Monthly Archive for November, 2015

Physical and motor activity are two different concepts

Physical activity refers to any movement of the body induced by skeletal muscle capable of giving rise to an energy expenditure in excess with respect to the rest condition. Any force exerted by skeletal muscles can determine an increase of energy expenditure. The activity can vary depending on length, intensity, frequency, number of affected muscle groups, causing adaptations to different levels of equipment and structures involved.

Motor activity is based on the ability of the Central Nervous System to process information and produce the resulting movements so adapted to the external or internal environmental needs.

Therefore, when we talk about physical activity, if it was a car, we told how its various  mechanical and electronic parts allow it to move. If we integrate the car driver we will start to talk of motor activity, in which the latter decides how to use the  car / human body quality.

Also we have to remove the concept of psychomotor activity, since the concept of motor activity includes the activities of cognitive processes  which are part of any expression of the Central Nervous System.

#Funmaps for children in sport

(by Amanda Visek)

Love the challenge and be tough

3 things students want to hear

Collegamento permanente dell'immagine integrata

3 easy thing but too often not said!


Epic Haka to farewell legend Lomu


Being resilient is important because in our society changes and difficulties are pervasive


Resiliency is the ability to quickly recover from the changes and the difficult situation or crisis. It’s associated with flexibility, adaptation, optimism and open-mindedness.

Being resilient is important because in our society changes and difficulties are pervasive.

Resiliency can be learned. In the face of tragic events of this period, we must:

  • develop and maintain a sense of purpose that gives meaning, even today, to our commitment in the context in which we live
  • be aware of what are our most important values and what we do to keep them
  • recognize that we are a lot more of our work and we share our personal identity  with millions of other people


Russia repeats the State doping by German Democratic Republic

“Several classified documents saved after the collapse of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1990 describe the promotion by the government of the use of drugs, notably androgenic steroids, in high-performance sports (doping). Top-secret doctoral theses, scientific reports, progress reports of grants, proceedings from symposia of experts, and reports of physicians and scientists who served as unofficial collaborators for the Ministry for State Security (“Stasi”) reveal that from 1966 on, hundreds of physicians and scientists, including top-ranking professors, performed doping research and administered prescription drugs as well as unapproved experimental drug preparations. Several thousand athletes were treated with androgens every year, including minors of each sex. Special emphasis was placed on administering androgens to women and adolescent girls because this practice proved to be particularly effective for sports performance. Damaging side effects were recorded, some of which required surgical or medical intervention. In addition, several prominent scientists and sports physicians of the GDR contributed to the development of methods of drug administration that would evade detection by international doping controls.”

(by Franke e Berendonk, 1997).


The sport psychologist in football school… is elite

The Italian Football Federation was the only one Federation requiring the sport psychologist for theFootball schools who wish to become qualified or elite, as they are currently defined. This year the Federation delete this rule, this step back requires an equally significant reaction from the sport psychologists engaged in youth football. The official statement indicates that the Football school to be called élite could, among ohers options, “develop a training project during the football season, in collaboration with one ” Sports Psychologist ” experienced and certified.”

The contribution of such experience must be identified in the implementation of projects supporting specific figures involved in the educational process of the child (staff, parents, etc.).”
The psychologist will be an optional choice of the Football school, it’s no more mandatory to have in the club staff the psychologist. The clinical psychologist organize, very often in the Football school, improbable meetings with parents, however, such activity has nothing to do with sport psychology. So what she does and what she offer the sport psychologist in a Football school to really become an élite tool?
Through my experience in youth football I can define some basic guidelines, characterizing a project of sport psychology in Football school: the adequacy of the method adapted to the age of young athletes, the social surrounding and the organizational environment; the use of specific psychological tools; the continuity of the times, the constant monitoring and validation; planning specific psychological objectives, also across the other areas (technical, tactical, motor skills), the design of practical interventions allowing the achievement of shared goals.
Here are a number of proposals that must be developed, organized and obviously adapted to the context:

  • Training of coaches
  • Observation on the pitch and data sharing
  • Meeting with parents with a previous needs analysis, they have to be scheduled and conducted through interactive teaching techniques
  • Integrated projects, on specific topics within the club and the territory
  • Professional lab with psychologists and coaches
  • Studies-research on particular soccer aspects

These are just some of the many practical suggestions that the sport psychologist may propose in a Football school.
Finally I would like to remind both psychologists and Football school collaborators that it’s not possible any collaboration without a fundamental activity: stay in the pitch. One day, after listening to my experience, a manager of Football school asked me amazed: but then the psychologist stay in the pitch?
Sports psychologist has to stay in the pitch and there is no sport professional that it does not touch the green rectangle and this is even more true when we talk about children and football.
The activities that can be performed are varied and can, if well organized, have a strong impact on the Football school performances. If you are a sport psychologists or a Football School professional, contact me if you want to learn more.

(by Daniela Sepio)

Boketto: gazing vacantly into the distance…

From the book by Ella Frances Sanders, Lost in translation.

Roma, too under pressure for the responsibility