Tag Archive for 'grande guerra'

The farewell race

November 1917 Monte Grappa. Italian troops in retreat, they adjusted themselves to the new defensive line, while the advance of the Austro-Germans, who had broken at Caporetto. On those occasions, many soldiers passed through with their division, passing close to their villages. There was no time to stop, a greeting and go again. But at nightfall, with a permit based on the word, many soldiers went down to find their families, but there was little time, hey had to run!

With the heart pounding, down the slopes and woods, to pass a few hours with loved ones, for an hour of love fleeting perhaps the last, before the death by stopping the invaders. And then the return: climb on course to return in time keeping one’s word, perhaps with the food for the comrades remained. Running for love, running to fight, run for glory.

Giovanni Rech, from Seren del Grappa, the father of three girls, made his last run to the Mount Tomatico, after spending the night in the family. The first to open the fire against the Austrians, then dying under the cross throwing back enemy grenades.
Celeste Spadarotto from Quero descend to the village to greet the parents. He survived the war, finding the back country destroyed and both parents dead.
Vincenzo Colognese from Montebelluna, silver medalist, he died running along the trenches of Mount Valderoa, to help and cheer up wounded comrades.
It was the last race for many soldiers. Today we remember themwithout distinction.

Running for the momentum of an assault, to communicate orders or with a wounded comrade, running for their lives, running to write the history.
And you today that you run to feel alive, and your sweat wet grass and rocks, remember them, that here they have shed their blood.
Feel your heart beat, which is now that of every nation here once fought. Run now, you who are free!