Monthly Archive for March, 2018

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The coaches have to be able to assess their professional experiences

A key factor for the improvement of the work of the coaches is the ability to evaluate their professional experience, with particular emphasis on the interactions with the athletes or team in training and in competition. The coaches must evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the work done, the reactions of the athletes and the difficulties and the solutions proposed.

This task must be carried out continuously over time, focusing on what happens during the workout and in competition.It is, therefore, not an episodic activity that takes place because they have to solve a problem, but it must be planned as an activity should be part of the usual way of doing things. In this sense, the coaches are facilitators, since they encourage the creation of a suitable climate to carry out training, developing the athletes’ competitiveness and their winning mentality. The coaches have to think to their professional experiences and need to be aware of:

  1. the decisions they take,
  2. the parameters that will enable to know that the training has been effective,
  3. the expectations about their athletes in connection with the training/competitions they perform,
  4. the difficulties they may face and the solutions to be adopted,
  5. how to deal with the competitions and how to evaluate the results,
  6. the plan to deal with unforeseen and unexpected events,
  7. what makes a successful or unsuccessful  season,
  8. how they might handle the tough times that will inevitably arise,
  9. how to face with the stress related to their profession,
  10. how they work with the staff and the management.

Conversation with Albert Bandura

How to produce a first-class paper that will get published

  • The discussion section is so weak that it’s obvious the writer does not clearly understand the existing literature. Writers should put their results into a global context to demonstrate what makes those results significant or original.
  • In the conclusion, include a one- or two-sentence statement on the research you plan to do in the future and on what else needs to be explored.
  • ‘What’s new’ element is buried. Answering one central question — What did you do? — is the key to finding the structure of a piece. Every section of the manuscript needs to support that one fundamental idea.
  • Scientific authors are often scared to make confident statements with muscularity. The result is turgid or obfuscatory writing that sounds defensive, with too many caveats and long lists — as if the authors are writing to fend off criticism that hasn’t been made yet.
  • The reader’s job is to pay attention and remember what they read. The writer’s job is to make those two things easy to do.
  • Humans are story-telling animals. If we don’t engage that aspect of ourselves, it’s hard to absorb the meaning of what we’re reading. Scientific writing should be factual, concise and evidence-based, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be creative.
  • Structure is paramount. If you don’t get the structure right, you have no hope.
  • I co-wrote a paper (B. Mensh and K. Kording PLoS Comput. Biol.; 2017) that lays out structural details for using a context–content–conclusion scheme to build a core concept.
  • It’s crucial to focus your paper on a single key message, which you communicate in the title.
  • They need to explain why the findings are interesting and how they affect a wider understanding of the topic. Authors should also reassess the existing literature and consider whether their findings open the door for future work.
  • There have been no in-depth studies linking the quality of writing to a paper’s impact, but a recent one (N. Di Girolamo and R. M. Reynders J. Clin. Epidemiol. 85, 32–36; 2017) shows that articles with clear, succinct, declarative titles are more likely to get picked up by social media or the popular press.
  • If you write in a way that is accessible to non-specialists, you are not only opening yourself up to citations by experts in other fields, but you are also making your writing available to laypeople, which is especially important in the biomedical fields.

Book review: Francesco Panetta – Io corro da solo

Io corro da solo

Francesco Panetta

Gemini Grafica Editrice, 2017

«Molti libri sono stati scritti intorno all’atletica e alla corsa e soprattutto al mondo della corsa lunga. Lo faccio anch’io, evitando però di dare consigli a chi ama la disciplina. Ho realizzato questa pubblicazione con un’impronta diversa. Racconto delle mie esperienze, iniziando da quando ragazzino correvo con i miei amici in Calabria: il primo paio di scarpe da “tennis”, la prima corsa, l’arrivo a Milano. In queste 150 pagine non ci sono né tempi, né allenamenti, ma storie: la Pro Patria, i sogni, le mie opinioni sull’atletica e, nel trentesimo anniversario del mio successo Mondiale nelle siepi a Roma, un lungo capitolo dedicato a quella che è stata la mia grande impresa, senza tralasciare l’Europeo vinto tre anni dopo a Spalato nella stessa distanza».

Riporto le caratteristiche psicologico di Panetta che emergono dall’intervista raccolta da Roberta Orsenigo.

Lottare ”Era una mia caratteristica. Per me significava esprimere la mia forza fisica e mentale, non certo per spaventare gli altri. Io salivo sul ring e stabilivo la mia legge”.

Avventura ”Correre contro un avversario è come praticare la pesca d’altura, tu non sai quanto è grosso il pesce che hai all’amo, ma nemmeno lui sa quanto grosso e cazzuto sei tu. Vince spesso il più astuto, non il più forte”.

Motivazione interiore ”Ho sempre corso per me stesso, un viaggio durato quasi vent’anni. E’ uno sport individuale, la mente non la spegni mai. Devi avere la presunzione di essere sempre il migliore, la convinzione di essere il più forte”.

Allenatore eccellente ”Giorgio Rondelli sapeva come correvano i miei avversari, era sempre in campo con me, mi motivava. Il tecnico non deve solo preparare le tabelle, ma deve essere una presenza costante nella vita di un atleta”.

Fisico e Testa ”Si diventa campioni con il fisico, la testa e grazie alle persone che ti consigliano. Il talento non basta. E’ come studiare sempre”.

Sfidarsi ”Ogni volta che stabilivo un personale, Rondelli mi faceva competere con i meno bravi. Mi diceva: solo quando riuscirai a tener a bada i più lenti, allora potrai confrontarti con i migliori. Allenarsi significa imparare a fare le cose che non sai fare”.

Passione ”Perché correvo? Correvo perché mi piaceva andare forte, migliorarmi. Se potessi tornare indietro, però, non vorrei ritrovarmi sul rettilineo della pista di Roma, ma in quel paesino finlandese dove ho passato ore ad allenarmi. Oppure a Nova Milanese, quando correvo dietro la bicicletta del mio allenatore”.

Juve-Milan has been the first football match watched in TV

On 5 February 1950 the Rai broadcasts live the football match Juventus-Milan for the city of Turin, Italy. The Milan with the three attackers called Gre-No-Li Trident swept the bianconeri to 7-1. It was, however, only an experiment: Rai would start broadcasting officially only four years later.

Risultati immagini per juventus milan 1950 1-7