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Youth sport: problems and solutions

Youth sport is becoming a great problem and an article published in the magazine of US Olympic Committee helps to understand what might be the reasons and proposals for solutions. I wrote in a short summary but the  article by Christine M. Brooks (Summer 2016) is certainly wider and interesting to read.

  • There is a high pediatric dropout rate from sports (between 2008 and 2013 there were 2.6 million fewer six to twelve year-old kids participating the six traditional sports).
  • Coaches are using higher training intensities at younger ages than ever before possibly causing long-term harm to young athletes (the LTAD model attempts to guide coaches about the appropriate training for children who are at different maturational phases).
  • There is an increase in childhood obesity and subsequent health problems (in the United States, 17 to 31 percent of children and adolescents are obese).
  • The principle of enjoyment embraces Mihály Csíkszentmihályi’s notion of ‘FLOW,’ that in turn, explains why individuals enjoy an activity. Approximately 40 percent of pediatric athletes in one survey claim they dropped out of sports because they were not having fun. The coaching goal is to train athletes in small, manageable learning steps so they remain in the zone of FLOW. Research indicates that educated coaches lower kids’ anxiety levels and lift their self-esteem.
  • The principle of striving for improvement involves enticing young athletes to constantly strive for the upper limits of their genetic potential while concurrently keeping them in FLOW. If they are out of ‘FLOW,’ it is theoretically impossible to motivate ongoing practice and striving, and therefore progress toward full genetic potential will be blunted.
  • The principle of appropriate training goes hand-in-hand with the child’s growth and maturation. The LTAD model attempts to match structural growth and maturation to the appropriate motor skill complexity and intensity of physical training.
  • The principle of doing no harm is at the basis of coaching. Four million school-age children in the US are injured while playing sports every year. The reason can partly be attributed to stressing a body that has immature balance and coordination beyond its capacity.

What motivation is for Arrigo Sacchi

Listen from Arrigo Sacchi what does it mean for him motivation, training and have a dream.

Risultati immagini per arrigo sacchi motivazione

Alex Ferguson’s winning rules

Alex Ferguson represents the history of football and a model of leadership studied all over the world. Below his ideas as he has told in his autobiography.
The construction of a football team - It must start from the youth activity, in order to build continuity in supplying players to the first team. The players grow together, producing a bond that, in turn, creates a spirit.
Inspire people to improve - “I have always been very proud to see the younger players as they develop.” In this way the work of a coach is similar to that of a teacher. He teaches the technical skills, the winning mentality and better people. This determines in young loyalty to the Club, since they are aware of the opportunities they have received.
Plan the future - The are players more than 30 years, those between 23 to 30 years and the younger. The success of a team is about four year cycle, and then changes are needed. The aim is to always know what is the team that you’ll want to have with an advance of a few years and decide accordingly.
Each training session is important – It must always be maintained a high training standards. They are important the motivational talks, team building, all the preparation of the team and talk about tactics. Do not ever allow an unsatisfactory training session. What you see in training occurs on the playing field. You always need quality, concentration, intensity and speed.
The talent always works hard – From the talents it must be expected a lot more than the others during the workouts. They should prove to be the best.
The locker room atmosphere must be always safeguarded – You have to wonder if someone is spoiling the atmosphere of the locker room, the team’s performance, and the control of the players and staff. If this happens you have to cut the cord. There is absolutely no other way. It does not matter if the person is the best player in the world. The long-term vision of the club is more important than any individual, and the coach has to be the most important in the club.
Encourage players - Nobody likes to be criticized, and there are few players who improve with criticism.  They should be encouraged. For a player, like any human being, there is nothing better than listening “Well done.” They are the two best words to listen. It is not necessary to use superlatives.
Correct the mistakes immediately - At the same time, in the locker room, it is necessary to indicate the mistakes when the players do not meet the expectations. This is when the criticism is important, immediately after the match, without waiting on Monday. After this time, you think about the next game and everything begins again.
In training we need to repeat – During the sessions the technical skills and tactics must be repeated.  The aim of each session is to learn and improve. This must be done even if the players can think “Here we go again”, because these repetitions help to win.
Manchester United style - Be positive, adventurous and take risks.
The observation - It’s an essential element of the skill management. The ability to see things is the key, more precisely, it refers to the ability to see things that you do not expect to see.
Change is a rule to follow - Typically who win does not think to change. It’s just the opposite. “We had to be successful — there was no other option for me—and I would explore any means of improving. I continued to work hard. I treated every success as my first. My job was to give us the best possible chance of winning. That is what drove me.”

Attentional training in shooting sports

Attentional training in shooting sports 

How to train the process to be focused under pressure

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What’s the most effective workout?

(by TIME July 6 2015)

Do you train to win?

We always talk with the expert athletes and their coaches about the relevance to repeat in the competition as they did in training. Thus the training prepares the athletes to develop and refine the skills necessary to successfully address the sport events. In this stage, the training relates only to a lesser extent on the technique acquisition, because this goal has been carried out in previous stages of the long-term athlete development (LTAD). What it’s then the training to win, following one of the best descriptions of this stage of the athletes’ sport career, by Canadian Sport for Life.

At the Train to Win stage of LTAD, training plans require double, triple or multiple periodization to accommodate the extremely high training volumes. Carefully designed periodization plans allow the high performance athlete to be able to express their full potential on competition day.

General considerations during Train to Win

  • Train athletes to peak for major competitions.
  • Performance outcomes take first priority.
  • Athletes must develop the ability to produce consistent performances on demand.
  • Coaches must ensure that training is characterized by high intensity and high volume.
  • Coaches must allow frequent preventative breaks to prevent physical and mental burnout.
  • Training must utilize periodization plans as the optimal framework of preparation, according to the periodization guidelines of the sport-specific LTAD plan.
  • The training to competition ratio should be adjusted to 25:75, with the competition percentage including competition-specific training activities.
  • Training targets include the maximization and maintenance of all athlete capacities.
  • Athletes must learn to adapt to different environments to perform their best.

The keywords in training youth: the rhythm

Few days ago finding myself having to prepare a training course for expert coaches, I thought on what it could be more interesting for them. Having few time I have tried to think of a key concept that I could leave them and that it could be just to represent and retrieve not only a word but a way of organizing the training, a way of approaching the boys, a way to management training. The key word on which I chose to reflect is rhythm. Rhythm of the training is a prerequisite for a good performance.

The rhythm is an orderly succession according to a certain frequency of any form of movement that takes place over time.

What happens in the different categories if it fails the right rhythm?
For “piccoli amici” (first category in Italian football school) to perform appropriate movements but with a low frequency and a consequent increase in waiting time will result in confusion, loss of attention and ultimately less fun for the kids.
Losing the rhythm of the “pulcini” (second category in Italian football school) in a workout means finding a team bored or subjected to excessive physical stress, in the case where the frequency of movements should be higher than the sustainable age of the children. The result will be a consequent increase in the injury probability.
The “esordienti” (third category) have more awareness of their right rhythm. A non adequate and excessive rhythm training comes a lack of confidence in their own ability. If the rhythm is low and they feel themselves not engaged in the coach proposal, there will be a lack of confidence in the coach competences.
How to give rhythm to training:

  • Right alternation of phases of activity and recovery
  • Adequate number of departures based on the number of players
  • Research of the athletes autonomy in the management of training (right times of departure)
  • Delete unnecessary pauses
  • Manage time regularly
  • Effective communication: brief, simple, essential
  • Precise management methods in launching the departures (1,2,3 away, ready way, whistle)

If the coaches are successful in giving and keep the right rhythm, they  will notice that the team members are dragged into the global movement, subordinating their own rhythm to the team, and often winning even fatigue. This situation in football will mean seeing many more children who manage independently their recovery and less that “belt shoes”.

“The child has the right to be trained at their own rhythm” (Art, 5 Children’s Rights Chart)

(by Daniela Sepio)

Mindfulness and marathon

Yesterday there was the webinar titled “The marathon mental coaching” and one question concerned the use of mindfulness in the marathon. If we mean with mindfulness “to allow the present to be as it is and to allow us to be, simply, in this present” (John Teasdale) this mental condition can certainly be useful to the marathon. During the long distance running the present is the stride or the breath. Learn how to listen it’s especially useful in the early pahses and in the end of the marathon, in which for the athletes is important to be aware of the reactions of the body. During the run the mindfulness can be differentiate from non-judgmental acceptance of the present, because the athletes may be aware that they are in trouble. For example, they realize that breathing became too frequent or the heart rate is too high, or even that the stride is becoming increasingly heavy. In these moments, the runners have to go in a state of mind more active, with the aim to reduce or counteract these feelings that are undermining the run.The runners maybe short the stride or slow down a few seconds the speed or shift the attention to other aspects, distracting from these debilitating feelings. Many runners use a dissociative strategy allowing to be focused on anything else but your own body. Paula Radcliffe said that in these moments she counts to 100, knowing that after she counted three times she ran another mile. Every runner has to find solutions during workouts. The marathon training is very challenging and difficult times met are used to find these answers and begin to put them into practice, so as to arrive at the day of the race the runners will be mentally prepared.

Creativity training: the 4 keywords

What is creativity?  In 1929  the mathematician Henri Poincare said: “Creativity means to combine existing elements with new connessions perceived as useful.” Being creative means breaking the existing rules to create others better than the old one.

Which is its role in football? Creativity is an essential part of football.
Often the training of creativity is perceived less relevant than the technical and tactical development and  it’s very often treated as a quality genetically determined: “That player is creative.” This is the reason why often the training of creativity can be mistakenly overlooked.
The creativity is influenced by both the age of the players, (for experiences and development level of coordination skills) and the different environmental situations during the practice (variety of tools and game conditions). This last aspect is part of the coaches’ creativity. During my experience with youth football I have observed and talked with many coaches. I have seen coaches change their proposals, renew their education, discover new tools, I saw them seek and stimulate their players’ creativity. On the other hand, I have seen many coaches blocked on their positions, more concerned about winning the “clash” without even knowing that the real name is “confront”, unwilling to change and learn and committed to criticize parents than to grow young athletes.
If you want to grow imaginative players, there is need to train coaches to know the tools and the situations stimulating creativity and imagination. Sports psychology is also involved on this track. If your child’s imagination goes coached, then it’s equally true that the coaches should know the way to stimulate the creativity. What is the coaches task to reach this goal? They have to propose new and different game situations accompanied by rich and challenging variations. They have continually to teach their players to seek new solutions, to allow the young athletes to acquire an important competence linked to soccer practice.
Infact,in Brazil, which is one of the best schools of football technique in the world, creativity is stressed even before technical skills, which are realized consequently and simultaneously.
It is certainly undeniable that there are people more creative than others, but creativity can be stimulated and trained. At first, we can start by knowing the 4 key words related to the training of creativity:


  • Clear and simple rules
  • No criticism and judgments at work ideational
  • Give everyone the same opportunities and attention
  • Stimulate divergent thoughts


  • The psychological freedom lowers defenses. Even the extravagant and granted ideas  must be listened and welcomed
  • Permit freedom of action. Choose, some times, to indicate only the expected result: the young athletes will choose and invent the path to achieve


  • Avoid the closure with the outside. The children must be able to grow and learn especially by comparison


  • Fun working. The fun and uninhibited training climate  encourages the search for alternatives

“In his greatness, genius disdains the beaten track and search unexplored regions” (Abraham Lincoln)

(by Daniela Sepio)

Tennis, mental breaks make losing matches

I am becoming convinced that for many young tennis players from which it would be realistic to expect better performances and  results than they get usually, one significant improvement factor lies in improving the training quality . In large part, it consists not to do different things but to practice with higher intensity and persistency; the same they would want to show in the court. During the match at the players isasked to play steadily and suitable for their level for a long period of time, while in training this request is often absent. Coaches and psychologists should work together to help the tennis players to fill this gap. The question is: “How can we play focused for at least 90 minutes, if in training this limit is never reached or if  the players accept that there are breaks in which the concentration is reduced to a minimum?”

If it’s true, as it is, that players are trained to repeat what they have learned in training in the match, repeating concerns not only the technique but also keep concentration, minimizing the mental breaks, which instead in the game often represent the main obstacle to play at the best.