Monthly Archive for August, 2013

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Gilles Villeneuve: the relevance to do what you like

“I race to win, of course. But even before to win, I run to run. The fastest possible” (Gilles Villeneuve).

It ‘s always useful to reflect the thoughts of a champion that emphasizes how important it is to practice sport first of all because like carrying out that activity. “I run to run.” This approach should be an inspiration to coaches and young people, who often do not live their sport in this way, but only as a job to do every day. I run for the pleasure of running, says Villeneuve, in other words, it’s an intense inner motivation that drove him to do what he did. Who trains the young should thus organize training sessions based on this principle, young people should feel committed to discover and nurture their own pleasure to play that particular sport and parents should encourage their children’s choices and not force them to practice what they as adults prefer.

Active life at World Master Games

We have to learn from Rune Haraldson (photo), Don Grenville and Michiko Hamuro respectively 95, 90 and 94 years old athletes at the World Masters Games in Turin to have an active lifestyle and not to be dominated by the idea to be old now for “these things “. We have to take their optimism and begin to believe that it is possible for us. There are sports for all ages, starting with the simple walk, and these athletes must help us as inspiration.

World Master Games è l'ora dei novantenni

Decisions for an eco-compatible style of life

While in Roma many argue are against the decision of the major, Ignazio Marino, to close the Colosseo area to the car traffic. In London 50,000 cyclists are expected to ride the eight-mile traffic free route through central area over the two-day London FreeCycle to diffuse an eco-compatible life style.

RideLondon: Cyclists on a tandem take part in the Freecycle event

Red Bull extreme photo award

Red Bull extreme photo award 

The five baseball dad commandments


This sign was posted in front of stands at the Little League park in Maryland where my son played a tournament this weekend. If only I had seen it before I wrote about cretinous baseball parents a month ago. The sign is like a Dante’s Inferno for Little League parental sins, perfectly capturing the loutish behavior in order of severity.

Read more on Slate

The goal of the mental coaching in August

For most sports August is a month of the start of the preparation for the new season or the holiday period because it’s just finished. For all of these athletes should be a period of recovery from the fatigue of the past season or return to a acceptable shape level. From the point of view of mental coaching, the athletes should be directed to carry out activities that enable them to improve the management of stress in competitions. In this sense, it’s useful the daily practice of relaxation exercises (for all) and concentration exercises  (only for those who have already started the raining) in order to be ready for the new and challenging season.

Rio 2016 video



Federica Pellegrini: mind is important

Alessandra Retico: “Mind is important.”

Federica Pellegrini: ”This is the proof. Even if I do not want to pass the message that by training less things are better, but you need only focus on specific exercises: I did on the back, they help me also in speed, I worked a lot out of water. I have been able to compete with the best swimmers. I’m so happy. ”

(From: La Repubblica)