In competition we need to understand what mistakes are being made

Have you ever thought that the individual mistakes that athletes make in competition can be attributed to different ways regardless of the causes behind them. One can make mistakes because one is too anxious or unconvinced of one’s abilities. So mistakes are made for different reasons, which may also be mental in origin. However, we must learn to ask ourselves what mistakes Mario and Giovanna make when they experience these mental states.

Mistakes are made because:

Thinks too much – The athlete does not choose among several alternatives that come to mind, is too analytical and loses the rhythm of the race

Thinks too little – Throughout the race the athlete pursues a single thought without committing to something different, shows a rigid and reduced type of attention

Acts before thinking – The ‘athlete commits to reacting to the situation but without having any ideas to implement, behaves impulsively

Frequently changes his or her mind – The athlete frequently changes the race plan, magnifying the importance of mistakes made

Setting specific goals to pursue, mental repetition of the race, and being prepared for mistakes are three useful strategies, if practiced together, to reduce these limitations.

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