What mistake to be frightened of having problems in the race

For top athletes the most difficult thing is to maintain the performance continuity  in the same competition; that it takes place in one day and on more days. One of the aspects which limits their performance is the expectation of getting a winning result to which they can aspire legitimately because they have the skills. But it is not enough to be fit or feel ready to provide this type of performance, because for the reason of this opportunity you have to beat your worst enemy that is the performance anxiety. It is this combination of moods and thoughts that when they appear at the athletes’ consciousness represent the final test they must overcome, otherwise mistakes and poor performances will soon be there. It’s in these moments, which always occur in the races, the athletes have to do their work,, managing the fears and everything that could limit their full expression in the race. Instead  they have to go in into the fear, beginning to destroy it through those skills learned with mental coaching. It’s time to use them. Not just having learned them they will not be anxious, they must humbly and patiently recognize that they are living a moment emotionally disturbing and take action to overcome it. I fear that sometimes athletes are convinced that these negative situations are unlikely to occur, in that they follow a mental coaching program. This is a big mistake. They act like those who knew how to solve a problem, rather to be committed to solve it, they think to it as something they would not to have. Obviously in this case the problem is not deleted and it will procuct all its destructive force.

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