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In soccer players’ talent is not enough to win

In soccer, as in all team sports, it is good to remember that in order to win, “The champion team beats a team of champions”, indicating that even the ideal team composed of only champions must still integrate the skills of each one despite possessing a priori a better quality potential at the individual level.

So how often does the favored team win?

A statistician Chris Anderson together with a behavioral economist David Sally have studied this phenomenon [2013] and found that in the European soccer championships this happens in just over 50% of the games, the percentage rises to about two-thirds of the time in German handball, USA basketball and football while in baseball it is about 60% of the matches. To understand team performance we must reduce the focus on the intrinsic value of the teams highlighted mainly by the level of individual talent and put more interest in the study of the skills needed to work together.

What to do to increase the likelihood of winning?

An important key parameter for distinguishing winning teams from others relates to the positive/negative connotation and frequency of dialogue between players on the field. It has been shown that the three positive effects most cited by players are:

  • Increase in player coordination that stimulates mental repetition of critical situations.
  • Improvement of their concentration and the refining of the precision of their movements.
  • Increase in their ability to make correct decisions accurately and in the shortest possible time [Farina and Cei, 2019].

The numbers to accept to become excellent

Sport consists of statistics which can explain the fitness and technical expertise of an athlete, rather than the quality of the game and performance. As sport psychologist I want to give some numbers to highlight what needs to be done to aspire to build a winning mentality :

  • 3 – are the keys to success : commitment and dedication, family and friends, excellent coaches.
  • 4 – are the basic psychological skills: learning from experience, relaxation, positive self-talk and mental repetition.
  • 6 – are the stages of the athlete’s career: fun, moving, learn to train, train to train, learn to compete, learn how to win, retirement and career transition.
  • 7 – advanced psychological skills: goal setting, stress management, concentration, race management, performance evaluation, management of extra-sport life, coach -athlete relationship.
  • 700 – are the hours of training of a junior athlete.
  • 1,200 – are the hours of annual training of top athlete.
  • 10,000 – are the hours needed to become expert as athlete.
  • many thousands – are the mistakes to accept.

Italian football numbers

Yesterday the Italian Football Association (www.figc.it) has presented the Social Report – 2012, which contains, inter alia, the numbers of Italian football:

14,653 Football clubs

71,689 Teams

1,151,437 Players

670,589 Players of Youth and School Division

62,286 Coaches

2907 Doctors

34,728 Referees

132,163 Managers

591,496 Games Played

I numeri per il successo

Semplifichiamo anche noi e diamo i numeri per avere successo:
3 – sono le chiavi del successo: impegno e dedizione, famiglia e amici, allenatori eccellenti.
4 – sono le abilità psicologiche di base: imparare dall’esperienza, rilassarsi, self-talk positivo e ripetere mentalmente.
6 – sono le fasi della carriera dell’atleta: divertirsi muovendosi, imparare a allenarsi, allenarsi ad allenarsi, imparare a competere, imparare a vincere, ritiro e passaggio di carriera.
7 – sono le abilità psicologiche avanzate: goal setting, gestione dello stress, concentrazione, gestione della gara, valutazione delle prestazioni, gestione della vita extra-sportiva, rapporto allenatore-atleta.
1.200 – sono le ore di allenamento annuali di un atleta di livello assoluto.
10.000 – sono le ore necessarie per diventare atleti esperti.