Coaches only victims of the club?

Once again, the football  will not forgive the coaches and regularly after some lost games they are fired. We always say that it happens because it is easier to fire a coach than 11 players and the team owners do not accept the defeats. Thinking in this way the coaches are always victims and the others are their executioners. For once, I would like to try to think that the results of the teams reflect the limits of the coaches and that these exemptions should be experienced as alarm bells for a way to be a leader, that was wrong and therefore should be understood, evaluated and changed to be more prepared when there will be the next opportunity to sit on the bench. I do not know if these coaches  do this critical track and eventually if they do it with the help of a consultant in the field of performance improvement. My impression is that this way of doing things does not belong to the world of football coaches, for the reason that if they do not feel the need for a consultant psychologist when they lead the team why should they feel the need when they are without a club.

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