Tag Archive for 'sport per tutti'

Pills of movement: A proposal of sport for all

There is still a month to go to take advantage of  Uisp “Pillole di Movimento”: an opportunity for wellness and sociality available to everyone, from the North to the South of Italy. In fact, the Uisp national campaign to combat sedentariness and promote the culture of movement, which involves 31 Uisp Committees, over 235 Italian municipalities and 370 amateur sports clubs and associations, will end on May 31. The project is funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Sport under the Call EPS 2020 and through the pharmacies of the Lloyds Group and Federfarma provincial circuits, partners in the project, will be distributed 480,000 packs of “Pills of movement”. The packs of “Exercise Pills” contain free coupons that will allow you to choose from a list of over 1200 sports and motor activities promoted throughout Italy. In other words, the coupon contained in the box, very similar to that of an over-the-counter drug, allows you to take advantage of a free month of physical activity and will be delivered by the pharmacist, just like any medicine.

The project was born in Bologna in 2011, thanks to a widespread network created between Uisp, the local health authorities and pharmacies involved. A winning and absolutely innovative idea, which has established itself in the territory and that thanks to this national project is launched for the first time at national level. Due to the difficulties related to the health emergency still in progress, the duration of the project has been extended until May 31.

The need of movement

Movement is a vital necessity, it has been for thousands of years when man had to move to get food to live or to make war, it continues to be a biological and psychological urge for the newborn who grows and develops through the acquisition of freedom of movement. Sedentary, however, we become so much that after the age of 60 years the level of sports practice of Italians falls below 10%. The rise of sport in our culture is not only linked to the passions aroused by the great competitive challenges, from soccer championships to Olympic gold medals, but is also based on certain ideas that are now an integral part of people’s beliefs.

The first refers to the idea that sport is wellness and the second that sport is education for life. Therefore, if we move to feel good, each individual expresses with this activity the right to have opportunities to exercise and do sports. Precisely to meet this need, sport for all has become a way of being that involves millions of people.

So what are the needs to which sport for all provides an answer?

The need for movement - We live in a society that forces us to lead sedentary lives, walking to work or playing in the street are almost unthinkable activities and we must make up for this reduction in spontaneous movement by institutionalizing moments of the day to be devoted exclusively to physical activity / sports. For many individuals it is the discovery that they can actively and positively act on the reactions of their own body and how inextricably linked these are to their psychological condition, in a relationship of mutual influence.

The need for self-realization - In sports for all there are very different needs for self-realization and certainly not all positive. One of the forms of intelligence is kinesthetic and athletes derive a sense of personal development from the acquisition of a high level of mastery in the performance of their activity. Another mode of self-realization related, however, to sport for all is to maintain a satisfactory state of physical and mental well-being. On the other hand, those who use substances harmful to health or abuse drugs to improve their physical appearance or their sporting performance are not acceptable as forms of positive self-actualization.

The need to belong - For many sportsmen and women, the search for social contact through physical activity is one of their main motivations. Sport becomes synonymous with group activity. One activity above all: running; running is an individual sport that takes place in a group, because the need to be with friends or to make new ones and to share with them one’s personal sporting experience is a fundamental psychological dimension that accompanies all phases of human life.

The need for play and adventure - Sport for all means sport for everyone, in which the subjectivity and the needs of the individual prevail over the rules of the traditional competitive model. This is because sport for all is practiced for personal pleasure and the rules of the game are established by the participants. The adventure can become that of the sedentary person who decides for the first time in his life to overcome his resistance and get moving.

The need to live in a natural environment - It ‘s increasingly felt the need to do physical activity immersed in nature, whether it be that of a city park or that of the sea, the mountains or the countryside. The search for a suitable environmental context is part of a physically active lifestyle, in which nature becomes the place par excellence where to move, even if only to walk and chat with friends.

The decline of sports for all goes on

Italy: 10 years ago I wrote this blog and I would say that the negative predictions I was making have come true.

This is not a topical issue because it is a constant fact of our daily lives. It is about sport for all. What has been called: sport for everyone. The 80′s and 90′s were those of the increase of active sportsmen and women and the great sports associations reached millions of adherents. It was an incredible success and a great social experience and search for well-being by Italians who had always been a population of sedentary people. Today, however, this drive has been lost, the maximum number of practitioners is in middle school and then decreases steadily: at 20 years old, 40% of girls and 60% of boys do sports, even irregularly; at 30 years old, 30% of women and 50% of men, which at 50 years old are reduced to 20% and 30%.

So what to do?

It is obviously not enough to organize thousands of running races in our cities every Sunday, because this does not increase physical activity. If we don’t want to find ourselves in a few years with a percentage of obese people and growing health problems, it is necessary that those who deal with sports for all get out of the traditional approaches that were so effective more than twenty years ago. We need new ideas, new kinds of collaboration among sports organizations to avoid ending up leading a life divided between home, transportation, school or work, transportation and home. We need to move out of the denunciation phase and into the choice phase.

French plan to build the sport as a right for all


La nuova ministra dello sport francese Roxana Maracineanu ha presentato un barometro nazionale delle attività sportive che sarà aggiornato ogni due anni

Secondo il primo barometro nazionale delle pratiche sportive il cinquantadue per cento dei francesi sopra 15 anni praticano sport almeno una volta alla settimana: la ricerca è sviluppata da Injep-Istituto nazionale della gioventù e dell’istruzione popolare e Credoc-Centro di ricerca per lo studio e l’osservazione delle condizioni di vita. La percentuale dei praticanti sale al 75% tra i 16-25 anni secondo un’altra indagine, presentata al Ministero dello sport dall’associazione UCPA. Se i giovani preferiscono il body building e il fitness, di fronte al calcio e alla corsa, sono la corsa e la camminata le più amate dai francesi (40%), davanti alle “attività di fitness” e alla palestra (32%), seguite da sport acquatici e nautici (27%).

“Questo barometro è uno strumento che ci permetterà di valutare la pratica sportiva dei cittadini francesi ogni due anni, non ogni dieci anni come prima – ha detto Roxana Maracineanu, ministra dello sport francese - Sarà una bussola per guidare le nostre politiche pubbliche e intercettare le popolazioni più lontane dagli sport, come le donne o le persone con disabilità”.

Nella sua tabella di marcia, l’ex campionessa mondiale di nuoto, diventata ministra dello Sport lo scorso settembre, si è posta l’obiettivo di coinvolgere tre milioni di praticanti in più, cercando di far muovere il 20% dei non praticanti che dichiarano di voler praticare uno sport. Anche il primo ministro, Edouard Philippe, ha parlato di “sviluppo di pratiche sportive per tutti, ovunque, per tutta la vita”. (per approfondire clicca qui)

La precedente ministra dello sport francese, Laura Flessel, durante il suo mandato ha lanciato un bando per la creazione di ”liv-lab”, luoghi in cui le persone che non sono abituate a praticare sport vengono incoraggiate a muoversi attraverso l’uso della realtà virtuale. La Flessel è stata anche coinvolta nella lotta contro la discriminazione: è stata protagonista insieme a dieci atleti di una campagna di comunicazione contro il sessismo, il razzismo, l’omofobia e lo stigma della disabilità. In un contesto inedito per lo sport francese, dove la nuova governance, insieme ad una politica di austerità, incoraggia una privatizzazione dello sport e dunque un rafforzamento delle disuguaglianze, la FSGT-Fédération sportive et gymnique du travail è molto attiva per rendere effettivo il diritto allo sport per tutti e sui temi della disabilità con numerosi progetti. In particolare a Saint Denis, banlieu di Parigi, ha messo a disposizione a persone con disabilità e ai giovani frequentatori del quartiere uno spazio sportivo gratuito. Questa iniziativa permette di avvicinarsi e di svolgere una pratica sportiva regolare e duratura alle persone del quartiere e non solo: una pratica che mette insieme persone con disabilità e senza, dando vita ad un incontro sportivo che alimenta le relazioni umane e supera le diversità, contribuendo alla costruzione di una società inclusiva e ugualitaria. (Per approfondire clicca qui)

(Source UISP Massimo Tossini)

Sport for all and everywhere

Risultati immagini per golf baikal

Is sport for all a lost war?

“Over 6.3 million adults aged 40 to 60 do not achieve 10 minutes of continuous brisk walking over the course of a month and are missing out on important health benefits, according to the Public Health England (PHE10 minutes brisk walking recommendations: evidence summary.

The findings also reveal how lifestyles have changed over time, showing that people in the UK are 20% less active now than they were in the 1960s and on average walk 15 miles less a year than 2 decades ago. The sedentary nature of modern, busy lives makes it difficult for many to find the time for enough exercise to benefit their health.

PHE’s new One You physical activity campaign is encouraging adults to build 10 minutes continuous brisk walking into their day as a simple way to improve their health. This is particularly aimed at those who have an inactive or low activity lifestyle and may find incorporating activity into their day challenging. The ‘Active 10’ app has been developed to show how much brisk walking a person is doing each day and how to incorporate more of it into their lifestyles.

Taking at least 1 brisk 10 minute walk a day has been shown to reduce the risk of early death by 15%. A 10 minute walk can contribute to meeting the CMO’s physical activity guidance of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week. This can lead to health benefits including a lowered risk of type 2 diabetes (by 40%), cardiovascular disease (by 35%), dementia (by 30%) and some cancers (by 20%).

The severity of the current physical inactivity epidemic amongst adults contributes to 1 in 6 deaths in the UK and is costing the NHS over £0.9 billion per year.”

(da gov.uk)

New ideas have old roots: Oddone Giovannetti

It never hurts to remember, in this case Oddone Giovannetti, one of the founders of the largest Italian Association of Sport for all (UISP9. He born in Correggio in 1924 and died a year ago. I want to remember a phrase that reminds us that the basic ideas for the development of human beings can be used regardless of the historical period.

“Free time is a fundamental right. The man who draws from his work just to live is not a free man, but he lives a purely biological life.”

Risultati immagini per oddone giovannetti

Oddone Giovannetti at Rome Olympic Games (1960).

Risultati immagini per oddone giovannetti

Night cycling race, Catania, 7/9/1958.

Toughness during recreational activities

We often speak abou in ret toughness in relation to athletes’ performances, but we must not forget that it’s a skill psychological very useful for people who do recreational sports as a leisure activity. In particular, it’s used to support these different situations:

  • Manage emotions and the body activation in difficult moments
  • Feel fully involved in the activity that is taking place
  • Do the exercises as a pleasant challenge
  • Recognize and appreciate the beneficial effects of the persistence of this habit
  • Perceive the physical effort as needed to improve the personal and social well-being
  • Recognize and appreciate the little weekly improvements
  • Support motivation when tired

The run for all and the ultramarathoner

Friday, February 20th at the Press Hall “P.Maccherini” Palace Berlinghieri, Siena, Italy, will host a press conference at 11:30 of the second edition of  ”Terre di Siena Ultramarathon”, track event competitive and not to be held on Sunday, March 1 with departures differentiated from S. Gimignano for 50 km, from Colle val d’Elsa for 32 km and 18 km from Monteriggioni. Will also be a walk of about 6 km through the streets of the historic center of Siena. An event that combines the theme of sport for all organized by UISP Siena, to promote the Siena tourism and culture.
Saturday at 17.30 will be held also a conference on “Psychological Preparation in ultramarathon” by prof. Alberto Cei, consultant psychologist at the Olympics in Atlanta, Sydney, Athens, Beijing and London. At the end of the meeting will be presented the race courses.

Registration is open until Wednesday, February 25 on the site  www.terredisienaultramarathon.it

Are we aware of what is the sport for all?

Speaking to the students of the Course on the ” Value of the gender difference in the sport management” I’m realizing every day that we have a different conception of what it’s the sport for all. Indeed, for them it’s the practice of people that are not athletes. They’re probably right, every sports center with its activities is an example of opportunities for everyone, from swimming, fitness room, yoga and more. And the same goes for hundreds of running competitions, which are held every weekend in our cities, district races, racing to finance charity activities or marathons like that of Rome, which have 40,000 participants and involve an entire city. What’s more common of running race involving thousands of people, providing job opportunities for many people. So what is the function of sports promotion bodies whose historical task was to spread the sport for all. Apart from the obsolete term of “sports promotion agency” they continue to be an offshoot of the political parties? It’s a low idea of the sport that one considers that continue to believe in this conjunction between politics and sport, and that it should no longer exist in the twenty-first century.

This is not the concept of sport for all; certainly it’s important to have more gyms, swimming pools and in global terms, more places in which to do the movement and sport but it’s only one aspect of this idea of sport. Sport for all means, however, another thing to practice in accordance with the level of ability, time spent, keeping in mind that it’s a means to improve our physical, psychological and interpersonal well-being. Means placing the individual at the center of the sports world and provide opportunities for movement. The individual, child, adolescent or adult, must be our interest and not the performance, this is the sport for everyone. How many clubs have this purpose? The mission of sport organizations for all must be the development and maintenance of personal well-being through movement. The pursuit of wealth should serve to break down the lack of movement that is one of the leading causes of death. As we remember the best Italian manager of sport for all that we had, Gianmario Missaglia ” it’s acquired then, in 1990, a particular notion of sport for all: sport for all for UISP means  sport for everyone, sport for all means not only formal right of access to the field race, but the right to a permanent practice modeled on the subject. Sport for all is for UISP the exact opposite of the same sport for everyone. It’s only with this vision of the right to sport that we can face the irresistible process of pluralization of motivations and forms of sport which we called sport as it’s possible. ”

Pluralization of practices and sport suitable for everyone . Here’s what unites fitness gyms to sport as a form of social inclusion. Who’s in this flow, what his/her path is in the great river of sport for all. It’s not superiority towards the practice of sport as a pursuit of excellence it’s just another thing, each with its own dignity and errors. What we need to combine in these two forms of sport it’s the encounter with the requirement that the activity is carried out in an ethical manner, we know that this often does not happen because the culture of victory too often dominates the culture of the best win or that which point out the value of participation, to be part part of a story, rather than the result. The sfraud lurks everywhere in competitive sports as well as in the recreational sport because it’s part of being human.

Nobody tells this story today, it’s a pity, because we are missing a significant part of the culture of Italian sport .