Tag Archive for 'Prandelli'

Prandelli leaves Fiorentina bench

Useless and harmful the match against the Ireland

Useless and harmful for injuries Montolivo and Aquilani the friendly match against Ireland. Italy did not win, as it has often happened in the past in the games leading up to the World Cup. Few holders in the field and many of those who were supposed to get noticed to find a place in the group they did not begin stood out. These games are good for nothing, they do not improve the player confidence and likely tthey leave a mood of dissatisfaction in all. Prandelli must make choices but I think that what we have seen in training should be more than enough to decide, especially knowing the Italian players that in the friendly matches rarely enter the field with a competitive and fighting attitude. So why play these matches, especially against a determined  and athletic opponent as the Irish, ey thhave repeatedly touched the goal and they wanted to win. Our players, as usual, did the least with the presumption to get the most .

In football the parents stress too much their sons

Cesare Prandelli, coach of the Italian football team, said in a conference dedicated to the activity in youth football, that ” the real problem is not the children but the parents … I ‘ve tried to train them for eight months, but then I left: they put too much pressure, when it must be the time to accept the mistakes. The child himself is careful to understand the future, with the worry of the family all becomes more difficult. It’s true that the difficulties will shape the character but it’s also true that in this way is harder emerge”. Unfortunately he’s right and the coaches of young people are harassed by parents, who accuse them of not develop the talent of their children. We know that the self-confidence is developed through the reactions that adults have errors. If the adult communicates ” okay, continues to commit ” the young boys will understand that mistakes are a normal and physiological occurrences during the  training and that the most important goal is to persevere in maintaining the commitment. This is the approach that we must have to learn everything from math to soccer. Parents should show this attitude at regards of every task of their children. Many parents , however, are prey to their own problems and then they magically would like to be realized through the success of their children, but without teaching what is the path to achieve it and without giving them the time to grow up. And when I say success, I mean the feeling of being involved in an activity for the pleasure of it and why you are having fun .

Great the Italian football team; but next year it will be necessary a better mental condition

The Italian football team has played in the tournament  growing every match in determination and toughness, that is what journalists are defined in terms of  ”playing with the heart.” It’s certainly a psychological skill extremely positive and important in view of the World Cup of the next year. I am convinced that another field to better know each player and the team as a whole is to identify the strengths and weaknesses with regard to the focus skills and situations during the match that may affect it in a negative way. In fact, the Italian team while proving to be quite tenacious and combative but in some matches it lived phases of mental emptiness, lack of concentration, which has undergone many goals. In addition, during a long competition like the football world cup, the players need to know how to recover from the mental fatigue and not just physical. Knowing how to relax can become a winning strategy to minimize mental fatigue and to focus on the next game effectively. Balance between concentration and relaxation represents a point of arrival to provide excellent performances. A year separates us from this great sport event and I hope they do not continue to think only of the physical recovery and athletic condition but Prandelli also wants to use a more scientific approach to the management of mental abilities.

El Shaarawy crisis

It’s still continuing the Stephan El Shaarawy’s crisis, Milan football player, after a good first half of the season, he played a rather subdued the second part and this crisis seems to continue in the national team. Crisis are quite common in young players and, maybe future champions, as it is not easy to maintain high performance levels when everyone expects it to be so.

Many athletes feel these emotions and should have to follow a program of psychological coaching to train mentally to handle them effectively. I hope that Prandelli, the Italian team coach, is not one of those coaches that says “do not worry, as soon as you score a goal all these thinks get out.”

The main training mode are the following:

  • Relaxation associated with mental rehearsal of the performance – it’s about knowing how to relax reducing usefulness tensions and charging with those who promote the performance.
  • Identification of the optimal emotional state – Allows the player to train himself to stay in the optimal psychological condition, experienced in the past on the occasion of his best performances.
  • Simulation – Replicate the match conditions in training helps to improve  the performance and prepare for the unexpected situations that may occur. Consists, for example, in producing in training stimuli that may distract the athlete from the execution of his performance.
  • Acceptance of competitive stress – It’s essential to accept that the emotional condition felt before the game is an important individual reaction; it emphasizes the value that is attributed to that match. In fact, without the stress perception the matches would only other workouts. Instead, they are carried out to prove  to ourselves our competitive value through comparison with others.

Prandelli e il coraggio

Come credo che sia giusto dopo la finale di euro 2012 tutti i commenti sono stati positivi e tesi a valorizzare il lavoro svolto e il risultato raggiunto. Ci sarà tempo per la valutazione e per capire come si deve migliorare in previsione dei mondiali. I giornali di oggi riportano alcune idee interessanti e necessarie che Prandelli vuole realizzare e vediamo se Federazione e Club lo permetteranno. Mi è piaciuto il suo commento sulla opportunità di mostrare ancora più coraggio di quello che ha avuto durante gli europei. Questo in riferimento a non avere fatto giocare chi non era stanco e che avrebbe potuto inserire al posto ad esempio di Chiellini e di Motta. Forse il risultato non sarebbe cambiato ma non lo sapremo mai. La mia idea è che dovrebbe giocare chi sta meglio ed è più in forma in quel giorno. Capisco che non sia facile avere questo atteggiamento, ma se fossi il suo coach gli suggerirei di migliorare su questo aspetto.

Heart and ideas

Prandelli ha detto che la nazionale ha giocato con il cuore e con idee. Tradotto con parole meno legate al modo di parlare quotidiano si può dire che l’Italia ha giocato motivata e ha dimostrato una mentalità vincente. Motivata significa sapere che la qualità del gioco dipende dall’impegno individuale e collettivo e lo si vuole fare. Mentalità vincente si manifesta nella convinzione di sapere affrontare con successo la prossima partita. Ecco perché non si può fare a meno di cuore e idee.

Italy goes

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Does Prandelli use the sport sciences?

Ma qualcuno gli può dire che oltre ai test fisici, per capire chi è più in condizione e chi meno, esiste la psicologia, che potrebbe fornirgli utili indicazioni, altrettanto scientifiche, per capire chi ha la mentalità per giocare partite importanti con uno spirito combattivo e vincente.

Mind has not been called in Italian football team

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.