Tag Archive for 'obesità'

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More “progress”, more diabete and obesity

The spread of obesity and type-2 diabetes could become epidemic in low-income countries, as more individuals are able to own higher priced items such as TVs, computers and cars. The findings of an international study, led by Simon Fraser University health sciences professor Scott Lear, are published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Lear headed an international research team that analyzed data on more than 150,000 adults from 17 countries, ranging from high and middle income to low-income nations.

Researchers, who questioned participants about ownership as well as physical activity and diet, found a 400 per cent increase in obesity and a 250 per cent increase in diabetes among owners of these items in low-income countries.

The study also showed that owning all three devices was associated with a 31 per cent decrease in physical activity, 21 per cent increase in sitting and a 9 cm increase in waist size compared with those who owned no devices.

Comparatively, researchers found no association in high-income countries, suggesting that the effects of owning items linked to sedentary lifestyles has already occurred, and is reflected in current high rates of these conditions.

“With increasing uptake of modern-day conveniences–TVs, cars, computers–low- and middle-income countries could see the same obesity and diabetes rates as in high-income countries that are the result of too much sitting, less physical activity and increased consumption of calories,” says Lear.

The results can lead to “potentially devastating societal health care consequences” in these countries, Lear adds. Rates of increase of obesity and diabetes are expected to rise as low- and middle-income countries develop and become more industrialized.

Obama and Biden jog at White House against children obesity

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden showed their support for First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign by having a brisk jog around the grounds of the White House. A video of their exertions was released in support of the campaign, which aims to tackle the issue of childhood obesity.


In Italy: obeses are 6.000.000

In Italy there are 6 million of obese costing the NHS 8 billion of euro. It’s a matter with a impressive existential cost  and an economic cost equal to the financial maneuvers of the government. They are not one-off costs, they are annual costs. They are not new data, and the passivity of the Italian governments faced with this problem is not new too. It’s a problem that year on year increased and no one tries to give meaningful answers. While there is much talk about cancer and there are rightly money to research into the causes and therapies to treat and prevent it. There is little talk about obesity, because in everyone’s mind it’s considered as a problem which depends only on the individual willingness to have a different life style. In other words, it does not nothing, because the social stereotypes is that people themselves are the cause of their evil. The same goes for physical inactivity, despite being the fourth leading death cause, itìs experienced as a leisure problem, personal laziness to do the daily movement that it would produce benefits to their cardiovascular system and more generally improve their well-being. So for the reason that anyone cares that we are obese, at least we enjoy eating killing us.   












Michelle Obama’s program to reduce the childhood obesity

The new step of the Michelle Obama campaign against childhood obesity, “Let’s move” continues  with  the collaboration of 5 media companies and a social media website to find nutritious recipes.

The companies involved are Conde Nast, Hearst Magazines, Meredith Corp., the Food Network and Time Inc. and have identified more than 3,000 recipes that meet federal nutrition guidelines for how much fruit, vegetables, protein and grains should be on a person’s plate at each meal. The companies are promoting these recipes on their most popular cooking websites, and many of them have been posted on a new page on the social networking site Pinterest.


To help people to find the reasons to be physically active

Every day it’s published a research on how important it is for our well being to lead a physically active life, this last tells us that few hours of movement a week lengthen the life of a few years (www.repubblica.it /salute)

It’s, however, equally important to understand how to promote physical activity in Italy knowing that among those who do not do sport on an regular basis:
• 1 male on 2 is overweight
• 1 male /women  on 10 are obese
• 1  women on 3 is overweight

Heatlh & wellbeing: is it an issue?

I’s today news that the Quarterly Report on economic and social situation of the European Commission gives to Italy the first place for job losses and reduced earnings of families. We are a country on the ropes like a boxer that someone claims to drop permanently to the ground. We are a country in which not only there is less work and earns  but at too much people lack the health, because they ruin with junk food or eating excessive amounts of food. This phenomenon has a very high social cost per year, amounting to 8.3 billion, corresponding to 6.7% of public costs that it is lost in health care, mainly for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, but also for dieticians and psychologists (in Use the cost of obesity to the State affects 9% of the total medical spending, 147 billion dollars). Costs that can only get worse: in 2025 it is expected that 43% of adults will be obese. The war for the dissemination of a wellness culture  is possible to do it but nobody in Italy talks about. It has no special cost, does not require agreements between the social parts, does not require that the European economic situation changes, it is irrelevant to the value of the spread. I wonder if anyone, from the ministry of health, do anything because this issue is not political battleground that is the main art practiced by the politiciens or because the governement in Rome as in the regions do not understand or they minimize this issue concerning the health of the citizens. It could also be that the idea of ​​improving diet and  to promote the diffusion of the physical activity are solutions  so trivial that it is believed that every person should be able to find the best solution for him/her-self.

  The Italian situation   

  By: www.sportmedicina.com/obesita_pandemia.htm



+25% COMPARED TO 1994


MOLISE 12.8%



MALES 9.2%



NORTH 7.8%


SOUTH 10.8%



18-24 YEARS 11.6%

45-54 YEARS 12.4%

55-64 YEARS 14.4%

65-74 YEARS 14.2%








USA 1 obeso 3

La più recente indagine sullo stato di salute degli americani, apparsa sul Journal of the American Medical Association, ha rilevato che 1 su 3 è obeso o sovrappeso e e la proporzione fra i giovani è di 1 su 6. Non è aumentata negli ultimi 12 anni ma resta un problema piuttosto grave. In particolare il 35,7% della popolazione è obesa e lo è il 16,9% dei giovani sino a 19 anni. Neri e bianchi se maschi hanno circa la stessa percentuale, 38.8% i primi e 36,2 i secondi. Netta è invece la differenza a favore delle donne bianche (32.2%) rispetto alle donne nere (58.5%). Inutile ripetere quanto questa condizione sia dannosa per il benessere delle persone e come l’unica politica sia quella di aumentare l’attività fisica e ridurre drasticamente cibi e bevande ipercaloriche. Cerchiamo di non imitarli, perchè siamo da tempo su questa strada.