Tag Archive for 'competitività. giovani'

Do we want the competition?

Competitiveness has become the word to identify what in Italy it is hard to find; the word to describe the good from the bad that is corruption. In our country there is not the war to find the talents: that is the struggle of the working world, public and private, to have them in them in place of the political friend or fixer turn.

Although in the world of sport the meaning of the competition is more immediate while in the labor times are more dilated  in each case the meaning is always the same. We compete to prove our competences.  He did well Jacopo Morelli to say “out from the politics the thieves, the ignorant and incapable .”

I add that they go away from all:  universities, businesses and sport. At the same time we also have to change our mentality and give our talents the opportunity to come into play, because if we keep them on the bench or even worse in the stands, who will have more initiative will go abroad, as time is going on. It is not enough then only the complain of thieves or complain about the economic crisis, it is necessary to propose a form of intervention to meet supply with demand.

Competitiveness is also this: transparency of offers and equal access, otherwise you will always return to the relations of patronage. In this regard, the article by Luigi Grassia “La Stampa” of October 23, speaks of a survey of Unioncamere which states that lack 100 thousand employees with a variety of professions ranging from carpenter to the engineer, but at the same time there is no information on where to go. It’s a bit like playing a game of football in 9 instead of 11 because someone was not informed to go to the field.

In essence, it is not sufficient to invoke the competitiveness to solve a problem, you should instead give to those who want to compete coordinates to get to the match, where by comparison with others we will measure our skills. Otherwise, the young people will continue to think not only that there is no work but that it is, it is kept secret to be entrusted to the usual friends of friends.