The blog of Dino Lanzaretti cyclist out alone for the world.
“I started many years ago by chance, and without too many ambitions, this long journey through the world.
At the time I was naive and without any experience but today I can confidently say that two or three things on this way of life I well understood.
I state that my debut was marked by great difficulty due to the total lack of information exchange between fellow travelers. Internet was in its infancy and there was no way to get answers to the immense doubts before a trip.
The fact is that only thanks to the blisters on my ass and many other unnecessary injuries I knew what to do and what not to do while riding a bike.
The beliefs that I have about the materials are a normal consequence of a series of unfortunate breaks happened in worse places at the worst moment.
I then developed simple technical solutions to prevent possible accidents and can do a more peaceful trip, without too many problems.
So why do not try to make the bike trip more fun for those who want to try?
I often get emails from other bikers who ask me which is the right bike for traveling or tent to use …
To me this seems a direct consequence to give information and make available my experience to share this beautiful way of cycling.
I decided to create this blog on my new website and try to infuse and spread cycling as much as possible .
I will attempt to specify every technical detail and every mechanical choice, giveing explanations about the materials and tools really needed, comparing especially routes and areas of the world really suitable for an unforgettable adventure.
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