Tag Archive for 'Zeman'

Rossi and Andreazzoli: when the cohesion makes the difference

Delio Rossi and Andreazzoli took, during the championship, two teams in crisis Sampdoria and Roma and they managed to turn them from losers to combative team, winning on the field. They replaced two coaches each completely different, Ciro Ferrara and Zeman, in essence, the first was a great player but he has little experience as a coach and the second is a great visionary and ruler of the minds of his players. Both have failed, in my opinion, because they have not been able to build a cohesive and fighting group to  play on the field the game proposed by the coach. They were prisoners of their own limitations, which for the first is the inexperience and the second are his ideas never contractible.

As always, the main issue lies in the teams “what to do to hold it together.” This does not mean to be happy with those who are excluded from the team but certainly they have to accept this choice and continue to engage in training. It’s also clear that because the players develop this mindset, the coach must be corrected by sending them the belief that they will have space to play. It seems to me that Delio Rossi and Andreazzoli have acted in this way and with the changes in the game introduced they were able to have a team that goes into the field to play at its best. In summary, to win is not only a question physical fitness and technical-tactical rules but also a collective winning mindset and the coach and players must build together.

Roma mental problems

The Roma mental problems are evident in the behaviors of the players and the coach. For example in Pjanic that during the game insults Zeman. In Daniele De Rossi, who punches a defender in the penalty area. In the trivial errors of individual players who have yet terrific consequences for the team, determining the goals of the opponents. In the explanations of the Roma coach, who explains the failure only in terms of individual errors and not least of the defense and midfield players, who do not do their work. With this lack of cohesion and sharing difficulties they are not going anywhere.

De Rossi and Osvaldo complains

Zeman, Roma coach, as every coach has his own personal system of driving a team that every player should know well for the reason that since many years he trains in football.  Therefore what is the reason of the complain of the two major players of Roma,  De Rossi and Osvaldo.  Did they not know who is Zeman? Obviously they knew his systems but they do not want to work so hard.
In addition, the training is not an aesthetic activity where someone may reduce his commitment because it’s too tiring. Training is the job of the players and everyone knows that it consists also to do things that players would not want to do, like to be committed to high levels of intensity. The players who do not like this approach do not play the match and Zeman did it. To express ideas and doubts is a right of the players but the same is for the coach.  He decides who will play, because he is the leader and if the team loses he will be fired and not the players.

The return of Zeman

Lo sport fa vivere a noi adulti quelle emozioni semplici e intense che i bambini vivono con molta più facilità Il ritorno di Zeman alla Roma, al grande calcio, è per me uno di questi momenti. Perché dice che vedremo di nuovo una squadra in cui tutti hanno lo stesso scopo, in cui si corre e si fanno molti goal, una squadra il cui leader è innanzitutto un uomo pulito. Non a caso anche il più importante giornale finanziario, il Wall Street Journal, ha pubblicato su Zeman un articolo intitolato: “Il ritorno dello Jedi del calcio.” A mio avviso non poteva scegliere un accostamento migliore, ancora una volta le emozioni riemergono con la citazione della saga di Guerre Stellari. In un periodo di truffe e scandali, sono notizie che fanno bene al calcio e a noi tutti.

