How too we teach to compete?

Learning to compete is one of the stages of an athlete’s development.

So the question is, “How much time do we spend in training to develop this skill?” but also “How do we use the results of competitions to improve this aspect?”

This is a question that coaches and psychologists must ask themselves if they want to participate effectively in this process of improving the youth they coach.

These are questions that go beyond the technical-tactical learnings and those of the psychological techniques that young people have learned. They may have learned a lot but not be able to put them into practice during a competition.

They may be motivated and relatively confident people, who train with pleasure and effectiveness, have no particular conflicts with their coaches and listen to them … but that is not enough. At the absolute level, there are world champion athletes who have never made it into an Olympic final.

Think about it … then we’ll try to hypothesize answers.

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