Monthly Archive for November, 2013

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to win or have doubts

Winning is hard enough when you believe in yourself

but it is impossible when you start to have doubts.

Soccer must be adapted to environmental realities in which it’s proposed

At Tehran for the 2nd International Congress on Science and Football with the participation of FIFA President Mr. Blatter and many great coaches clearly brings out the need for training systems are house suitable to the environmental and organizational realities in which you work. In fact, the main mistake to avoid is to copy the models of the big European teams, because the reality in which they might be established are very different from those in Europe. In this respect it was reminded of a Velasco’s phrase that well describes the approach that coaches and executives should have: “the reality is what it is and not what you would want to be.” Only by starting from this approach coaches and managers can be useful for the development of soccer in many countries in Asia. For what concerns myself, personally I held a workshop on “The relation between coaches and players.” Tomorrow another two titled “The mental coaching for football players” and “Improving concentration in football teams.”

Main issue of coaches with their athletes are always the same

The problems faced by coaches around the world are the same. Another aspect, compared to twenty years ago, the coaches are more competent from psychological point of view; it’s therefore a major challenge for psychologists to be able to represent an added value for them. It is  now the more urgent that psychologists who wish to orient themselves professionally in sports are really qualified. On the other hand no one is going to a cardiologist when he needs an orthopedic surgeon, or a rocket scientist when he needs a civil engineer. The same must be true of the different specialties of psychology, otherwise if all just because are graduates may intervene in any situation without knowing the traits, needs and so on, maybe then it’s good to choose a motivator with a degree in political science to work with a team.

To never forget our history

” My grandparents came to America from Sicily in the early twentieth century were Italian. My parents were born here italoamericani. I was and still I am American Italian. And even though I know they will never forget their origins, my daughters are Americans. With pictures and words, this magnificent book outlines our transformation through the generations, that of my family and many other families, landed on these shores for hundreds of thousands to leave their mark in this place we call America … when the first waves of immigrants arrived from Italy, they rebuilt the world they knew. they created a place that was called Little Italy, which had all the beauty and warmth, all the pain and internal tensions, the country they had left. As growing up, Little Italy was a world into itself, located in a corner of the lower east side of Manhattan – and I am sure the same can be said of other Little Italy across the country, from Boston to San Diego. It bordered with another world, Chinatown. Prties, rituals, food, goods and values ​​- all came from Southern Italy. Before I was born, people come from the same towns they lived in one building and marriages between men and women of different buildings were a delicate matter. My mother’s family came from Cimmina and my father’s family from Polizzi Generosa, and they married only after the elders of the two families came together and gave their consent . ” (From the foreword by Martin Scorsese )

Per me, Little Italy sarà sempre "casa"

Nadia Comaneci secret

Collegamento permanente dell'immagine integrata

Are we aware of what is the sport for all?

Speaking to the students of the Course on the ” Value of the gender difference in the sport management” I’m realizing every day that we have a different conception of what it’s the sport for all. Indeed, for them it’s the practice of people that are not athletes. They’re probably right, every sports center with its activities is an example of opportunities for everyone, from swimming, fitness room, yoga and more. And the same goes for hundreds of running competitions, which are held every weekend in our cities, district races, racing to finance charity activities or marathons like that of Rome, which have 40,000 participants and involve an entire city. What’s more common of running race involving thousands of people, providing job opportunities for many people. So what is the function of sports promotion bodies whose historical task was to spread the sport for all. Apart from the obsolete term of “sports promotion agency” they continue to be an offshoot of the political parties? It’s a low idea of the sport that one considers that continue to believe in this conjunction between politics and sport, and that it should no longer exist in the twenty-first century.

This is not the concept of sport for all; certainly it’s important to have more gyms, swimming pools and in global terms, more places in which to do the movement and sport but it’s only one aspect of this idea of sport. Sport for all means, however, another thing to practice in accordance with the level of ability, time spent, keeping in mind that it’s a means to improve our physical, psychological and interpersonal well-being. Means placing the individual at the center of the sports world and provide opportunities for movement. The individual, child, adolescent or adult, must be our interest and not the performance, this is the sport for everyone. How many clubs have this purpose? The mission of sport organizations for all must be the development and maintenance of personal well-being through movement. The pursuit of wealth should serve to break down the lack of movement that is one of the leading causes of death. As we remember the best Italian manager of sport for all that we had, Gianmario Missaglia ” it’s acquired then, in 1990, a particular notion of sport for all: sport for all for UISP means  sport for everyone, sport for all means not only formal right of access to the field race, but the right to a permanent practice modeled on the subject. Sport for all is for UISP the exact opposite of the same sport for everyone. It’s only with this vision of the right to sport that we can face the irresistible process of pluralization of motivations and forms of sport which we called sport as it’s possible. ”

Pluralization of practices and sport suitable for everyone . Here’s what unites fitness gyms to sport as a form of social inclusion. Who’s in this flow, what his/her path is in the great river of sport for all. It’s not superiority towards the practice of sport as a pursuit of excellence it’s just another thing, each with its own dignity and errors. What we need to combine in these two forms of sport it’s the encounter with the requirement that the activity is carried out in an ethical manner, we know that this often does not happen because the culture of victory too often dominates the culture of the best win or that which point out the value of participation, to be part part of a story, rather than the result. The sfraud lurks everywhere in competitive sports as well as in the recreational sport because it’s part of being human.

Nobody tells this story today, it’s a pity, because we are missing a significant part of the culture of Italian sport .