Tag Archive for 'Brett Favre'

The football bad side

Brett Favre doesn’t have a son, but if he did: “I would be real leery of him playing” football.” In some respects, I’m almost glad I don’t have a son because of the pressures he would face.”  In October, Favre said that at age 44 he’s facing “scary” memory issues linked to on-field concussions. “I think after 20 years, God only knows the toll,” the ex-Green Bay Packer told a Washington, D.C. radio station last month, adding that he could not recall an entire season of his daughter’s soccer games.

These brain damage also affect other former players. For example, Tony Dorsett, former star of the Dallas Cowboys, has just this disease: acute encephalopathy caused by trauma. Unequivocal symptoms afflict Tony and two other ex, Leonard Marshall (NY Giants) and Joe Delamielleure (Buffalo Bills).

The NFL has recently paid an astronomical amount for the damages caused to the players and the causes are not over there. The question is simply vital to the present/future of the National Football League and the game in general. The problem is not simple, as it is about playing safe the football without distorting it. For too long has not done anything but now the situation is exploding in all its drama.