Tag Archive for 'Baumgartner'

Beyond Icarus

Felix Baumgartner has not burned as it happened to Icarus. Many people wonder about the meaning of these challenges. My opinion is that the challenges serve to expand the boundaries of our actions. The purpose is to do the unthinkable: it became feasible through a project, culminating in the action. Science and organization are the basis of this success, but these contributions have been enhanced by the quality of the preparation of Baumgartner as well as the skills he has shown in flight.

He falls down from 120.000 feet

The skydiver Felix Baumgartner is launched today from a height of 120.000 feet protected only by the space suit, helmet and parachute. No one has ever thrown from this height (the previous jump is 1960 from an altitude of 102.800 feet). Employ 2/3 hours to reach this height inside a capsule driven by a helium balloon. After launched in less than five minutes to fall 115.000 feet, exceeding the sound barrier and then open the parachute. As you can imagine there are many risks faced by. The cold and the air extremely rarefied could do vaporize the blood if it is not optimally protected from the suit. In addition, because of the speed he might pass out (after a few seconds after launch he will go at 690 miles an hour). During the fall he will not see anything and he cannot determine how fast it is going. Baumgartner has been training for time physically and mentally to pass this extreme performance and he is aware of the risks of this adventure, he knows why he does and the need to remain calm and focused.

More information: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/10/08/us/skydiver-record-attempt/index.html?hpt=hp_t3