Tag Archive for 'maratona'

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One day at the Rome marathon (www.maratonadiroma.it) and it’s time to free your mind from all the uncertainties about the performance, some ideas:

  • look back at training period and your commitment to be here
  • be proud of this journey
  • enjoy the excitement you feel, including fears that go through your head
  • thinks that Sunday you go to do just what you like best, running
  • it is obvious that it will be very tiring
  • keep your pace
  • you’re going to do something important for you, otherwise you would not have trained so hard

NYC stronger

The marathon as life metaphor.

“… if me too and, like me, thousands of normal persons can run more than 42 km, then all is possible. Also to stop the wars.

(Alessandro Bertani, Emergency vice president)Image result for ny  marathon 2017

Time of London Marathon in the different aged group

The activity-tracking appStrava – has released some information looking at the habits and activities of London Marathon runners from last year. And it’s good news for the most experienced runners.

  • Runners on Strava in the 35-44 age group posted the fastest finishing time, followed by the 45-54 age group who finished in an average 3 hours 56 mins with the youngest age group (under 25s) in third, with an average finish time of 3 hours 59 mins.
  • The 25-34 age group (the same age group as the majority of the elite field) was one of the slowest, only 15 seconds ahead of the 55-64 age group – potentially illustrating differences in lifestyle, level of experience and pacing strategy.
  • Across all age groups the average finish time for female runners was 4 hours 23 mins, and for men, 3 hours 48 mins.
  • Mile 4 was the fastest for both men and women

Book review:Ultramaratoneti e gare estreme

Ultramaratoneti e gare estreme

Matteo Simone

Roma Prospettiva editrice, 2016, p.298

Parlare di ultramaratona è difficile perché con facilità si può scadere nella retorica del sacrificio, del no pain-no gain. Questo libro, invece, parla di questo tema dando voce alla esperienze positive e negative di chi corre. Infatti si parla all’inizio della corsa, anzi del movimento, e di quanto sia importante muoversi quotidianamente scegliendo la misura che è più indicata e piacevole per la persona. Successivamente il lettore è condotto nel mondo della corsa di lunga distanza e quindi anche in quello dell’ultramaratona. Qui il racconto assume sempre più una dimensione narrativa in cui Simone Matteo fa parlare i diretti protagonisti attraverso le loro esperienze. La maggior parte di loro sono persone comuni, non atleti professionisti, che parlano delle ragioni che sottendono a questa scelta sportiva. Sono in generale motivazioni che nascono dal desiderio di migliorare la conoscenza di se stessi, attraverso la conoscenza di quali siano i propri limiti e come superarli. Il corpo parla continuamente a questi amanti dell’endurance, poiché la distanza determina sollecitazioni che le corse brevi e di media lunghezza non arrivano a determinare. Ascoltarsi vuol dire anche sapere quando fermarsi dando retta proprio ai segnali che provengono dal fisico. Non ascoltarli significa andare incontro a problemi fisici anche gravi, come viene raccontato da alcuni runner. Il libro scorre in modo interessante poiché Matteo Simone narra delle storie personali senza avere la pretesa d’insegnare cosa sia l’ultramaratona ma lasciandola scoprire al lettore attraverso le parole di chi la pratica. Ognuno di noi se ne farà quindi un’idea personale, basata su cosa riteniamo sia la corsa, la corsa di lunga distanza e il nostro rapporto con il movimento. E’, quindi, un libro aperto a diverse soluzioni interpretative dettate dalle esperienze di chi legge e credo che questo sia il suo pregio principale.

92 year old Harriette Thompson finishes the marathon

A 92-year-old cancer survivor has become the oldest woman to finish a marathon. American Harriette Thompson ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in San Diego in seven hours, 24 minutes and 36 seconds. Having survived three bouts of oral cancer, Thompson crossed the line accompanied by her son Brenny, 56. Aged 92 years and 65 days, Thompson took the record of 92 years and 19 days set by Gladys Burrill in the Honolulu Marathon in 2010. ”I guess it’s sort of unusual now,” she said. “But in 10 years it won’t be ususual at all. People are living longer … I guess the secret is just keep going and pleasant thoughts.” Thompson, a two-time cancer survivor,  runs to raise awareness and funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

What is the marathon?

Many people ask me what is the marathon and if  it’s a pleasure in travelingto run all those kilometers. This thought by Mauro Covacich, Italian writer and runner, is one of the possible explanations.

“The marathon is a kind of permanent faith: just to have  finish it only once to feel marathoners for a life. It’s like psychoanalysis. Yes, I consider it a form of martial art, an inner discipline. It’s intrinsically. For workouts that it requires, for the way that leads you to perceive the environment, for the effort that demands on your body. The marathoner is a samurai with shoes instead of the sword: he’s extremely severe with himself, not never forgives, he is constantly struggling against the limits … it’s a mistake to think at the marathon as a sport, it’s a discipline maximally aesthetic. It’s a vision of the world: not only those forty-two kilometers from running in the shortest possible time, it’s the idea to resist, to go further … “

Running for Lornath Kiplagat

The champions’ world are of unbelievable value. Lornath Kiplagat, Olympian and world road record-holder, talks about the running. Nature, individuals and atmoshere. Fun and performance. Amazing: we have to learn a lot from her. atleta olimpica e record mondiale su strada, parla della corsa fata di natura, persone e ambiente. Divertimento e prestazione. Incredibile: impariamo da lei.

“Where’s your favourite place to run? Definitely Iten in Kenya. Because of the natural trails, the people living around there, the atmosphere and the runners. Everyone is a runner. If you aren’t running, it’s like: “What are you doing?” You don’t struggle to run – it’s just a part of life there. The morning, the middle of the day, the night … no one minds. That’s the best place. Competition-wise, it’s the London Marathon. It’s a pity I’ve never really had a chance to win it, but I’ve always had fun there. London has always been good to me over the years, even if I didn’t perform. Many athletes think you need to win, to be top-three. I never won but I still think it’s really special. I really appreciate the way they treat the athletes here. It’s amazing.” (by The Guardian)

Mindfulness and marathon

Yesterday there was the webinar titled “The marathon mental coaching” and one question concerned the use of mindfulness in the marathon. If we mean with mindfulness “to allow the present to be as it is and to allow us to be, simply, in this present” (John Teasdale) this mental condition can certainly be useful to the marathon. During the long distance running the present is the stride or the breath. Learn how to listen it’s especially useful in the early pahses and in the end of the marathon, in which for the athletes is important to be aware of the reactions of the body. During the run the mindfulness can be differentiate from non-judgmental acceptance of the present, because the athletes may be aware that they are in trouble. For example, they realize that breathing became too frequent or the heart rate is too high, or even that the stride is becoming increasingly heavy. In these moments, the runners have to go in a state of mind more active, with the aim to reduce or counteract these feelings that are undermining the run.The runners maybe short the stride or slow down a few seconds the speed or shift the attention to other aspects, distracting from these debilitating feelings. Many runners use a dissociative strategy allowing to be focused on anything else but your own body. Paula Radcliffe said that in these moments she counts to 100, knowing that after she counted three times she ran another mile. Every runner has to find solutions during workouts. The marathon training is very challenging and difficult times met are used to find these answers and begin to put them into practice, so as to arrive at the day of the race the runners will be mentally prepared.

How top runners motivate themselves

Some top marathoners seem to make greater use of awareness of the work done. Rethinking the training they’ve done and from these exeperiences come the confidence and motivation.

  • I think back to the work I have done previously, the fact that I worked well and then I should not be afraid to fail.
  • First of all, being aware that the difficult times occur every season and are always lurking. After that, I know how to do, that it’s to identify the mistakes, I assess them and I try to work hard to correct them.

For other the goal setting strategies are the basis of their experiences and skill to motivate themselves.

  • Definitely stands out in me the patience, precision and strong determination. If I set a goal there is nothing that can distract me from the work to achieve it. Maybe I’ve always had that ability, but then I also improved by the training and in general with experience. Among the people who have helped me to develop such features are first of all my mother but then also my coach and my husband, which in my case coincide.

For others, it seem to dominate more the emotional component in driving motivation.

  • I find the more emotional impulses thinking about how important and pleasant is to reach the goal. The goal achievement acts for me to greater motivator.
  • The positive moments give me the awareness hat I have the resources and abilities to do it, then, they represent moments to recharge myself and to point to the next goal.

Calcaterra from top sport to sport for all

This morning while applauded Giorgio Calcaterra passing in Piazza del Popolo, during the Rome Marathon, many close to me were amazed of rooting for him and asked: “But who is Giorgio?”. Giorgio is that athlete, several times world champion of 100 km, which reached the finish line will start again for the second time the Rome Marathon, ending it with the latest. Giorgio is a top runner (2,34h today) who wants to witness through his passion for running, that if it possible to run it twice consecutively, everyone can at least once. From elite sport to sport for all the marathon would become a journey that a healthy individual can participate. Often people tease runners employing 5-6 hours or more to run this distance. It’s the exact opposite way in which they must be perceived. They want to conclude it  because it brings us back to the legend of Pheidippides. It’s'succeed in a physical and mental challenge at which you never thought to attend and finish. Precisely for this reason, he joy is immense when we finish a marathon, we feel proud to have achieved the impossible. We will have forever this feeling within us. Calcaterra is running for all of us, for all those who have not yet run it and for those who are still struggling. Why run the marathon means finding pleasure in feeling tired, and sharing this state of mind with others around us, because the challenge is to finish it, bringing this feeling for life. This is making George, share his joy with everyone.