Why many people don’t want to be the masters of their destiny?

Many people today are quoting the words that Roberto Mancini said to the team before the final against England: “We are the masters of our destiny”.

The comments called them emotional words, true because it is precisely this kind of awareness that too often determines catastrophic emotional responses.

This awareness resonates within every person at crucial moments in their lives. It is a concept that reveals the extent to which an individual wants to be self-determining and autonomous in their decisions. They are the basis of self-determination theory, which states that people accomplish their goals precisely because they know they will improve through their efforts.

There is a but that often hinders one’s affirmation, it consists in knowing that even if one provides the best performance of which one is capable, the final result is still not guaranteed. In other words, you have to do your best in the knowledge that you can still lose a soccer match or, in life, not get what you have worked for. Because there are also others, there is the difficulty of the task and sometimes you need a bit of luck as well.

Not all people are willing to commit to taking these risks and, therefore, reduce their involvement in what they do or behave impulsively, acting without thinking, while others become overly analytical, asking too many questions and slowing down their action.

People who don’t accept this challenge choose to take refuge in the comforting idea that they failed because they didn’t try hard enough. It’s a way of not inflicting self-esteem.

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