Tag Archive for 'politica'

Physical activity and wellbeing

Exercise should be prescribed by your doctor(http://sante.lefigaro.fr/actualite/2012/11/01/19384-lexercice-physique-devrait-etre-prescrit-sur-ordonnance). It has been proposed in France by Jacques Bazex de l’Academie de medecine, in view of the physical activity program for the Ministry of Health is about to do. Sports prescribed as antibiotics, aspirin or anti-depressants. For some disadvantaged groups should be paid by the State.
According to the Lancet the sedentary lifestyle would be responsible for one death out of 10, as well as tobacco: 5,30 millions.(http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/The_Lancet_study_suggests_inactivity_now_as_deadly_as_smoking).
While here  in Italy this issue has not included in any politic agenda, the others go forward with ideas and concrete programs. Even no newspaper has reported this news, which I took from Carlo Nesti: http://www.torinogranata.it/?action=read&idnotizia=33924

Sport and politics in UK

Since 2010 that the British government allocates millions of pounds for training sports culture of the students. Maria Miller, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport of the British government, proposed and obtained an investment of 17 million pounds for the full refining (over five years) school sports. It will create 150 jobs for full-time professionals to be included in this program, which will be called “College Sport Makers”, which will help young people to develop stable sport attitudes. The interest, therefore, is entirely focused on youth sports, knowing that the equipments and infrastructures, build in London for the Olympics and the Paralympics, are a huge advantage to be exploited for students. The investment will be provided by the National Lottery.

“Too many children – says Richard Lewis, Chair of Sport England – drop out of sport when they leave school, as it gets squeezed by competing demands like studying, work and relationships. We want College Sport Makers to remind young people how much fun sport is and to help them build it into their schedules so they develop a sporting habit for life.”

In addition to this investment of 17 million pounds, for sports training, there will be a fund of 3 million pounds, which will be available in the form of small grants to colleges to pay for new equipments or transports. The initiative will be funded for a total of £ 1 billion reserved for Sport England for the next five years.

From: http://www.sportengland.org/about_us/our_news/college_makers.aspx

Why the fraud

S’inganna perché si vuole ottenere un vantaggio: potere, sesso e soldi sono le molle che spingono a frodare. Le storie italiane di questi anni dimostrano come l’inganno sia stato praticato quotidianamente da chi stava al potere. S’inganna per fare apparire il falso per vero, per sottrarre informazioni importanti per i cittadini, si froda in modo intenzionale costruendo un sistema che sostenga la frode. La frode può partire da una singola persona ma per continuare ha bisogno di diffondersi, di corrompere, si deve creare un sistema di regole alternative, dicendo ovviamente che non è vero o che esiste una congiura della magistratura.