Monthly Archive for October, 2015

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Do you take your responsibility?


Three key questions to find out if you are responsible for your performance

  • Are you accountable for what you do or look for excuses?
  • Are you sure  to commit all yourself or just put a part of you?
  • I agree in time so intense or your commitment is discontinuous?

Identify situations in your life when you have been accountable for your performance and others where you’re not and you’ve been damaged by your behaviors.

Physical activity benefits for adults and older adults

Be Active, Sit Less, Build Strength, Improve Balance

From Now

Winter will start: keep children active indoors

Child care providers often dread those days when the weather is bad and the children can’t get outdoors to play. But children need to have active times every day to use up energy, learn new things, and be healthy. Luckily, active play can happen indoors as well as outdoors. With a little imagination and creativity, child care providers can come up with activities that use large muscles and burn energy, but can be done indoors. Here are some ideas to try:

  • Put on some music and have a dance party. Move back the furniture if you need to make more room to dance.Let children suggest their favorite songs.
  • Give children a scarf, ribbon or some paper streamers to wave in time to music. Encourage them to find as many different ways to move the scarf or ribbon as they can.
  • Encourage children to dress up as a favorite character from a book and act out the story
  • Plan a “work out” time to do simple exercises with children. Keep them age-appropriate. Exercises can be done to music, or you can borrow simple exercise tapes from the public library
  • Play circle games such as Simon Says, Follow the Leader, or Duck, Duck Goose to keep children active
  • Have children pretend to ice skate wearing socks on a smooth floor
  • Children love pretending to be animals by making their sounds and movements.
  • Set up an indoor basketball game with crumpled up newspaper balls thrown into a laundry basket or cardboard box
  • Pile up old blankets and pillows for soft indoor climbing fun

Active play is an essential part of young children’s lives. Effective child care programs give children ways to be active indoors as well as outside. With imagination and creativity, you can come up with other fun ideas for active play.

(Some ideas from

Sport psychology training

I am often asked what it’s needed to know in order to define a psychologist expert in sport psychology. I propose a list of knowledge and abilities and people look at me surprised as if it should be easier, instead I complicate their life by highlighting the complexity and the many facets of this work. Other times I say more simply to return when they are able to cite at least 10 names of experts in sport psychology and they will be able to talk about their work.

Unfortunately many people think to be able to work in sport psychology:

  • from motivators that are hardly aware of some aspects of psychology,
  • to coaches who feel themselves psychologists,
  • and psychologists who do not want to invest in specific training.

We live in a jungle in which any professional can do everything, but we have to resist at this temptation and build a professional who has strong scientific basis and it’s connected to what is being done in the world. In this regard, the American Psychological Association has proposed on the site of the Div 47 -Psychology of sport and exercise a short questionnaire to assess our knowledge and preparing for a future in this field: read it and understand what it takes to do this work with competence.

For further information about the sport psychologist professional role don’t hesitate to contact me.

The dance on sheets hung between two peaks

Serena Williams depression

The depression is suffering Serena Williams joins the one who had many other sport stars including Lindsey Vonn, Ian Thorpe, Gianluigi Buffon. Two aspects must be taken into great consideration when we talk about depression in sport. The first, the neurosis and psychopathology produced by unstable behaviors are unusual among elite athletes, because the sport is already a sort of vaccine against this type of event. Having learned to live very intense emotional situations and sometimes extreme, and their recurrence continuously over the years with positive outcomes, allowed the athletes to develop high level of self-esteem. Next to this the positive side derived from continuous competitive stress and by the discovery of a positive way to cope with, there is another aspect that it may in fact increase the risk of depression, corresponding to the choice of making their lives depend on the achievement of sport successes. So in case of failure, to be questioned is the value as a person. A failure that it can lead to a very severe depression and in extreme cases at the suicide. It’s no coincidence that Serena Williams had already previously suffered from depression when she had to stop playing, because of two health problems. In one case, she cut her foot on a broken glass, undergoing two surgeries and so she described her state of mind at that time: “Especially when I had the second surgery (on my foot), I was definitely depressed. I cried all the time. I was miserable to be around.” In 2011, she also developed a lung problem and she was hospitalized with a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs). She then underwent surgery for a large hematoma in her stomach. When she returned theathy she said she did not know what to expect, she did not want to be in a hurry and she hoped she would return to play as she knew. Losing to Roberta Vinci, after a year of triumph, it was the stimulus that it has again subjected to this painful condition. If she won the US Open she would become the first tennis player after almost 30 years to win the Grand Slam again, results previously achieved only by three other tennis players. Serena Williams has brought this boulder of expectations for the duration of the US Open, then she did not do most upright and she collapsed. She kept saying “I do not feel the pressure,” like a mantra that it can erase the truth whereas this mental approach has allowed only to delay her drama. It would do better to accept the fear of not being able to win despite being currently the most good. It’s not easy to think in this way, when the world thinks that you have to win and it does not consider any other outcome. In those moments, you do not have escape routes because others push you with enthusiasm towards the abyss; the only alternative would have been born of her own: to accept that losing was a possible solution, and that it could happen. If you live in the belief that you cannot lose, you must always correspond to the expectations of others and the demands of her enormous ego, whereas the defeat comes, she does not have tools to understand how this event could have happened, and this generates depression for not having been able to deal with the situation successfully. Depression starts at that time to despise herself. I hope Serena Williams relies on a skilled psychotherapist to help her to understand and better confront herself

Tennis mental coaching

Il mental coaching nel Tennis

 Offerta di 2 Webinars di psicologia dello sport sul Tennis

La gestione degli errori nel Tennis

 Relatore: Alberto Cei

Data: 21 ottobre, ore 19.00-20.15

Durata: 75 minuti

Programma: Questo webinar è dedicato ai tennisti che sanno quanto è dura non spaccare la racchetta dopo l’ennesimo stupido errore e che vogliono migliorare il loro self-control proprio in questi momenti.

La forza di ogni tennista consiste nel giocare al meglio delle proprie capacità.Questo è ciò che conta:

  • Giocare come sai
  • Impegnarti al massimo su ogni palla

Solo alla fine della partita farai conti e si vedrà chi ha vinto. Pensare al risultato del set o del game serve solo ad aumentare il proprio stress agonistico e a perdere più punti ancora. “Il tennis lo ha inventato il diavolo” ha detto Adriano Panatta perché ti spinge in errore, a  pensare, ad esempio, che oggi giochi proprio bene e … di colpo cominci a sbagliare; oppure che vuoi fargliela pagare al tuo avversario con quelle pallette che ti mette sempre lì … e così ti arrabbi e non ne prendi più nessuna. O ancora che vuoi tirare forte la prima, vuoi osare … e ti trovi ad avere difficoltà sulle seconde. Lo stesso ha detto la Pennetta dopo la vittoria con la Williams: “pensavo solo a correre e a buttare la palla dall’altra parte”.

Il webinar è rivolto ai tennisti, ai maestri di tennis, agli psicologi a tutti coloro che amano questo sport bellissimo e così difficile.

Partecipando si acquisiranno competenze su:

  • L’errore come parte integrante della partita
  • Accettare che vi sono momenti difficili in ogni partita
  • Conoscere se stessi: in quali situazione commetto più errori
  • Come valorizzare il momento positivo di gioco
  • Come uscire da un momento di gioco negativo
  • Strategie e tecniche psicologiche per aumentare il proprio self-control

Per corrispondere meglio alle vostre esigenze, inviate tre domande su questo tema a cui vorreste trovare una risposta durante il webinar vi risponderemo.

Riceverai una e-mail di conferma entro 24 ore.


La concentrazione nel tennis

Relatore: Alberto Cei

Data: 4 novembre, ore 19.00-20.15

Durata: 75 minuti

Programma: Questo webinar è dedicato ai tennisti che vogliono migliorare la loro concentrazione durante i game, riducendo i momenti di passività nel gioco e le azioni dettate solo dalla loro impulsività.

Per ogni tennista è necessario sapere riconoscere a cosa presta attenzione durante la partita. Pensa come giocare o a fare i punti? Pensa a correre e a buttare la palla dall’altra parte o pensa che il suo avversario è fortunato? Pensa che oggi è una giornata storta o ragiona, anche semplicemente ma ragiona. Tu che tennista sei?

Per essere concentrati durante gli scambi di gioco è necessario predisporsi a questo impegno durante le pause di gioco. E’ necessario possedere una routine stabile ed efficace che permetta al tennista di essere pronto nel momento del servizio o della risposta. Le pause più lunghe quando si è seduti rappresentano un altro momento importante per ridurre le tensioni mentali dannose, sostituendole con un atteggiamento che predispone al gioco. Verranno discusse le tecniche mentali che possono essere utilizzate in quei momenti per mantenere o ricostruire se necessario una condizione emotiva che valorizzi le proprie capacità di tennista.

Il webinar è rivolto ai tennisti, ai maestri di tennis, agli psicologi e a tutti coloro che amano questo sport bellissimo e così difficile.

Partecipando si acquisiranno competenze su:

  • Riconoscere a cosa si presta attenzione durante la partita
  • Coraggio, umiltà e tenacia sono abilità mentali decisive per restare concentrati sul gioco
  • Come predisporsi a essere attenti durante le pause tra i game
  • Come visualizzare le proprie azioni
  • Gli esercizi di mindfulness per restare concentrati sul presente

Per corrispondere meglio alle vostre esigenze, inviate tre domande su questo tema a cui vorreste trovare una risposta durante il webinar vi risponderemo.