Anxiety management and relaxation

The competitive anxiety is a state of mind that any athlete lives before and during the competition, and not just those who are struggling to achieve an absolute level. It’s enough to participate in a local contest or to be one of many who run a marathon to feel those same emotions that seem unique to the international level athletes. The anxiety felt by all those who attribute relevance to the competition they face, it is a psycho-physiological reminds us that we are ready to compete and it is the moment to increase this state of readiness to act. When this condition becomes excessive for the individual, placing her, as it has been said,  outside of her optimal emotional condition  will have the effect of inhibiting the performance. To quote with the words of everyday psychology, “Okay to be tense but we must never lose self-control.”

The purpose of education to develop the skill to relax iis to improve the athlete’s self-control to reduce those emotions that hinder learning and act negatively on performance. In this way the athlete acquires attitudes, ways of thinking and feelings appropriate to the task. Moreover, the experiences of self-control acts indirectly to stimulate personal confidence and to  encourage concentration. For example, the association between a deep breath and mental rehearsal of an action technique, as an high jump, put the athlete in a state of greater calm and at the same time promote the concentration on the task. Relaxation is a condition that everyone knows and helps to recover not only from anxiety but also from the physical and mental fatigue, this through the creation of a state of calm.


  1. It ‘s a process of letting go – The trainee guides himself through the mental repetition of short verbal formulas, to reach a state of mental and physical relaxation.
  2. Represents the opposite of the action – Athletes benefit more from relaxation exercises during periods of higher intensity training, to recover the energy needed to conduct daily workouts.
  3. It’s acquired through everyday training – Anyone can learn to relax, they must just train in a constant and regular way. The process of learning this skill requires to practice every day for 10 minutes.
  4. It determines a state of well-being – The athlete learns to achieve a state of well-being that lasts even after the exercises, so as to deal more calmly his days.
  5. Promotes faster recovery from fatigue – Sports that rely on repeated trials in the same day need to recover quickly from fatigue at the end of each test. Many athletes make use of relaxation techniques as a way to not continue to be attached to the performance just ended and recover from the stress of racing.

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