Tag Archive for 'figli'

10 reasons to walk everyday

Knowledge takes place through movement: start walking again at least half an hour every day.

  1. Walking awakens every muscle in the body, not just the legs.
  2. Walking is a time to spend with other people but also in solitude
  3. Walking improves our mood
  4. Walking is just for all ages
  5. Walking is the only activity in common with every human being from thousands of years
  6. Walking has been and is the primary activity to know and expand our territory
  7. Walking on one’s own legs is what parents teach their children
  8. Walking is the basis of running, jumping, throwing and any other form of movement.
  9. Walking into the nature stimulates watching, smelling and the sound of one’s own footsteps
  10. Walking is a free activity

How  do  you  want  to  be?


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“Too Small to Fail” very useful for parents and adults

Read Too Small to Fail very useful for parents and adults.

Focusing. Creating. Cooperating. Communicating. These are all important skills children learn when we play with them! Through play, children learn how to problem solve, work together, explore physical movements, overcome challenges, and much more. Play helps children develop critical social-emotional and language skills that will help prepare them for success in school and in life.

As children’s first and best playmates, parents and caregivers play a powerful role in nurturing these skills from birth. Here are a few tips on how you can encourage learning through play:

  • Make the most of your time playing with your child. From they day they are born, children learn through the everyday moments they share with their parents and caregivers. Check out these helpful tips from ZERO TO THREE.

Keep a box of everyday objects like plastic bottles, empty containers or old clothes for dress up. These are great items to help children spark their imagination. Through creative play, children explore the world in their own way, which is important for learning and development. Check out Raising Children Network for fun creative play activities.

The parental narcissism: when to take the field are not just children’s dreams

“My son wanted to dance then obviously chose football.” So many questions jumped in my head when a coach- dad told me this sentence. I thought: of course, for whom? Who Has chosen? Who is happy now?

Some of these thought I also turn to this dad, unsuccessfully of course, because the narcissism has no eyes and no ears pointing to something other than his dreams and his ideas.
The parents suffering of narcissism are those who love themselves more than anything. Narcissists parents  claim a certain behavior from their children because they perceive them as an extension of themselves, and they need that children represent them in the pitch as in the world, to satisfy the parents’ emotional needs. These features bring the parents to be very intrusive in some cases, and completely overlooking in others. If the unmet need is related to football, the son will play it also if no one has ever asked him. The parents meet their need and strengthen their self-image while the child is there to feel the one that inevitably never goes quite well. The child, in these cases, while the impression of belonging to a special breed, he has also the fear of being less interesting than others expect and swings from a sense of superiority, which is likely to make it unpleasant to others, to a sense of inferiority that makes other unpleasant to him.

The narcissist parents are controlling, criticals, self-centered, intolerants toward others, unaware of the chidren’s needs. The usual feeling that these children live is to never be quite well. This feeling of frustration inevitably tend to generate lack of self-confidence.
The interactive dynamic established in these cases has several outlets: either the child adapts him-self to the paretnts’ pressure without apparent disorders (which could explode later in time) or, the balance is broken and the child loudly voice the need to be accepted as a person and not as a “parents’ shadow.” This last reaction can hardly be expressed with clarity and more frequent will determine what it’s called “difficult behaviors”: rebellion, lies, aggression.

The parents’ love to their child is unquestionable, but it often happens that a positive and generous orientation it becomes a negative mechanism, because the  affection is not  enough respectful of the identity separate of the young. The parents to play a positive must be aware of the children needs children and committed to support and develop them during the developing years.

Probably each of us carries a physiological form of narcissism leading us to be accepted by the others, and if this does not become an obsession no one will be damaged. Here are some questions to ask yourself to assess their degree of narcissism:

  • I want to always be the recognition of others in order to be satisfied?
  • My daily life is too oriented to the judgment of others?
  • My focus is oriented toward the others’ feedback?
  • I tend to devalue my son in front of his failure?
  • I asked my son what does he really like? What does he want to do? What are his dreams?

In our society, narcissism hits and influences the art of being parents, often we forget that to provide a home, clothes or the latest technology does not mean to be good parents, because the children need a long and continuous work of tuning their emotional states, desires and thoughts  and that we teach them how to cope the every day life.
“There are two lasting things that we can bequeath to our children roots and wings.”    (William Hodding Carter II )


(By Daniela Sepio)

So little and already sedentary

I wrote yesterday about the relevant role played by parents in determining the lifestyle physically active or passive of their children. Today, the results of the research titled “Piccoli più” have been presented and unfortunately they are not positive for the Italian parents. This study is a national project funded and promoted by the National Centre for Prevention and Disease Control – Ministry of Health. The research is based on the observation of 3000 children in five Italian cities. The participants were studied through questionnaires completed by parents and visits at 6, 12, 24 months of life. Unfortunately, the results demonstrate the negative role played by many parents in the first year of life, that with their lifestyle stimulate the children to a sedentary lifestyle.

Healthy weight – Comparing the weights and heights of children participating in the project with the guidelines of the World Health Organization it has been showed that at 12 months 23.4% of males and 22.1% of females is above the threshold used to define overweight. Childhood obesity is already present in the first year.

Accidents in the 1st year of life – The 21.2% of the children had an accident in the first 12 months of life, largely a fall from a mezzanine floor which necessitated the emergency room.

Use of TV, PC and tablet – 72% of parents stated that the child of one year uses the television or other electronic media (PC, tablet, smartphone) with no difference between weekdays or weekends. In 21% of cases the exposure is already more than 1 hour per day. The 8% of parents said to leave the child alone in front of the television.

Moving – Only 1 in 4 women have practiced sport during pregnancy on regular basis. Also 1 in 3 women reported having risen at least once a week in activities like walking or cycling on average for 3-4 hours a week.

Educate the youth to the daily life

The main task that should absolve the parents  is to educate their children in the sense of reality. I say this because among young athletes is not well developed, and often these young have totally unrealistic expectations, because they are not based on what they are to do but on what they want to achieve. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is already present in boys and girls 11/12 years. On the tennis courts are seen kids slamming their racket to the ground or kicking, swearing against themselves or get depressed after having made ​​a mistake. In every sport you see parents that when their sons make mistakes, they give some advice to remove even that small anxiety that comes after an error. I’s an educational anxiety that drives to find the solution by themselves but instead it was not taken them this opportunity to learn from mistakes. The parents in this way prevent young to grow, to understand they value as athletes and to react autonomously to the difficulties. How many parents calmly say: “you were wrong, it’s fine, work to improve, keep trying and do your best, everything else does not matter.” You do not win a race because you wants to win. The winning mentality is to those who strive to do their best despite the mistakes that surely will commit during the race. Young need to be educated to engage and appreciate themselves for what they do and not for the results they achieve. The parents, in turn, must accept that their children make errors because only in this way the kids will learn to appreciate their improvements and the effort they did.

Questions for the parents about their children

Today the parents play a fundamental role to promote the sport activities of their children. Some questions to reflect on how we educate them:

  1. I encourage my son to play sports for fun and not to win.
  2. I exercise or movement with my son.
  3. I speak with my daughter the importance of the commitment regardless of the outcome.
  4. I show a positive and stable mood  in talking about sports with my daughter.
  5. I accept that my son has ideas and desires different from mine.
  6. I avoid criticizing during the competition.
  7. I show me depressed or angry when she loses and happy when she wins.
  8. I am firmly convinced that his happiness is the most important thing and not my expectations.
  9. I ask “What do you think about …?” or I tell her immediately what I think is right.

5,30 or 6, fired or promoted

I want to say clearly, too often today parents are the main obstacle to the development of self-esteem of their children. They attack teachers and at the same time cultivate the reasons that induce their children to not be able to tolerate the slightest frustration. There are parents who believe that the commitment, and dedication to the task are not necessary. Cultivate the culture of blame of others (teachers and coaches) and not the culture of their responsibilities as parents towards their children .

Years ago my daughter I explained the difference between taking 5,30 or 6 at school. I told her that probably there was no difference between what they knew students who took these two votes. Sometimes teachers would also have been able to make mistakes exchanging two votes. But you must remember one thing: who gets 6 will be promoted and who gets 5:30 is rejected. Her goal was to stay on the positive side and not the negative , therefore I said: take responsibility and choose where you want to be . This is the reality ! Parents should remember that they are the primary educators of their children’s future .

More and more parents are inadequates to play their role

Today’s news that a parent forced his son to take drugs because he had become a swimmer champion  is only the latest in a series of episodes that highlight how many parents have given up not only to carry out their educational role but actually become the main exploiters to meet their frustrations. Not regret the time in when the parents played an authoritarian role  mainly versus the girls and in general do not show a lot of interest toward the males. Being parents in this period is much more difficult than in the past, because you have to know and want to shape the future of  your sons and many parents perceive this role as a tiring job or simply they lack of that sense of responsibility that they should have. It does not matter if you are divorced or not married, what matters it’s the will to play the educational role you are called to do.  Finally, we live in a society in which the appearance and not being it’s more important and where the money is almost the only parameter to show our value. Unfortunately, these cases will increase more and more .

Genitori nel pallone

Non insultate l’arbitro e non fate il tifo contro gli avversari quando gioca la squadra di vostro figlio.
Siate, invece, corretti nel dimostrare in maniera positiva il vostro sostegno a tutti i giocatori, agli allenatori e all’arbitro.

Non urlate a vostro figlio cosa deve fare in campo, non sostituitevi all’allenatore.
Lasciatelo, invece, giocare e fare liberamente le scelte che vuole.

Non sgridatelo quando commette un errore o quando gioca male.
Sostenete, invece, il suo impegno e dimostrategli che siete orgogliosi di lui.

Non criticate a priori le scelte degli allenatori e degli arbitri.
Ascoltateli, invece, mettetevi nei loro panni cercando di comprendere il loro punto di vista.

Non arrabbiatevi quando la squadra di vostro figlio perde, non sentitevi delusi e non sgridatelo
Ricordatevi, invece, che il gioco è dei bambini, non siete voi ad avere perso

Non ditegli che vi ha profondamente deluso e che non diventerà mai un campione.
Fate, invece, attenzione a che lo sport sia per lui un’esperienza divertente ed eccitante.

Non fate finta di nulla quando vostro figlio è deluso o è arrabbiato per qualcosa che è successo mentre giocava ma neanche ditegli che uno stupido a prendersela.
Per primo, invece, ascoltatelo, lasciatelo parlare mostrandogli che capite il suo stato d’animo e successivamente trovate insieme una soluzione.

Non insegnate con il vostro comportamento a non avere rispetto per gli altri, siano essi compagni, giocatori di squadre avversarie, allenatori o arbitri.
Dimostrategli, invece, che avete rispetto di tutti loro e che pretendete che anche lui lo dimostri.

Non alleatevi con quegli allenatori che fanno giocare solo i migliori e che mostrano maggiore attenzione verso i più bravi.
Esigete, invece, che gli allenatori diano a tutti le stesse opportunità per imparare e che dimostrino entusiasmo nel lavorare con i bambini.

Non parlate solo di sport con vostro figlio, non guardatelo solo in TV. Non portatelo solo ai giardini.
Praticatelo, invece, insieme, stando all’aria aperta a giocare, impegnandovi in qualsiasi attività fisica che piaccia a tutta la famiglia.

Quale sport per i figli

Settembre è tempo di scelte per i genitori: quale sport per i propri figli? Intanto la domanda così posta è sbagliata, perchè le bambine e i bambini almeno per tutto il periodo della scuola elementare dovrebbero svolgere non un sport ma più sport. In questa età bisogna principalmente divertirsi, fare attività emotivamente coinvolgenti, essere fisicamente attivi per la maggior parte del tempo, imparare a rispettare le regole, sentirsi continuamente stimolati a impegnarsi, sentirsi incoraggiati dopo un errore a provare e riprovare.
Tutte le attività sportive vanno bene, i bambini e le bambine devono scegliere e hanno il diritto di smettere se non si divertono. I genitori devono non solo fare i taxisti ma soprattutto incoraggiare i propri figli e verificare se sono contenti di quello che fanno. Purtroppo oggi i ragazzi non sono più liberi di fare/non fare perchè praticano sport solo se sono iscritti a un’organizzazione sportiva e non con gli amici che noi trovavamo all’oratorio o al parco, che potevamo abbandonare quando volevamo, senza che i nostri gentori fossero coinvolti o interessati a queste scelte. Quindi i genitori devono accettare le scelte dei figli e soprattutto passare con loro del bel tempo facendo insieme dell’attività fisica.