Tag Archive for 'gradualità'

Running is a democratic activity for the mind

Running is a democratic activity for the mind. We can run slow or fast, for a short time or a long time, we can do it alone or with friends, we can run in the outdoors or on the track, we can alternate running with walking, we can start to run just out home or going to the gym, we  can vary at will the routes and places to run, wherever we are we can go for a run. No other sport is so rich in alternatives to be practiced. It’s democratic because every time we run we are free to choose what to do. For these reasons running stimulate the individual consciousness, which is the art of knowing what we want to do and how. Today I want to run flat on the road, tomorrow in a park and the day after on the track, each of these situations generate different sensations and different types of stride. We must learn to listen, to feel the body sensations, the breath, the heart and the thoughts connected to these sensations. Running mostly means learning to choose which is the most appropriate way for us and especially it means to learn to recognize when it’s time to stop and how to alternate days of intense training with the ones in which we recover. It’s not easy and for this reason it’s useful to follow a training program, simple and suitable for us, but at the same time we must not give up on developing the ability to listen, especially to understand which are the feelings that we should not have (for example, what is that the heart rate must not exceed and that to have in most of the times ). Running is also give a rule, the main one is to have as an objective to continue to run even in a year and do not stop in a month because it was poorly made. An example, to understand how important it’s to follow a rule. If a sedentary person or who does’not practice since many years starts to do 10 minutes of activity 3 times a week, alternating 1 minute of walking and 1 minutes of running  if would increase its commitment by 1 minute per week ( then the second would be 11 minutes x 3 times and so on). In a year he/she would be able to run for 1 hour three times a week. This is a gradual approach that anyone who does not have specific health or overweight problems could be able to maintain.