Why tennis is a devil creature

“Tennis has been invented by devil, “said Adriano Panatta because it pushes you in error, to think, for example, that today you are playing just fine … and suddenly you start to go wrong, or you want that your opponent make an error … and so you get angry and do not take no more balls. Or you want to pull hard the first, you dare … and you start having difficulty on the second.

Why is it wrong to think this way?

Because the devil has led you to think only of the result you are getting (“how good I am today”) or what you want to achieve (“Pull hard, make them pay”). All right are legitimate thoughts that pass in everyone’s mind. Only the strong tennis players take them away while the others will dwell a while. ‘The effect is that instead of being focused on what needs to be done to force the service or how we must respond to the opponent, we lose time thinking about what you want to achieve.

Think about making a point is useless, even harmful.

We must focus on the action to be done to beat the opponent and push her to make mistakes. Sometimes you do not need to do anything special, just get the ball over the net, because then we think the other will do a mistake.

The mind is everything in tennis, the champions must also guide themselves through each game in order to enhance their play, it is not a coincidence that the breaks will be extended beyond the seconds allowed just to allow the player to carry out this work and mental recovery concentration on the next game.

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