Tag Archive for 'Antonelli'

Sport psychology: know the past, to build the future

The Master of Sport Psychology in Rome is going to start. The first topic that will be addressed is the development of sport psychology since the foundation of the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) in 1965. It is the story of the so-called founders of this discipline in the contemporary world. We will therefore talk about Ferruccio Antonelli but also about many other scholars of those early years. It is an important aspect that concerns the knowledge of the origins of the profession in which one works and that is ignored by most professionals and researchers.

But we will look not only at the past but also at the present and the future. A very topical issue that ISSP and Fepsac, the European association, are pursuing concerns the continuing education of psychologists. They are defining what are the paths not only educational but also of continuing education in sport psychology that are recognized internationally. Participation in this worldwide movement of professionals will become increasingly important and will allow easier accreditation of professionals who have done different training courses in different countries but the same in terms of hours of training, supervision and maintenance of the required update over time.



1970 i the foundation year of the first journal of sport psychology

This year is the 51st year since the International Journal of Sport Psychology (IJSP) was founded in 1970. We will publish two special issues, the first has a look back at the history of sport psychology and second look at the future perspective. Guest editors: Sidonio Serpa, Fabio Lucidi and Alberto Cei.

This journal was the very first dedicated specifically to sport psychology, and it was created almost 10 years before the Journal of Sport Psychology that was published for the first time only in 1979. I have heard many criticisms of the Journal, as it was called by Antonelli, being the editor together with John Salmela from 1988 to 1995. However, few people remember the many difficulties involved in its founding and development, how no publisher was willing to accept the burden of publishing a scientific journal for world-wide diffusion. Only when the Journal finally became well-known and become successful did some of the main publishing firms show interest in purchasing it. Initially the IJSP was supposed to be published in Norway, directed by Alfred Morgan Olsen – Norwegian School of Sport (1969-1992) and  ISSP vice-president – but problems arose with the publisher. In fact, Antonelli in the first issue wrote:

“The Managing Council appointed an Editorial Board (led by Olsen), and I, too, signed a contract with a Norwegian publisher. . .and I received a good number of subscriptions. Because of the problems that Dr Olsen refers to, I have found myself obliged to take on the position of Chief Editor and to find another publisher at all costs and without delay in order to start the journal. A journal that would inform all members … had become a necessity, a duty” (Antonelli, 1970, p. 3–4).

Antonelli found the person who would accept this challenge in his friend, the publisher Luigi Pozzi. Pozzi himself told me that when Antonelli proposed this enterprise just a few words were necessary to persuade him to accept. One can only agree with Salmela (1999), when he states that this was truly a heroic challenge, achieved only thanks to Antonelli’s solitary determination, without financial coverage:

“For $10 a year I am able to offer only two small, unassuming, issues, so there is another matter which I must reveal. When registration to the ISSP was free of charge, I received 1500 applications. When I asked for 10 dollars, not for the ISSP, that sustains no expenses and thus requires no money, but for the subscription, only 10% paid this fee. I have found a very understanding publisher, who has agreed to give up all his profit, and for this I publicly thank him from the bottom of my heart; but printing and mailing expenses are enormous. I will be able to print and send out the first issue with what I have received to date. And I will send it to all 1500 members. If necessary, I will then go ahead at my own expense … this is not an exhibition of crazy heroism … I am sure that when they receive this first issue, many members will pay the subscription fee for the second issue of 1970″ (Antonelli, 1970, p. 4–5).


Anniversary foundation of International Society of Sport Psychology

Good memories help! Thanks @NoceFranco. Watch the video.



José Maria Cagigal: A founder of sport psychology

José Maria Cagigal (1928 – Madrid) played a fundamental role to establish for the first time in the world an international network in the field of sport psychology, culminated in the foundation of the International Society of Sport Psychology. In fact, it was during the 4th Congress of the Groupement Latin de Medecine Physique et des Sports, Barcelona, 1963, that Ferruccio Antonelli, Michel Bouet and José Maria Cagigal discussed about their interest in the sport psychological aspect and speculated upon the organization of a worldwide congress. His key role was clearly recognized by Antonelli, in 1973, during the ISSP Congress: “I want to remember that, it’s not wrong, to say that the scientific Sport psychology was born in Spain.

Cagigal was the first director of the Institutos Nacionales de Educacion Fisica (INEF), the first founded in Madrid in 1967, where it was included the field of psychology, establishing a strict connection between the pedagogy and the sport psychology. He was one of the first to distinguish between the sport-business and the sport as a free movement of all people. His legacy will be remembered in Sevilla during the next ISSP Congress

JOSÉ MARÍA CAGIGAL - OBRAS SELECTAS - VOLUMENES I, II Y III (Coleccionismo Deportivo - Libros de Deportes - Otros)

Nikefobia is 48 years old

48 years ago came the first issue of the International Journal of Sport Psychology. In this issue was written the first article on nikefobia by Ferruccio Antonelli after in USA had appeared another of Ogilvie and Tutko. Since that time the issue of competitive anxiety has become one of the main objectives of any sport psychological preparation. Antonelli  distinguished it into four factors.

  • A growing sense of social and emotional isolation
  • A sense of guilt related to aggression and self-determination
  • Fear of being unable to repeat the previous performance
  • Fear of traditions and idols

No much  is changed!

Sport psychology 50 years since the 1° International Congress

Interesting and very usful article by Fabio Lucidi titled  ”From Rome 1965 to Rome 2015: Sport psychology fifty years since the first International Congress”, Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, XLII, 3, 2015, 381-394.


The first International Congress of Sport Psychology took place on April the 20th, 1965, in the Auditorium of the Italian Olympic Committee in Rome. The Congress, marking the beginning of Modern Era of this scientific field, was organized by a small group of pioneers, led by the Italian psychiatrist Ferruccio Antonelli. Exactly fifty years after, this historical occasion has been celebrated in the very same place of the Italian Olympic Committee Centre, in Rome, during the «International Society of Sport Psychology» 50th Anniversary’ Seminar. This recurrence represents the occasion to reflect on the past, and on the way in which the political and social facts have influenced the development of this scientific field and on the future, namely on the opportunities that it may reserve for sport psychologists.

The video of the International Society of Sport Psychology 50° Anniversary