Tag Archive for 'life'

Are you stressed?

When we say to someone who is stressed, we’re not certainly giving him a compliment, the fact we are saying that we see him/her suffering in some way. The most frequent answer we get is: “With the life I lead as I could not be.” Usually if you do not want to insist respond by saying, “Yes, you’re right, who is not stressed today, if you can at least try to rest on the weekends.” It would be best to avoid these dialogues, which only serve to remind us once again that there is nothing to do.
This is the attitude to change, we must not suffer and we have to give a positive meaning to our every day life, because there is not another one. How difficult it is to change attitudes, get out of this passive condition and start to live happier.

September for most of us, it’s back to work, start the schools, there is the return to our daily activities. It can also be the time to decide to live in a less stressed way, starting to appreciate and be more happy with our days and weeks.