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The sun inside

The film tells the story of two long trips between Europe to Africa in both directions.
It ‘s the story of Yaguine and Fodè, two Guinean teenagers who wrote on behalf of all children and young Africans a letter addressed “to their Excellencies, members in charge of Europe”, asking for help for schools, food and medical , “as your children”.
Thus  their extraordinary journey of hope began,  intersecting another trip, this time from Europe to Africa, which takes place ten years later, made by two other teenagers and their ball. It’s the story of Thabo which has thirteen, from N’Dola, an African village that even he knows exactly where he is and where he tries to come back, accompanied by his friend Rocco, fourteen years, from Bari. Both come from the South of that Europe full of contradictions, that attracts and repels people. With the precious letter in his pocket Yaguine and Fodè hide themselves in the compartment of the carriage of a plane to Brussels. The other two boys are victims of the player market,  from which they want to escape. Playing with a ball, their only companion, Thabo and Rocco walk through Africa, in the opposite direction along one of the many “paths of shoes” tracks over the years, thousands of men, women and children, fleeing famine, war, the slow dimming of the dignity of life of an entire continent. When the airbus 300 of Sabena concludes its long flight landing in Brussels, a technician discovered embraced the bodies frozen of Yaguine and Fodè. Besides, the letter addressed “To Their Excellencies”. The long journey of Thabo and Rocco, however, ends with the arrival in N’Dola, where, in a football field dedicated to Yaguine and Fodè, they play their match.

(From www.ilsoledentro.it Read the letter of Yaguine e Fodè)