Tag Archive for 'solitudine'

The loneliness curve

Loneliness in adulthood follows a U-shaped pattern: it’s higher in younger and older adulthood, and lowest during middle adulthood, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study that examined nine longitudinal studies from around the world.

The study also identified several risk factors for heightened loneliness across the whole lifespan, including social isolation, sex, education and physical impairment.

“What was striking was how consistent the uptick in loneliness is in older adulthood,” said corresponding author Eileen Graham, associate professor of medical social sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. “There’s a wealth of evidence that loneliness is related to poorer health, so we wanted to better understand who is lonely and why people are becoming lonelier as they age out of midlife so we can hopefully start finding ways to mitigate it.”

Lacking connection can increase the risk for premature death to levels comparable to smoking daily, according to the office of the U.S. Surgeon General, who one year ago called for action to address America’s loneliness epidemic. Graham said her findings underscore the need for targeted interventions to reduce social disparities throughout adulthood to hopefully reduce levels of loneliness, especially among older adults.

Perhaps one day general practitioners could assess levels of loneliness during regular wellness visits to help identify those who might be most at risk, Graham said.

Very often the athletes don’t have someone to talk about their fears

The need to use an humanistic psychology approach to sports it comes out, in my opinion, continuously in demands that athletes do to psychologists. It regards, not so much in teaching specific strategies and psychological techniques like to manage the competitive stress to stay focused on the tasks or to know how to collaborate with the mates. It regards some aspects of the sport life, that for these people is not just a job to do at the best but it has become an all-encompassing experience that gives meaning to their existence, where the value of oneself as a person is measured on results to reach. For many athletes it is not enough to do their job professionally,because they want always, even in training, be committed at the top and get in the race results of the highest level.

The relevance of the humanistic approach stems from concerns that arise from the athletes’ performance. The mother of all questions is for young people: “I will achieve the results for what I am working?”. That for older athletes becomes: “I shall be able to repeat these results?”. But these are just some of the possible concerns, arising in the minds of most of the best athletes, those who have managed to move their youthful passion into an ambitious and satisfying job, which for many it has become so overwhelming do not to leave space for very little else, with the joys and sorrows of this condition. The athletes, with rare exceptions, do not have qualified people to talk about these subjects. Rarely talk about coaches or mates, more often with their partners or parents.

The sports psychologists should be the most qualified professionals to address these issues but they must possess a well developed training and a personal sensitivity to help the athletes in dealing with these issues.

Understand the athletes’ solitude

It starts a new season, which it means new challenges. In this work there is little room for the routine, for consolidated assets repeated year after year. Working with athletes and coaches, committed to get the best of themselves, always represents a novelty and the final result is never done.

Although I teach valuable skills like to improve concentration or the stress management, the most important aspect for me concerns the acceptance of their loneliness in front of the daily work and to drive themselves in those unique moments represented by the competitions. So I wish to the athletes to accept these moments, living them as significant aspects of life and not as weak moments to hide or delete. I wish also to the psychologists to know how to be in contact with this part of the athletes’ life and be able to help them to live it responsibly and constructively