Tag Archive for 'Fepsac'

Sport psychology: know the past, to build the future

The Master of Sport Psychology in Rome is going to start. The first topic that will be addressed is the development of sport psychology since the foundation of the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) in 1965. It is the story of the so-called founders of this discipline in the contemporary world. We will therefore talk about Ferruccio Antonelli but also about many other scholars of those early years. It is an important aspect that concerns the knowledge of the origins of the profession in which one works and that is ignored by most professionals and researchers.

But we will look not only at the past but also at the present and the future. A very topical issue that ISSP and Fepsac, the European association, are pursuing concerns the continuing education of psychologists. They are defining what are the paths not only educational but also of continuing education in sport psychology that are recognized internationally. Participation in this worldwide movement of professionals will become increasingly important and will allow easier accreditation of professionals who have done different training courses in different countries but the same in terms of hours of training, supervision and maintenance of the required update over time.



16th European Congress of Sport Psychology

Dear Sport Psychology friends, Pay attention for opportunity to submit your work in the next FEPSAC Congress (Padova/ITA – 2022). https://fepsac2022.eu/call-for-abstracts/




European certification of specialists in applied sport psychology.

FEPSAC  has established the European certification of specialists in applied sport psychology.


Professional certification is a crucial element to the establishment, legitimization, and reputation of a profession (Portenga, 2014). The FEPSAC Managing Council developed certification guidelines for specialists in applied sport psychology, establishing a certification process to distinguish these professionals from others in the marketplace (e.g., performance enhancement consultant, mental skills trainer, mental coach). The goal of such an initiative is to define the minimum standards that should be met by individuals in order to qualify for independent practice in the field of applied sport psychology.

The certification process focusses on the standards for practitioners in the field of sport psychology who have an initial qualification background in either sport science, psychology, or both. FEPSAC believes that practitioners should meet high standards of training and delivery using and complementing the expertise specific to their initial training.

FEPSAC carefully examined several certification systems across Europe and met and discussed with individuals and international organizations involved in certification, continuous professional development and education and training, and legal aspects of certification in order to guarantee that best practices across Europe were upheld.

Members who are certified may use the acronym SASP-FEPSAC after their name and highest university degree; such an acronym will denote the label “a specialist in applied sport psychology”, also referred in this document as specialist. While SASP-FEPSAC accounts for the minimum standard of education and training in applied sport psychology, it does not designate the individual as a “sport psychologist”; rather, the individual is certified as a specialist in the field of applied sport psychology. Note that requirements for providing psychological services are determined by individual state and territorial licensing boards.

The next submission deadline will be on March 30, 2021.

Online Career Symposium

@TopsportVUB is organising an Online Career Symposium “Supporting Athletes Before, During and After Athletic Retirement” based on @iocmedia project. Presenters include athletes, researchers and practitioners in the field of sport. Date: 1st DEC

Registration: https://spmb.research.vub.be/en/registration-online-career-support-symposium-1-dec-2020

New professional perspectives in applied sport psychology

By: Cedric Arijs

When the European federation of sport psychology announced its conference with the working title, ‘Development of expertise and excellence in applied sport psychology’ I had the feeling this 2-day conference would be enriching for a young sport psychology student like myself, and I was not disappointed! Allow me to share some insights.

The many experienced applied sport psychologists (APSs) and researchers didn’t give the recipe for a successful career on a silver platter. But why would there be a clear-cut trajectory in a discipline where the answer is so often “It depends…”? Therefore, self-reflection and peer discussions are necessary. During the weekend I met many (future) colleagues in the field who were more than willing to share their stories with me. And I guess there are worse places for networking and becoming acquainted than a nice boat dinner on the Seine River next to the Eiffel Tower, wouldn’t you agree?

Read more on http://emsepblog.tumblr.com/post/51137951759/reflections-of-the-2013-fepsac-conference-in-paris

Geografia della psicologia dello sport in Europa

Durante il congresso europeo è stato eletto il nuovo direttivo della Federazione Europea di Psicologia dello Sport (Fepsac) ed è emerso chiaramente che i paesi leader e anche più disponibili a sostenere dei candidadti sono in prevalenza nell’Europa centro-ovest. Infatti presidente e segretario generale sono in Belgio e Olanda, altri membri provengono dalla Francia, Germania, Danimarca e nuovamente Olanda e Belgio. Altre zone dell’Europa sono rappresentate dall’ Italia (tesoriere) e dalla Grecia; non vi sono membri dell’Europa dell’est. Lo stesso master europeo di psicologia dello sport ha il maggior numero di studenti provenienti dagli stessi paesi con l’aggiunta della Gran Bretagna e Scandinavia. E’ sempre l’economia che regola questo tipo di prevalenze, che mi auguro non si accentuino altrimenti molti nostri colleghi avranno grandi difficoltà nell’esercitare la loro professione se non faranno parte della nazioni più ricche.