How to work in group in these days

During this time, you need to engage athletes in activities that stimulate their engagement and keep their need for autonomy high. Here are some ideas to put into practice:
  1. Empower athletes during the training sessions so that they are the architects of their own learning by allowing athletes to make more decisions for themselves;
  2. Challenge athletes regularly with resolute and purposeful questioning; Ensure that an empathetic approach is developed and that consideration is given to ‘all’ athletes;
  3. Communicate regularly with all athletes to ensure that no social cliques develop and that any issues can be resolved at an early stage (some sport squads have player management committees);
  4. Give the athletes responsibility of maintaining standards and policing certain activities during practices – for example devolving responsibility to athletes for warm-up activities;
  5. Incorporate peer learning activities within the training sessions so that athletes focus on development of others as well as themselves;
  6. Create opportunities for the athletes to unite and develop team cohesion through team building and bonding activities; Create healthy competition in the training scenario to ensure that all team members are contributing and enjoying the sessions;
  7. Utilise video and other performance analysis tools for both competition and training purposes and involve athletes in the learning and development process.
(Source: Jones, Høigaard e Peters, 2014)

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