when things go wrong but instead look for ways to overcome obstacles and continue to make progress.
  4. Focus - Grit often entails intense concentration on goals and the ability to remain focused despite distractions. Those with grit are determined to stay on the path to success.
  5. Intrinsic Motivation - Grit is often driven by intrinsic motivation, meaning an internal desire to achieve something meaningful for oneself through one’s efforts.

In summary, grit is an attitude characterized by determination, passion, and resilience in pursuing goals. It is a quality that can be extremely useful for overcoming challenges and achieving success in various areas of life, including work, sports, and personal growth.

More info:

Frontini, R., Sigmundsson, H., Antunes, R., Silva, A. F., Lima, R., and Clemente, F. M. (2021). Passion, grit, and mindset in undergraduate sport sciences students. New Ideas Psychol. 62, 100870

Lee J. The Role of Grit in Organizational Performance During a Pandemic. Front Psychol. 2022 Jul 7;13:929517.

Book review: L’arte del salto triplo


Allenare la motivazione per vincere nello sport e nella vita  

Giorgio Merola

Erickson, 2023, pp. 310

I risultati eccezionali e le imprese compiute dai grandi atleti derivano da un miglioramento graduale nel corso degli anni. Questa frase esprime solo apparentemente un concetto semplice, tessendo l’elogio della perseveranza e della continuità dell’impegno attraverso il tempo. In realtà, serve a orientare il lettore a conoscere quali siano le ragioni che spingono un giovane a impegnarsi con intensità per tutto l’arco della giovinezza e oggi spesso anche sino alle soglie dei 40 anni. Questo è il segreto dello sport, quello che nella psicologia del buon senso si traduce nella domanda che ogni atleta ha ricevuto: “Chi te lo fa fare di fare tutta questa fatica?”.

In questo libro Giorgio prova a fornire una risposta a questa curiosità, che permette di spiegare questa scelta quasi monacale che fanno gli atleti di livello assoluto, in un mondo che va invece nella direzione opposta, dove si vorrebbe avere tutto e possibilmente subito. Giorgio Merola è la persona adatta per scrivere questa storia, non solo come psicologo dello sport, ma anche perché 16 anni fa quando gli dissi che una scuola per atleti a Bolzano cercava uno psicologo a tempo pieno lui si buttò anima e corpo in questa esperienza, che continua tutt’oggi con soddisfazione professionale. L’atleta compie le stesse scelte, è disposto a cambiare se ritiene che quello che gli viene proposto potrebbe migliorarlo. L’obiettivo è la soddisfazione e migliorare le prestazioni sacrificando ciò che si è fatto sino a quel momento, per un modo di allenarsi diverso, per un allenatore con idee più nuove, per un club che gli fornisce opportunità migliori.

E’ l’approccio del miglioramento continuativo, difficile per un atleta che è già al top della sua carriera sportiva, Quindi la grinta, la resilienza, la percezione di autoefficacia o la mentalità orientata alla crescita temi di questo libro sono centrali non solo per l’adolescente che vuole emergere nel mondo sportivo ma anche per i campioni. Infatti, se come afferma Novak Djokovic lo stress è un privilegio, bisogna però saperlo vivere con questo significato esistenziale, non è qualcosa per cui nascondersi, bisogna accettarlo sapendo che le sconfitte sono all’ordine del giorno, che  queste possono ridurre la motivazione e che i social sono un’arma contro gli atleti che si trovano in un momento di difficoltà.

Lo stesso concetto espresso da Djokovic è stato espresso da Albert Bandura quando ha detto che togliendo le sfide, vince la noia. Insegniamo, allora, agli atleti a comprendere in che mondo oggi vivono, perché non si sentano impreparati di fronte a queste nuove sfide. Insegniamogli a esser consapevoli che la dimensione tecnico-tattica e la forma fisica sono certamente aspetti decisivi del loro essere atleti, ma che la dimensione psicologica non può essere ignorata o solo capita, la si deve allenare come ogni altra abilità. Quanto scritto in questo libro sarà per loro assolutamente utile per migliorare come persone che ricercano la soddisfazione personale attraverso lo sport.

Is it possible to have fun when doing something difficult in which one is skilled?

It is possible to have fun when doing something difficult in which one is skilled. In fact, many people find great satisfaction and enjoyment in challenges that require their abilities and skills. Here are some reasons why this is possible:

  1. Sense of achievement - Overcoming a difficult challenge and completing a complex task can lead to a strong sense of achievement and personal pride. This sense of success can be very rewarding and enjoyable.
  2. Flow - People enjoy themselves more when they are in the so-called “flow state.” This state occurs when one is fully immersed in a challenging activity that requires skills and concentration. In this state, time seems to pass quickly, and one can experience a deep sense of pleasure.
  3. Competition - If you participate in a race or competition, the desire to win or improve can be very motivating and enjoyable. Competition can add an element of excitement and adrenaline to the experience.
  4. Personal growth - Facing difficult challenges can contribute to personal growth and the improvement of one’s skills. This sense of progress can be extremely gratifying and enjoyable.
  5. Passion and interest - When you are passionate and interested in what you are doing, even difficult challenges can be fun. Passion can fuel motivation and make the entire experience more rewarding.
  6. Social connection - Participating in a challenge or complex project with others can create a sense of community and social connection. Collaboration and sharing challenges can increase the enjoyment and satisfaction of the experience.
  7. Continuous learning - Facing difficult situations can result in continuous learning and the discovery of new skills. This learning process can be exciting and rewarding, as new knowledge and skills are acquired.
  8. Creativity - Solving complex problems often requires creative and innovative thinking. Finding unique and creative solutions can be a very enjoyable aspect of facing difficult challenges.
  9. Sense of purpose - Working on challenging and meaningful projects can give a sense of purpose and meaning to one’s activity. Knowing that you are contributing to something important can increase satisfaction and enjoyment in doing the work.
  10. Personal experience - Every difficult challenge is a unique personal experience. The process of overcoming these challenges can lead to precious memories and exciting adventures, which can be a source of fun and satisfaction when remembered later.

In summary, having fun while doing something difficult in which you are skilled can result from a combination of personal achievement, growth, social connection, continuous learning, and the discovery of new possibilities. These elements contribute to making the experience rewarding and fulfilling for many people.

However, it is important to note that not everyone finds it enjoyable to face difficult challenges. Some may feel stressed or anxious in such situations. The key is to find a balance between the challenge and personal competence so that you can fully enjoy the activity. Additionally, it’s important to manage stress and anxiety in a healthy way to ensure that the experience remains fun and satisfying.

10 reason to prefer a personal trainer

The widespread prevalence of personal trainers today can be attributed to several factors. Here are some reasons why personal trainers have become so popular:

  1. Health and Fitness Awareness: More and more people are aware of the importance of health and fitness in their lives. Increasing awareness of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle has led many individuals to seek the assistance of a personal trainer to achieve their health and fitness goals.
  2. Obesity and Related Diseases: Obesity and obesity-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart diseases, have become a growing concern in many societies. This has prompted many people to seek ways to improve their health and lose weight, often through the guidance of a personal trainer.
  3. Personalized Planning: A personal trainer can create a customized workout program and dietary plan based on each individual’s needs, goals, and fitness level. This personalization is a key element in achieving effective and sustainable results.
  4. Motivation and Accountability: Many people struggle to stay motivated and accountable when it comes to adopting a fitness program. A personal trainer provides ongoing support, encouragement, and accountability, which can significantly increase the likelihood of success.
  5. Knowledge and Experience: Personal trainers are fitness professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in exercise, nutrition, and anatomy. This expertise enables them to effectively guide their clients toward their health and fitness goals.
  6. Time and Efficiency: Many people have busy schedules and seek efficient ways to work out. A personal trainer can help maximize workout time by creating effective programs and ensuring exercises are performed correctly.
  7. Variety and Enjoyment: A personal trainer can introduce variety into workout routines, making exercise more fun and interesting. This can help maintain high levels of motivation in the long term.
  8. Measurable Progress: Personal trainers track their clients’ progress and provide continuous feedback. This helps maintain motivation and demonstrates the achieved results, which can be very rewarding.
  9. Accessibility: Today, personal trainers can be found in gyms, fitness studios, online, and even through apps and digital platforms. This wide availability has made access to personal trainers more accessible to a variety of people.
  10. Investment in Health: Many individuals are willing to invest in their health and well-being, considering the cost of a personal trainer as a long-term investment in their health and quality of life.

In conclusion, the growing prevalence of personal trainers is the result of increasing awareness of the importance of fitness and health, along with the demand for professional assistance to effectively and efficiently achieve specific goals.

How to live the pre-olympic year

Less than a year until the upcoming 2024 Olympics and Paralympics in Paris, and I wonder what this year will be like for athletes, teams, and staff. The Olympic Games maintain their timeless allure that goes beyond the commercialization of sports. Many aspire to go there at least once in their sports careers, and the stress associated with this participation is intense for everyone. Of the Italian athletes participating in the Olympics, only about 15% will return with a medal.

However, this year should not be lived solely through stress, sacrifices, and fears but also with the enthusiasm of those who feel committed to achieving a great goal without being crushed by it. We aim high to achieve a result, whatever it may be for each individual, but we enjoy our daily lives.

We have now become aware that there is no distinction between the individual and the athlete; they are not two separate entities residing in the same body. There are no two different people, one of whom must sacrifice to satisfy the other. Research conducted among elite athletes consistently shows that their performance depends on their motivation, dedication to this profession which is sports, their coaches and the staff working with them, and their family and friends – in other words, their primary social environment.

Their performance largely depends on the effective integration of these elements. There will always be exceptions to this approach, but this does not represent the rule. Therefore, it is desirable that the culture of integration, which recognizes the value of the overall well-being of athletes and their lives, continues to spread.

10 habits that block positive thinking

Positive thinking can be a beneficial mindset, but there are some challenges and obstacles that people may encounter when trying to cultivate it. Here are some of the main obstacles to positive thinking:

  1. Chronic negativity - Some people tend to be naturally more inclined towards pessimism or chronic negativity. Overcoming this predisposition requires effort and constant practice. Continuous comparison with other athletes – “I’m worth less than…” vs. “How can I develop myself more.”
  2. Stress and anxiety - High levels of stress and anxiety can hinder the ability to think positively. These emotions can lead people to focus on problems rather than solutions – “My heart beats so high, I will do evil” vs. “I’m tense because it is important.”
  3. Traumatic events - Traumatic experiences can leave deep scars and make positive thinking difficult. It is necessary to confront and process such events to progress towards a more positive mindset.
  4. Negative thought habits - Negative thought habits ingrained over time can be challenging to change. They often require awareness, commitment, and constant practice to overcome. Fear of being ridiculous – “If I fall, everyone will laugh at me” vs. “I just think about my performance.”
  5. Negative external influences - Our environment and the people around us can influence our thinking. If surrounded by pessimistic individuals or a toxic environment, it can be challenging to maintain a positive mindset.
  6. Low self-esteem - Self-esteem and self-confidence play an important role in positive thinking. People with low self-esteem may struggle to believe in themselves and see the positive side of situations. “I’m worth less than…” vs. “How can I develop myself more.”
  7. Fear of failure - The fear of failing or not succeeding can hinder positive thinking. People may avoid being optimistic for fear of disappointment. Fear of critics – “I wonder what they think of me” vs. “The other me encourages me.”
  8. Unhealthy lifestyle habits - An unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and insufficient sleep can negatively impact mental well-being and make positive thinking more challenging.
  9. Lack of clear goals - A lack of clear goals or a sense of purpose can make it difficult to maintain a positive mindset. Having clear goals can provide direction and motivation for positive thinking. “I must not make an error” vs. “Do it to concentrate more.”
  10. Resistance to change - Some people are simply resistant to change and prefer to stay in their comfort zone, even if it’s negative. This resistance can hinder the willingness to adopt a more positive mindset. Fear of disapproval – “If I’m wrong, the coach will scold me” vs. “I’m here to give my best. Let’s go!”

To overcome these obstacles, it is important to work on self-awareness, seek support from professionals if necessary, develop more positive mental habits, and create an environment that fosters positive thinking.

10 rules to become world level athlete

Becoming a world-class athlete is extremely challenging for several reasons. Here are some of the main reasons:

  1. Fierce Competition - The world of sports is highly competitive, with thousands of talented athletes vying to reach the top in every discipline. Competition is fierce at all levels, from youth competitions to international events.
  2. Full-Time Commitment - To become a world-class athlete, it is often necessary to devote oneself to the sport full-time. This means training hard every day, following a strict diet, receiving adequate medical and mental support, and often sacrificing other career or leisure opportunities.
  3. Financial Resources - World-class athletes often require significant financial resources to cover training expenses, travel for competitions, and specialized equipment. Many athletes need to find sponsorships or funding to support their efforts.
  4. Talent - Genetics can play a significant role in determining an athlete’s potential. Some people are genetically predisposed to excel in certain sports, but even with natural talent, hard work and consistent training are required to reach the top.
  5. Mental Resilience - The pressure and stress associated with world-class competitions can be extremely demanding. Athletes must develop strong mental resilience to cope with pressure, defeats, and high expectations.
  6. Adequate Support - Successful athletes often need a strong support network, including experienced coaches, doctors, physiotherapists, and mentors. This support network is essential for addressing physical and mental challenges.
  7. Time Investment - Becoming a world-class athlete requires years of hard work and constant commitment. Often, athletes must start at a young age and dedicate most of their time to training and competitions.
  8. External Factors - Various external factors can influence an athlete’s career, such as injuries, national or international sports policies, and career management decisions.
  9. Career Duration - A world-class athlete’s career often has a limited duration. Most athletes reach their peak physical condition in a relatively short time frame, which can vary depending on the sport. After reaching the peak, aging and physical wear and tear can limit performance. Therefore, becoming a world-class athlete requires not only reaching that level but also maintaining that performance over time.
  10. Variables Beyond the Athlete’s Control - Athletes may face various variables beyond their control that can impact their careers, such as changes in game rules, suspensions for rule violations, sports policies, or arbitral decisions. These external factors can have a significant impact on the opportunities for success for a world-class athlete and make the journey even more challenging.

In summary, becoming a world-class athlete requires a combination of talent, hard work, resources, support, and some degree of luck. It is a difficult and competitive path, but for those who manage to reach this level, the rewards can be extraordinary in terms of personal success and global recognition.

Hall of Fame of sport psychology

The induction into the ISSP Hall of Fame is a recognition that ISSP bestows to globally outstanding scholars, practitioners, and organizational leaders in the field of sport and exercise psychology. Our inductees are immortalized for their contributions to research, practice, and/or international leadership and the lasting impact they have left in sport and exercise psychology. The ISSP’s Hall of Fame has been established to increase and ensure awareness of exemplary work such as the accomplishment of milestones, essential perspectives, and the development of a fundamental disciplinary framework for this profession. The ISSP Hall of Fame is open to sport and exercise psychology professionals worldwide, across sport, exercise, and psychology societies. The ISSP Hall of Fame is a historical project intended to provide an evolving historical backdrop of recognized professional greatness.


Davide Mazzanti’s ideas and mistakes

The theme of excluding the best player by explicit choice of the national team’s coach is a recurring topic in various teams, often with similar explanations.

The latest case refers to the women’s volleyball national team, where the coach preferred a young 20-year-old player with limited international experience over the champion Paola Egonu. The explanation given in interviews by Davide Mazzanti is clear: “Inside, everything is clearer, I don’t make my choices for convenience but based on my principles.”

It would have been interesting if he had explained what is clearer inside the team compared to someone who can only gather information by watching the games. I would say that the second part of the sentence is a typical expression of someone who feels attacked and rigidly defends their ideas. So, following his ideas means excluding the player considered to be the best in the world, while making her a starter would be seen as a convenience-based choice.

We can also say that from his words, there are apparent issues of leadership and interpersonal dynamics within the team, including the coach, driven by the presence of this player, which outweigh the benefits derived from her sporting value. According to the coach, a young player like Andropova, grateful for the unexpected role offered to her, fosters better team cohesion.

This style of leadership should not be surprising; team sports are filled with stories like this. Spalletti with Totti, Sacchi with Baggio, Valcareggi with the relay between Mazzola and Rivera. So, it’s not my intention to debate whether these choices are right or wrong, nor to express value judgments. In this high-level sport, there is one ultimate parameter we all are judged by: victory. The women’s national team has lost, so some choices were wrong and need to be pragmatically corrected. The role of the player Egonu should be interpreted according to this logic, aware that there have also been other limitations that emerged in the last two games.

Personally, I believe that in the national team, the players who have proven to be the strongest and are accustomed to winning in their clubs should be given the opportunity to play because this type of experience is extremely relevant for handling the crucial moments of the games and paying attention to the details that prevent errors in high-stress phases of competition. Building cohesion on the field and alignment with the coach’s ideas follows from this foundation.