Dear Tennis Player,
- Don’t insult yourself when you make mistakes and don’t cheer against yourself.
- Support yourself in a positive way always, even when the ball goes out or you are under.
- Don’t yell at yourself; you will play worse.
- Play joyfully, freely and make the choices you want to make.
- Don’t criticize how others play just to imply that you understand tennis.
- Support your less good friends in the Circle, let them feel your support.
- Remember that too much tension is harmful; you are not playing the Wimbledon final.
- Have fun, use humor to reduce the fear of making a bad impression.
- At the end of the match, don’t tell yourself that you are deeply disappointed and will stop playing.
- Accept defeats, even the ones that sting the most.
- Don’t always blame the racket, the weather, bad luck.
- Remember that it is your mind that commands technique and tactics and not viceversa.
- Do not show by your behavior disrespect for others, whether teammates or opponents.
- Show them respect in your every behavior on the field.
- It is never others who make you wrong.
- It is you who have not been able to respond to a shot or have not adapted to that type of play.
- Don’t make the same mistake over and over, don’t insist on a shot that doesn’t fit.
- When you make a mistake do something different and change the way you play.
- Don’t play to close games as quickly as possible.
- Take your time to build the point and reason.
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