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From Mongolia to Old Trafford to fulfil a dream

Cultivating your passions is one of the most beautiful ways to live life. Doing something just for the pleasure it brings, not for money or to please someone, and certainly not out of duty. These are activities undertaken to satisfy the child within us, often labeled as useless, leading nowhere, and perhaps even tedious and boring in the eyes of others.

However, these are the activities that give a profound sense of purpose to life, that bring happiness in their execution, that help us better accept the rest of our lives and temporarily distance ourselves from disappointments.

A story like this is realized by Ochirvaani Batbold, 26 years old, who cycled 10,000 kilometers from Mongolia to fulfill his dream of meeting his idol Wayne Rooney and cheering for Manchester United.

In his youth, he was an emerging player in his country, Mongolia, playing in several teams of the top Mongolian league. Then someone promised him a trial with the Los Angeles Galaxy in exchange for 3,000 euros, but he lost his money because the offer turned out to be a scam. It seemed like the opportunity of a lifetime. To escape despair, he wrote a letter to Manchester United explaining his situation and thus set off a year ago, taking all this time to reach England.

The former English striker couldn’t believe it and declared: “I wanted to meet you at all costs,” Rooney said to an emotional Batbold upon his arrival in Manchester, “to tell you ‘well done’! You think we footballers gave you inspiration. But what you did is something incredible, and you should be very proud of it.”

Guys follow your dreams, do like Jacobs and Tamberi

If Jacobs and Tamberi had not nurtured their dream, they would not have given us this unforgettable day. There is an old saying that those who do not dream are not realists. How many times have we said to ourselves “it would be a dream if I succeeded, but it’s impossible, better to give up, it would be too much disappointment”. So when faced with the fear of failure we freeze and tell ourselves, “Come on, get back on track.”

This was not the case for these two men who, without being world champions or having set records, decided to run the risk of failure in order to work towards the dream of their lives. Tamberi and Jacobs believed in the seemingly impossible and have worked hard over the years to turn what started out as a boy’s dream into a reality. Dreams allow us to explore our limits, and until we know our current ones, we cannot know what we will need to do to go beyond them. We often hear, “I have given it all.” It is certainly true as far as what we know about ourselves at that moment, it is our awareness that leads to formulate this thought but if we improve this condition of knowledge about ourselves we might discover that it is not true, that we have not yet used all our qualities, that perhaps we still do not know everything. If Jacobs hadn’t had the courage to give up the long jump after two null jumps, despite having previously jumped 8.49, at the 2019 indoor Europeans and if Tamberi hadn’t written on his chalk his completely incredible dream “Road to Tokyo 2020″ while still in the hospital, they wouldn’t have won gold in Tokyo.

Only those who overcome these psychological barriers, imposing something unknown on themselves, can concretely aspire to achieve incredible goals. On the other hand, the history of the exploits of human beings tells us many of these stories. “Impossible is nothing” is the motto of a multinational sports company, on the one hand it is false because we can never run as fast as a cheetah, but it is equally true that in sports “records are made to be beaten” and to do so you have to overcome that limit beyond which no one has gone so far.

This was the case for Roger Bannister, who on May 6, 1954 was the first to accomplish a feat considered impossible by science: running the English mile (1609.23 meters) under 4 minutes (3’59″4). His record lasted just 46 days, the Australian John Landy brought it to 3’58″0, this was possible because Bannister had unhinged an insurmountable door beyond which there are all passed and summarized his feat with these few words: “The secret is always that, the ability to bring out what you do not have or do not know you have. It was the same for Reinhold Messner when on August 20, 1980 he was the first man to achieve another feat considered impossible by science, climbing Everest (8848 meters) without the use of oxygen, and then to climb all 14 eight-thousanders with this approach.

The experiences of these athletes and yesterday’s Jacobs and Tamberi confirm the value of cultivating our dreams, they are the light that guides us through the difficulties and performances, relentlessly fueling our conviction to reach our goal.

Which is the dream of Italians

The research “What do the Italians dream of” done by Censis per Conad and presented in Rome showed that two out of three did not want to come out of the euro and are opposed to the concept of national sovereignty as an escape from the EU.

For Italians the essential factors to grow and come back to dream are: more equitable resources, more welfare and social protection, less aggression and resentment towards others while – surprisingly – two out of three do not want to leave the euro and are opposed to national sovereignty as escape from the EU. This is different data from the ones we listen in the talkshow on TV every day.

“1.2% of Italian families has 21% of the country’s wealth: thinking about the development of Italy means intervening on this polarization. We cannot only think of profit, but of what derives from it. At regards at this request for the redistribution of wealth, the Government cannot be excluded “, said the Conad CEO Francesco Pugliese, commenting the research and adding that the country needs a credible governing class, of equity and meritocracy, of a policy that rewards commitment and promotes solidarity, the social context and a sense of responsibility. These are necessary prerequisites for sharing a great collective dream, the most powerful engine of growth.”

Speaking as an entrepreneur, Pugliese concluded: “Once for the companies was relevant their production capacity. Today we talk about reputation and to have a reputation we must know to take a position.”

If this is the feeling of the Italians, how is it possible such a marked difference from what is daily said by the media? “Today news means only bad news; good ones have no dignity to be told. This concept must therefore be overturned.”

Illustrating the research, Francesco Maietta, head of Censis Social Policies, said that “according to the Italians the general situation is getting worse in two aspects: the economy (deteriorated in the last 12 months according to 55.4% of Italians and will worsen further by 48.4%) and security (worsened by 42.3%). The perception of life touches two decisive areas: obviously what it was done by government failed to reverse the trend. The worsening of the economy is perceived more by low incomes, while the perception of insecurity is more distributed.

People trust only in the great scientists (41%), the President of the Republic and the Pope (30%), in the highest levels of the police (25.5%). The problem is that the psychology of the worst has been build, which is the opposite of the dream and there are no mythic solutions. The idea that we must leave Europe does not convince the Italians (66.2% is against the euro exit and 65.8% is against the return to national sovereignty, 52% is against re-establishing customs barriers and walls. The absolute primacy is the individual freedom which is the first aspects of the Italian dream.

The Rio Olympics begin: It fulfills the athletes’ dream

The Rio Olympics are about to begin. The scourge of doping, which humiliates the sport, is strong and it does not seem to recede despite the disqualifications and the results of the report by Richard McLaren. Despite this, for most of the athletes, the Olympics are an extraordinary event (Italians will present 308). We know the cost and the risks  the Olympics impose to those who organized but the myth endures today as it once was. This is the world’s most important sport event, it happens once every four years, for most of the disciplines is necessary to be qualified and in some there is only one athlete per country. It is also a strong link with our past origins, where they join the search for beauty, performance, competitiveness, peace and hero. Who wins a medal at the Olympics goes right to the history of world sport, for this is the race of life. In fact, there are athletes who have not recovered from a defeat at the Olympics, others who have lived the next four years waiting for that day, in which they demonstrated to the world their true value. This is why many dope, because they want to maximize the probability of winning, until to pass the boundary of what is permissible and legal. Winning the Olympics is the fulfillment of a dream, which has had thought dozens of times before. We have not to believe to  the athletes when they say: “I did not really think about it, my goal was to do my best.” They thought all right, but they have been so good to dismiss this idea and to focus only on what it took to deliver an outstanding performance. In fact, the victory of a medal at the Olympics only comes from an outstanding performance, excellence in this case is not necessarily in the world record or in unrepeatable quality actions. It comes from having held off the internal pain of the idea of ​​defeat. The athletes in this condition, to deal with this idea, does not exaggerate in the desire to want to do well at all costs, stiffening the body and mind and deteriorating performance, but they do not throw into the fray without even thinking, showing to be impulsive. Instead, they accept the idea of ​​defeat and do exactly what they are prepared to do, in all those long hours of training, neither more nor less, that is, does what he is capable of. Reaching this state of mind is not easy and is the result of a mental work  on themselves. This is the challenge that awaits those who will compete in Rio.