Tag Archive for 'dirigenti'

Juventus: the failure of the management project

The situation of current  Juventus will become a case study. It will serve to explain how one can go from winning 10 consecutive championships, being a finalist in the Champions League to today’s situation where the team can no longer win a game.

The strategic plan developed by the post-Alllegri era of consecutive championships was evidently wrong. The intentions were to change the team’s attitude toward a more proactive formation more akin to that of Europe’s elite. However, this was not addressed in a rational and systematic way. I understand that it is not easy, but it should be expected of professionals who earn millions of euros to do this job. Who was the manager of the project and what were his projections at 3 years based on the setting of this change?

The players are, in my opinion, the last issue. The first should be how do we enhance the resources that the society provides for this change? How much time will we give the coming coach to lead it? What are the mistakes that we will have to avoid right from the start? What could go wrong and for what causes?

I am convinced that these steps have been skipped and that the company’s responses have been dominated by the fear of not achieving the expected results and finding the scapegoat from time to time. in this way a company collapses.

What football for our children?

To teach and coach you have to start from the characteristics of those who do the sport (the children) and not from those who teach it the coaches (so it is easier to work as they think football), the parents (who would like to see their children do the actions of the team they are fans of) and the managers (who want to win tournaments and consider the children as “little footballers”).

There is the eternal dilemma between preferring the egg today or the chicken tomorrow!

It’s a shame that children are the ones who suffer the consequences of this and are banned from growing up as people through sport, while they will learn that what matters is victory at all costs and that they are just a means to achieve the goals of the adults around them, who would like to educate them and who say they love them.


1% of football players salary for social responsibility causes

The sport psychologist in football school… is elite

The Italian Football Federation was the only one Federation requiring the sport psychologist for theFootball schools who wish to become qualified or elite, as they are currently defined. This year the Federation delete this rule, this step back requires an equally significant reaction from the sport psychologists engaged in youth football. The official statement indicates that the Football school to be called élite could, among ohers options, “develop a training project during the football season, in collaboration with one ” Sports Psychologist ” experienced and certified.”

The contribution of such experience must be identified in the implementation of projects supporting specific figures involved in the educational process of the child (staff, parents, etc.).”
The psychologist will be an optional choice of the Football school, it’s no more mandatory to have in the club staff the psychologist. The clinical psychologist organize, very often in the Football school, improbable meetings with parents, however, such activity has nothing to do with sport psychology. So what she does and what she offer the sport psychologist in a Football school to really become an élite tool?
Through my experience in youth football I can define some basic guidelines, characterizing a project of sport psychology in Football school: the adequacy of the method adapted to the age of young athletes, the social surrounding and the organizational environment; the use of specific psychological tools; the continuity of the times, the constant monitoring and validation; planning specific psychological objectives, also across the other areas (technical, tactical, motor skills), the design of practical interventions allowing the achievement of shared goals.
Here are a number of proposals that must be developed, organized and obviously adapted to the context:

  • Training of coaches
  • Observation on the pitch and data sharing
  • Meeting with parents with a previous needs analysis, they have to be scheduled and conducted through interactive teaching techniques
  • Integrated projects, on specific topics within the club and the territory
  • Professional lab with psychologists and coaches
  • Studies-research on particular soccer aspects

These are just some of the many practical suggestions that the sport psychologist may propose in a Football school.
Finally I would like to remind both psychologists and Football school collaborators that it’s not possible any collaboration without a fundamental activity: stay in the pitch. One day, after listening to my experience, a manager of Football school asked me amazed: but then the psychologist stay in the pitch?
Sports psychologist has to stay in the pitch and there is no sport professional that it does not touch the green rectangle and this is even more true when we talk about children and football.
The activities that can be performed are varied and can, if well organized, have a strong impact on the Football school performances. If you are a sport psychologists or a Football School professional, contact me if you want to learn more.

(by Daniela Sepio)

A day No

Today is a No-day because of these numbers:

15% are managers Italian graduates

37% are managers who have completed only compulsory education

38% are Italian footballers of Serie A

5,000 young graduates who have gone abroad in Sicily

72% of the graduates are willing to go abroad

In Italy, we have other difficulties, but the ignorance of the leaders and the escape of the young people in my opinion are devastating for any nation. The players fall into the category of young people on where in Italy we do not want to invest, in this case is resolved by buying abroad often mediocre football players.

Don’t spoil Indian sport

The main Indian athletes have waged a battle in favor of transparent management of sport in India led by leaders capable and honest. For more information read this article Rajyavardhan Rathore, silver medalist at the Athens Games.



European paths for sport women managers

For the first time in Italy it will be organized a free course concerning “The value of the difference in the management of sport” of 224 hours, including classroom training and internships, reserved for 18 participants  organized in Rome by ‘Tor Vergata University in collaboration with Federculture and Sportlink.
The course aims to prepare future leaders and women leaders, through the transfer of knowledge and skills to enable the participants to enter the world of  sport work with managerial responsibility in various areas of planning, organization, management and evaluation of services and facilities for physical activities and sports, from the recreational to professional. The course will address complex issues, such as strategic management, marketing and communication aspects, the notions of law, contract law and taxation, principles of management control, in addition to the optimization of planning and operating costs, by acting on the principles of energy saving and increasing revenue sources. At the same time, the course aims to create a professional and innovative, transferring specific skills in project management of sporting events in support of local authorities, especially of medium and small cities which do not have on their staff  specific competences in the organization of sport events, in all their phases.

For furher information: impresasport.wordpress.com


Why many athletes choose don’t use doping

Coaches, sport administrators and parents must increase their ability to identify, understand and respond to the needs of young people whose enjoyed the trust. Why it should no more happen  experiences like that of the Italian Olympian athlete Alex Schwazer.

Read more on: http://www.huffingtonpost.it/alberto-cei/perche-molti-atleti-scelgono-di-non-doparsi_b_3161051.html?utm_hp_ref=italy

Errors of the Italian swim coach

Italian swimming coach Claudio Rossetto and coach of  Filippo Magnini and Federica Pellegrini, speaking in an interview to a magazine said: “I deserve full insufficiency. I have my faults. But everyone must take responsibility. I underestimated the situation. I thought that so many heads, so many samples, they could live together. Instead, it was an error. The media too ambitious, looking for results for the front-page headlines, and the athletes themselves get sucked by those involved in sports and even gossip. The truth? Swimming is an old team. The same Federica, swim despite eight years, is already a long experience. Now we need to start over. ” Ok, no need to stress further this error, however, why none of the managers of swimming federation professional has faced  with a professional approach this issue concerning the opportunity to manage many athletes. Personally, I think this choice was made ​​because there are only coaches and not managers, whose presumption has led them to underestimate the difficulties. Especially at the Olympics they did not understand that there is not  a second chance, or it is  good or bad.

We need managers and not heroes

Come la maggior parte dei genitori ho spiegato a suo tempo a mia figlia le ragioni per cui non doveva accettare caramelle da sconosciuti. Non ho aspettato che succedesse per sgridarla e dirle di non farlo più. Nel calcio è avvenuto lo stesso. Calciatori, allenatori e dirigenti hanno truffato a spregio dell’etica e delle leggi e trattandosi di persone adulte sono colpevoli. Nel contempo che si è rifiutato di cedere, come Farina, è stato cosiderato un eroe. Ora l’eroe è un individuo che compie un gesto eccezionale, fuori dell’usuale; in Italia chi è onestp è quindi un eroe. Infatti si dice che “ogni si alza un fesso e un furbo” e nessuno vuole fare la figura del fesso. A questo punto serve che vengano dimostrate le accuse ma servirà soprattutto che le organizzazioni del calcio dalla FIGC alle associazioni dei calciatori e degli allenatori agiscono concretamente per eliminare la cultura dell’omertà e del “tanto lo fanno tutti” che uccide non solo il nostro calcio, ma nega che lo sport sia un luogo in cui vince il migliore e non il più furbo. Se si affermasse fra di noi in modo definitivo questa idea, i suoi effetti sulla collettività sarebbero uguali a quelli del terremoto di questi giorni.