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10 action to control anger

Here are 10 actions to control anger:

  1. Deep Breathing - When you start to feel anger, take deep breaths to calm yourself. Inhaling slowly through the nose and exhaling through the mouth can reduce tension.
  2. Take a Break - If possible, step away from the situation or the person triggering your anger. A short break can help you collect your thoughts.
  3. Use Visualization - Imagine a calm and serene place to divert your mind from anger.
  4. Write Your Feelings - Keeping an emotions journal can help you express your feelings in a constructive way.
  5. Talk to Someone Trustworthy - Sharing your feelings with a friend or family member can be cathartic and provide support.
  6. Practice Assertiveness - Learn to communicate clearly and respectfully without resorting to aggression.
  7. Physical Exercise - Physical activity can help release tension and improve your mood.
  8. Progressive Muscle Relaxation - Practice progressive muscle relaxation to reduce physical tension.
  9. Meditation and Mindfulness - These techniques can help you stay calm and distance yourself from anger.
  10. Seek Professional Help - If anger is a persistent problem that negatively affects your life, consider consulting a psychologist or therapist to acquire tools for more effective anger management.

Remember that anger management is a process that takes time and practice. Use these strategies consistently to improve your ability to handle anger in a healthy and effective way.

The mindset of the people who do not respect the rules

As long as I breathe I hope,” Cicero said, today we could translate it into “as long as there is life there is hope,” more brutal but equally true. The coronavirus affects precisely this capacity that is at the basis of the physiological and psychological needs of living beings. You may not drink or eat for a few days, but you can’t breath for a few minutes if you are not a champion of underwater apnea. Correct breathing is at the base of self-control and the stresses of our daily life determine as a first negative effect our own breathing problems. Fear makes us block our breath, anger hates it to allow us to scream at someone, sadness reduces it to a trickle of air that goes in and out and anxiety makes us breathe in a shallow and superficial way. Breathing reflects our level of physical fitness and well-being and one of the effects of this new virus is to block it, making assisted breathing necessary in many cases. Mario Garattini, founder of the Mario Negri Pharmacological Research Institute, MIlano, said that “everything will depend on us, on our ability to avoid contagion. Let’s adhere to the dispositions. If everyone had adequate lifestyles and there was adequate prevention, perhaps we would be more resistant”.

This awareness, combined with the worldwide spread of the coronavirus and its devastating effects, should have frightened people enough to never leave their homes again, motivating them to respect the rules that have been spread and whose implementation is mandatory. Nevertheless, thousands of people have continued to travel throughout our country and the police have fined more than 2000 people for violating the restrictive rules of the government decree. What are the reasons for this behaviour? Superficiality, too positive approach to the problem, anxiety and a lack of habit of following the rules. Superficiality is a kind of magic thought, in which people think that the coronavirus is a problem that affects others, such as the elderly and sick, is a way to protect themselves from feelings of sadness in the short term. These people deny the existence of the problem and, therefore, engage in behaviour to escape from their reality. A second type of attitude is people who have an approach not mediated by reality and that is too positive, such as those who thought at the beginning of the spread that it was little more than a flu. They are individuals who live under the illusion of positive short-term solutions. A bit like those who start a diet or want to quit smoking and are confident that they will succeed just because they have made this decision, they are illusory forms of thinking so that at the first obstacles people give up following the new rules they have given themselves because it is too difficult. In the case of the coronavirus the problem manifests itself in the difficulty in maintaining the rules of physical distancing from other people and then they go out, take a walk with friends and take their children to play in the gardens. Similar for the effects but different in reasons is the approach of those who feel angst in staying at home. They perceive themselves as prisoners, feel violated in their freedom of movement and live this condition in a claustrophobic way. To overcome it the only solution in going outside. Finally, there are those who live reactively to the rules, have an attitude of eternal adolescents fighting against the norms of the adult world. They find it difficult to make the rules their own, which in this case are mandatory, and to develop a pluralistic concept of social coexistence, based not only on their rights but also on their duties towards the community.

These are some possible interpretations of behaviours that in a period of world crisis like the one we are experiencing and of upheaval of our daily life can explain the actions of the many who seem not to want to adapt to the new rules.

Tom Izzo and his intimidating leadership

Michigan State head coach Tom Izzo had to be restrained by his players from going after freshman Aaron Henry.  The heated exchange came after a 10-0 run by the Spartans.

Izzo was furious with Henry for an unknown reason.  From the looks of it, this isn’t the first time he’s gone in on the young forward.

“Coach is filled with passion and emotion and love, you know, those are the main things that make him as great as he is,” Winston told reporters Friday. “When he’s getting after you or when he’s yelling it’s never out of harm. It’s never out of hate. It’s literally him wanting the best for you and him challenging you and pushing you the best you can be and it’s worked for years and years and years.

There should be no place for abusive, threatening & intimidating leadership–anywhere! If Michigan State coach Tom Izzo “leads” like this in public, what does he do when no cameras are present?

Tom Izzo Has to be Held Back from Going Full Bobby Knight on One of His Players

Three sentences to think

John Wooden’s three sentences for parents, athletes and coaches to compare with their thoughts:

“The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”

“Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”

“A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.”

The rage in tennis

L’altro giorno stavo osservando in un circolo di tennis una partita fra quattro signore che hanno passato la maggior parte del tempo a chiedersi “Scusa.” Lo dicevano alla compagna di doppio dopo un errore, alle avversarie quando la palla prendeva la rete o dopo un colpo fortunoso. Vi era molta attenzione a controllare la situazione dal punto di vista emotivo, per evitare che l’altro, compagna o avversaria, s’irritasse. Emozioni anche se diverse le mostrano pure i più giovani, quando continuano a parlarsi insultandosi e dicendosi le peggiori cose su di sé e neanche i campioni sono immuni da queste espressioni emotive. Senza scomodare John McEnroe, basti ricordare che il tranquillo e educato Federer da ragazzo era molto indisciplinato in campo. L’episodio di violenza offerto da Nalbandian durante la finale del torneo londinese del Queens non è altro che una riprova estrema di quanto il tennis stimoli nei giocatori l’emergere di una condizione di fragilità emotiva che, alle signore di buona famiglia fa dire ripetitivamente “Scusa, scusa” mentre negli atleti determina veri e propri scoppi d’ira o naturalmente anche la condizione opposta, e cioè stati di catatonia fisica e mentale che portano a perdere i set a zero.
L’ira nel tennis ha un effetto devastante sulla prestazione, poiché nessuno è in grado di gestirla a proprio favore, è una condizione che annebbia la mente, con effetti sul fisico che portano a sentire il braccio rigido mentre la racchetta diventa una clava da agitare vorticosamente a vuoto. Non è un caso che i tennisti contemporanei emettano dei versi vocali o per meglio dire gridino nell’atto di colpire la palla. Infatti il grido svolge diverse funzioni:
• Determina nel giocatore la percezione di colpire più forte la palla. Attraverso l’urlo s’imprime più forza al colpo.
• Scarica la tensione emotiva che si sta provando in quel momento. Alzare il volume della voce di solito impedisce l’accumulo di stress.
• E’ un comportamento primitivo per affermare la propria dominanza su quel territorio. Vi ricordate il grido di Tarzan nella foresta?
• E’ un comportamento teso spaventare l’avversario. L’oggetto della propria aggressività è l’altro che va emotivamente dominato.
Da questi comportamenti emerge che il tennis è un gioco in cui bisogna mostrare quelle emozioni che sono utili per condurre il proprio gioco e, non a caso, servire bene è un fattore decisivo perché in esso si fondono insieme tecnica, forza e cattiveria agonistica. Se uno di questi tre aspetti è carente il tennista ha un problema importante da risolvere e il suo avversario se è bravo ne trarrà sicuramente vantaggio.
Quindi accanto al miglioramento tecnico è imprescindibile un significativo impegno a migliorare mentalmente quale che sia il livello di abilità che si possiede.

La rabbia di Dunga

La facilità di Dunga a irritarsi è stata sotto gli occhi di noi spettatori in ogni istante della partita, anche quando Il Brasile era in vantaggio contro l’Olanda. Come si fa a trasmettere fiducia ai propri giocatori quando si è così instabili? Sono convinto che la sua difficoltà a gestire la propria impulsività sia stata una causa decisiva della sconfitta con l’Olanda.