Monthly Archive for February, 2014

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Special stress of football commanders-in-chief

In football there is a growing generation of coaches commander-in-chief, always protagonists. The controversy between Conte (Juventus coach) and Capello (former Juventus coach and now Russia coach) is one example. The important thing is not to accept the criticism but attack. Coaches today are little Caesars, to the great power received by the clubs and the desire to be protagonists, even when it would not be the case. They play the role of the leader always at war, unsheathe aggression, not controlled anger, they want the center of the scene, Trapattoni, Liedholm and Boškov, with equal charisma, had the irony of which today the coaches lack. I think to always need enemies to recharge yourself  is a very expensive way to live,  role of the coach requires to be perfectionists without necessarily being against the world. In any case communication styles are personal and coach should feel free to express how he feels better.

5,30 or 6, fired or promoted

I want to say clearly, too often today parents are the main obstacle to the development of self-esteem of their children. They attack teachers and at the same time cultivate the reasons that induce their children to not be able to tolerate the slightest frustration. There are parents who believe that the commitment, and dedication to the task are not necessary. Cultivate the culture of blame of others (teachers and coaches) and not the culture of their responsibilities as parents towards their children .

Years ago my daughter I explained the difference between taking 5,30 or 6 at school. I told her that probably there was no difference between what they knew students who took these two votes. Sometimes teachers would also have been able to make mistakes exchanging two votes. But you must remember one thing: who gets 6 will be promoted and who gets 5:30 is rejected. Her goal was to stay on the positive side and not the negative , therefore I said: take responsibility and choose where you want to be . This is the reality ! Parents should remember that they are the primary educators of their children’s future .

In football the parents stress too much their sons

Cesare Prandelli, coach of the Italian football team, said in a conference dedicated to the activity in youth football, that ” the real problem is not the children but the parents … I ‘ve tried to train them for eight months, but then I left: they put too much pressure, when it must be the time to accept the mistakes. The child himself is careful to understand the future, with the worry of the family all becomes more difficult. It’s true that the difficulties will shape the character but it’s also true that in this way is harder emerge”. Unfortunately he’s right and the coaches of young people are harassed by parents, who accuse them of not develop the talent of their children. We know that the self-confidence is developed through the reactions that adults have errors. If the adult communicates ” okay, continues to commit ” the young boys will understand that mistakes are a normal and physiological occurrences during the  training and that the most important goal is to persevere in maintaining the commitment. This is the approach that we must have to learn everything from math to soccer. Parents should show this attitude at regards of every task of their children. Many parents , however, are prey to their own problems and then they magically would like to be realized through the success of their children, but without teaching what is the path to achieve it and without giving them the time to grow up. And when I say success, I mean the feeling of being involved in an activity for the pleasure of it and why you are having fun .

Roma does not have a winning mind

Roma is playing a  very positive championship. In fact, this year it has become a competitive team, showing how to win the most games with minimal losses. It’s on the right track to achieve a winning mentality, which means getting into the pitch with the confidence to cope successfully face any team. Compared to what it has been shown up to now, Roma has not yet reached this milestone, I testify, in my opinion, who has suffered two defeats in the two most important games he played. The match against Juventus in the league, which would allow her to continue to exert strong pressure on Juve same and the one against Napoli in the Italian Cup. In both lost the confrontation with the opponent in a clear way. The next step will be to maintain the same strong conviction even in the big games, which determine the difference between a good season and a great one.

Consciouness is the first step of mental coaching

The awareness can be defined as the “miracle that, in a heartbeat, draws our mind and reassemble it, allowing us to live every moment of our lives” (Thich Nhat Hanh). Jack Kornfield has described it as “the innate human ability to deliberately pay full attention to the situation in which we find ourselves, to our practical experiences, and learn from them.”

Awareness is the basis of mental coaching, maximize learning and improve performance requires an understanding of ourselves and the emotions that underlie it.  The consciousness of this moment  is specific to each activity and determines the condition of readiness for action: a global psycho-physical state, involving what is going to happen, that is the performance.

Young prisoners become football coaches

Sport as a tool for social integration, learning to teach football to enter in the world of work. It was concluded January 28 the second Course  for future youth coaches ​​organized in Lazio by Italian Football Federation (FIGC) for young held in the prison “Casal del Marmo” in Rome. Young Italians, Romanians, North Africans and of other nationalities have received from Luca Pancalli, President of the Youth and Scholastic Dept. of Italian Football Federation,  a diploma that will permit them to attend to a Course for FIGC coaches, when they come out from the prison. An important first step in a process that in the coming months could bring these young to work for clubs, not only in Lazio but also in other Italian regions.

“It ‘ a very fulfilling experience – explains the regional coordinator of the SGS -FIGC Lazio, Patrizia Minocchi – made ​​possible by a staff of coaches, sport psychologists, and physicians really good. There were about twenty guys who have taken the Course and all did  the final exam, which involved  a project work and a practical test in the pitch.  The night before the exam many of them did not sleep for the excitement. The next Course is expected to begin by the end of May. “We have also decided to make a documentary film – says Patrizia Minocchi – because we would like to repeat this teaching model throughout the country. Football has a truly universal language and it is right that everyone can see the results of this wonderful experience.”

Kate Hansen warm-up dancing

The warm-up is often a boring and repetitive job. At Sochi Olympic Games Kate Hansen, US luge athlete, has decided to change it in a more funny way.

Surf, skateboard and parkour: sport as a life style

In recent years there has been a huge explosion of non-traditional sports to be practiced on the streets and on the walls of the cities with a strong emotional impact for young practitioners. The main one is parkour, meaning “fighter track” that consists in moving from one point to another as efficiently as possible with all forms of movement.

Parkour.NET to preserve parkour’s philosophy against sport competition and rivalry. In the words of Erwan LeCorre: “Competition pushes people to fight against others for the satisfaction of a crowd and/or the benefits of a few business people by changing its mindset. Parkour is unique and cannot be a competitive sport unless it ignores its altruistic core of self development. If parkour becomes a sport, it will be hard to seriously teach and spread parkour as a non-competitive activity. And a new sport will be spread that may be called parkour, but that won’t hold its philosophical essence anymore.” Red Bull’s sponsored athlete for parkour, Ryan Doyle, has said, “Sometimes people ask, ‘Who is the best at parkour?’ and it is because they don’t understand what Parkour is; ‘Who is the best?’ is what you would say to a sport, and Parkour is not a sport, it is an art, it’s a discipline.

David Belle, is considered the founder of Parkour , and the idea of ​​this activity that combines athletic and acrobatic gymnastics came to George Hebert, who before World War I, promoted a type of physical activity based on that of the native Africans. But in the promotion of forms of physical activity such as real lifestyles, surfers in California were those from the ’60s have spread this way of life, and it is no coincidence that the first form of urban sport, that has become widespread in those years is a modification of the surfboard, which turned in skateboard.

To remember those who in that time began this practice I suggest to see the film Dogtown and Z-Boys , dedicated to young who spread this new activity.


The art comes from walking

A central characteristic of  Hamish Fulton has always been a direct physical engagement with landscape. Fulton’s time as a student at St. Martin’s College of Art in London (1966-68) and his journeys in South Dakota and Montana in 1969, encouraged him to think that art could be ‘how you view life’, and not tied necessarily to the production of objects. He began to make short walks, and then to make photographic works about the experience of walking.

At this time, and subsequently, his practice was influenced by an unusually broad set of interests including the subject of the environment and the culture of American Indians. In 1973, having walked 1,022 miles in 47 days from Duncansby Head (near John O’Groats) to Lands End, Fulton decided to ‘only make art resulting from the experience of individual walks.’ Since then the act of walking has remained central to Fulton’s practice. He has stated ‘If I do not walk, I cannot make a work of art’ and has summed up this way of thinking in the simple statement of intent: ‘no walk, no work’. Although only Fulton experiences the walk itself, the texts and photographs he presents in exhibitions and books allow us to engage with his experience.

Physical activity as a basic vital sign

Physical activity has been shown to reduce health care costs, prevent chronic disease, enhance productivity and improve quality of life. Numerous studies reinforce the common-sense principle of maintaining health through physical activity and exercise and with its ability to treat and prevent obesity, diabetes, heart and bone disease and other chronic conditions, exercise is powerful medicine, indeed. For these reasons in US 50 universities, scientific and professional organizations have wrote to Barack Obama to emphasize in his State of the Union Address the relevance of the promotion of the physical activity. The main points of the letter are:

  • Public education programs to ensure that all Americans understand the benefits of healthy lifestyles and how to take advantage of the range of options open to them;
  • Professional education so that health professionals consider physical activity a vital sign like blood pressure and cholesterol levels, to be monitored and tracked regularly;
  • Electronic Medical Records that include fields for physical activity. As health provider systems convert to EMRs, they can easily begin to track exercise as a vital sign;
  • Medical school curricula that give all physicians an adequate grounding in how to counsel patients on healthy lifestyles, and
  • Increased opportunities for underserved populations to enjoy exercise and physical activity, by addressing disparities in the built environment, access to equipment and other barriers.