Tag Archive for 'creatività'

The future of football between algorithms and creativity

If soccer is the last religious ritual of the laity, based on the fact that the goal is that rare event during the game that can happen at any instant and change the face of a game, the algorithms proposed by Wall Street Football, a start-up that deals with soccer, can destroy the emotions generated by this simple rule and make the game predictable, thus boring in the eyes of all fans.

Every company has the right to pursue its own goals, which in this case were well expressed by ceo Giovanni Bertoli when he states that it is possible to predict the footballer’s performance: shots, goals, fouls made and suffered, any action. It is an excellent opportunity offered to bookmakers who have to set odds but also for fans, for fantasy soccer. Soccer clubs could use it to get to know the players, and in the future a coach would know when and whether to replace a particular player, taking advantage of the possibility of having the data during the game in real time.

I agree with the use of the data that can be collected, but have the effects of this approach on the coach and the players been studied? Will doing the right thing at the right time be determined only by the data that comes to them or will the subjectivity of the coach continue to play an important role? Will coaches filter this information according to their own ideas or will they be induced to use it without any critical reflection? Will players become prisoners of the algorithm that will suggest how to play or will they still use creativity to get out of difficult situations?

And then why hasn’t it been studied how to apply the algorithm to the coach’s behaviors during the game to identify the effects of his leadership, finding out what percentage produces effective results and at what stages of the game. If he fills the role of leader as everyone claims, his leadership style should have a significant influence on the players, why hasn’t there been a study of how to improve his directions by scouting his behavior?

In essence, let’s not take away from the game of soccer the unpredictability of the outcome, which is determined by the subjectivity of individual players, their interactions as a team, and the coach’s behaviors, because no one wants to see perfect soccer players moving like toy soldiers coached by the coach-algorithm.

Today constraints could open our mind?

Read this information trying to think if the constraints we live today can help us open our mind and channel our creativity.

Ravi Mehta, Meng Zhu, Creating When You Have Less: The Impact of Resource Scarcity on Product Use Creativity, Journal of Consumer Research, 42(5), 2016, 767–782.

As we become a more abundant society, do our average creativity levels decrease?

Findings from recent research support this proposition. In accordance with our line of reasoning, the analysis of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking performance data over the past five decades indicates that in spite of the rise in IQ scores, creative thinking scores have significantly decreased since 1990, especially for kindergarteners through third grade students (Kim 2011).

Various lines of research suggest a possible negative correlation between resource availability and creativity and Historians have suggested a negative relationship between overconsumption and innovation.

The literature on:

  • Materialism shows that high levels of material values are negatively associated with individuals’ intellectual and spiritual development
  • Consumption and society argues that creativity is incompatible with the repetitiveness of modern mass production, which is shifting the culture from one that was intellectually challenging into one that is harried, familiar, and entertaining.
  • Paradoxes of technology suggests that while innovation and technology provide various benefits such as freedom, control, and efficiency, they could also usurp human motivation and skills, leading to dependence, ineptitude, and disengagement

Creativity training: the 4 keywords

What is creativity?  In 1929  the mathematician Henri Poincare said: “Creativity means to combine existing elements with new connessions perceived as useful.” Being creative means breaking the existing rules to create others better than the old one.

Which is its role in football? Creativity is an essential part of football.
Often the training of creativity is perceived less relevant than the technical and tactical development and  it’s very often treated as a quality genetically determined: “That player is creative.” This is the reason why often the training of creativity can be mistakenly overlooked.
The creativity is influenced by both the age of the players, (for experiences and development level of coordination skills) and the different environmental situations during the practice (variety of tools and game conditions). This last aspect is part of the coaches’ creativity. During my experience with youth football I have observed and talked with many coaches. I have seen coaches change their proposals, renew their education, discover new tools, I saw them seek and stimulate their players’ creativity. On the other hand, I have seen many coaches blocked on their positions, more concerned about winning the “clash” without even knowing that the real name is “confront”, unwilling to change and learn and committed to criticize parents than to grow young athletes.
If you want to grow imaginative players, there is need to train coaches to know the tools and the situations stimulating creativity and imagination. Sports psychology is also involved on this track. If your child’s imagination goes coached, then it’s equally true that the coaches should know the way to stimulate the creativity. What is the coaches task to reach this goal? They have to propose new and different game situations accompanied by rich and challenging variations. They have continually to teach their players to seek new solutions, to allow the young athletes to acquire an important competence linked to soccer practice.
Infact,in Brazil, which is one of the best schools of football technique in the world, creativity is stressed even before technical skills, which are realized consequently and simultaneously.
It is certainly undeniable that there are people more creative than others, but creativity can be stimulated and trained. At first, we can start by knowing the 4 key words related to the training of creativity:


  • Clear and simple rules
  • No criticism and judgments at work ideational
  • Give everyone the same opportunities and attention
  • Stimulate divergent thoughts


  • The psychological freedom lowers defenses. Even the extravagant and granted ideas  must be listened and welcomed
  • Permit freedom of action. Choose, some times, to indicate only the expected result: the young athletes will choose and invent the path to achieve


  • Avoid the closure with the outside. The children must be able to grow and learn especially by comparison


  • Fun working. The fun and uninhibited training climate  encourages the search for alternatives

“In his greatness, genius disdains the beaten track and search unexplored regions” (Abraham Lincoln)

(by Daniela Sepio)

Be creative needs a lot of work

Today an interesting article by Carlo Rovelli published on laRepubblica talks about the scientific creativity. He says that comes from the total immersion in the current knowledge. “To get it intensely, to live immersed in it.” Being into the problems until you find the door that nobody noticed until that moment, and open a door toward a new knowledge. In other words, new ideas come only to those who have worked very hard. It’s the claim that the Nobel prize Subrahhmanyan Chandrasekhar expresses to Rovelli during a dinner: “To do good physics is not necessary to be particularly intelligent. What it needs it’s a lot of work.”

It’s strange, says Carlo Rovelli in another article- but perhaps the most beautiful description of how science works, and its a long time, has given Plato, in his “seventh” letter, sent to Dione family in Syracuse, when he describes the activity of the true “seeker of truth”: “After much effort, when names, definitions, comments and other sensitive data, are brought into contact with the bottom and compared with each other, in the course of scrutiny and a friendly but stern examination done by men who proceed by questions and answers, and no ulterior motives, at the end with a sudden flash shines, for any problem, understanding, and clarity of intelligence, the effects of which, express the extreme limits of human power.”

The same think Alain Connes, mathematician, always reported by Rovelli in his article: “You study, study, study again, then one day, studying, there is a strange feeling: « but not, it cannot be so, here there is something else again.» “From that moment, you’re a scientist.”

Each of us should reflect on these words from Plato to today are repeated with conviction, wondering if sometimes our disappointments and our results below the expectations not derive simply from not be very well prepared.