Highlander syndrome

It’s called Highlander syndrome , or immortality syndrome, taking the title of the famous films of the ’80s that speaks the exploits of an immortal. To suffer are adults over50. More likely to affect the athletes who continue their activities after the youth period, or those that interrupted the sports activities, they start again in advanced age, sedentary pretending to be athletes. Too often these athletes are mistakenly convinced that exercise protect us from any medical condition, and so minimize symptoms and risk factors, past or present. The consequences are often serious: from skeletal system problems to heart disease.

Some simple tips: be followed by a qualified coach (not by another over50) for deciding the training program that you intend to follow, listen to the feelings by not train when you have pain, be aware that recovery is part of the training , learn to be satisfied with what you do and not for the results.

Watch:  http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-e77ee750-4412-43d6-8d99-dac70d018b64-raisport.html#set=ContentSet-1142e8eb-ec5b-4ece-bceb-72db5410e0f0&page=0



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