Tag Archive for 'Carlo Nesti'

Physical activity and wellbeing

Exercise should be prescribed by your doctor(http://sante.lefigaro.fr/actualite/2012/11/01/19384-lexercice-physique-devrait-etre-prescrit-sur-ordonnance). It has been proposed in France by Jacques Bazex de l’Academie de medecine, in view of the physical activity program for the Ministry of Health is about to do. Sports prescribed as antibiotics, aspirin or anti-depressants. For some disadvantaged groups should be paid by the State.
According to the Lancet the sedentary lifestyle would be responsible for one death out of 10, as well as tobacco: 5,30 millions.(http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/The_Lancet_study_suggests_inactivity_now_as_deadly_as_smoking).
While here  in Italy this issue has not included in any politic agenda, the others go forward with ideas and concrete programs. Even no newspaper has reported this news, which I took from Carlo Nesti: http://www.torinogranata.it/?action=read&idnotizia=33924