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The soccer Italian problems come also from the coaches too guaranteed

The matches in Italian football premiere league too often demonstrate that concepts such as:

  • Go beyond your limits and maintain high standards
  • Excel for themselves
  • Compete to outdo the other

are not part of the current culture of the teams with some rare exceptions.

The question is why  atsuccessful professional football players is not taught to start the match with the determination and concentration required to play a match. The coaches think their team will play in a certain way, then this is not the case. Maybe compared to the big Italian coaches of the past than at present they have become so presumptuous as to convince themselves that their presence is enough to inspire courage? Maybe because they earn too much and are too guaranteed from the economic point of view, then, based on this condition they believe not be criticized for this reason they do not use collaborators who might represent the critical consciousness that is missing in them.

On the contrary, the experiences of high-level leadership in the business teach just that, alongside the great leaders there is always another expert that confront openly and verifies that their ideas are implemented. Perhaps the coaches could learn to use collaborators able to know if their players are willing to play till the end, or are willing to give up an inch at a time. Why this is the difference between winning and being dominated.