Tennis mental coaching

The tennis mental component of the performance is one of the aspects that determine its quality.
The mistakes made have always  a  technical or tactic value, the players sends out a ball for millimeters and  the will make mistakes to be in delay of milliseconds.

It ‘s the mind that leads these actions and training is the moment where to learn and refine this ability “to do the right thing” in the right moment. The mental coaching is a system that helps athletes get in this optimal condition, it is the training to be ready not only physically but also mentally before a match and to manage the competitive event in the best way.

The mental coaching is a systematic  and constant training of the psychological skills and attitudes.

Just think at the service: how many times the player make it even if he is not ready. For example he speeds up the preparation of the shot because he wants to immediately recover or he slows down the service because otherwise he is afraid of making a mistake.

These are situations that the tennis player lives every day and he will not improve just working on technique or playing a lot of games. These two solutions are very useful but they must be accompanied by a change in the mind player before serving, otherwise he will not  be able to show his technical and tactical skills.

Most of the players and also those of tennis clubs spend countless hours in training to improve technically and do not spend 5 minutes to improve their head.

What are the reasons for this neglect:

  • they don’t  know
  • they just want to have fun
  • they think that they cannot change their mind
  • only the champions do these things
  • they have not time
  • or, as Cesare Maldini said: “I’m not crazy”

The players of the clubs do not do it for all of the above reasons, but the effect is that they do not improve as much as they would like.

My dear reader is with this thought that I want to leave: “Imagine, if you will, to the games you’ve played and to the difficulties you encountered and  ask to yourself  if a different mindset would help you to play better, win more often or to have more fun. ”

(Read more at—parte-1-artt755.html)

1 Response to “Tennis mental coaching”

  • Molto molto interessante, ma a tal proposito, secondo lei, quali sono i punti cardine di un allenamento mentale nel tennis?? Su quali leve andrebbe ad agire?? Fermo restando che ogni programma deve essere sviluppato su base individuale quali sono le aree di valutazione psicologica che secondo lei non possono mancare in una valutazione e potenziamento dell’allenamento??

    Grazie mille

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