Tag Archive for 'vulnerabilità'

Current approaches to vulnerability

Vulnerability is a noun, and is defined as “the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, physically or emotionally.” Generally, vulnerability is considered a weakness, not least in sports cultures. The literature on vulnerability in sport is nascent. In comparison, the potential value and strength-based approach to vulnerability has received viral attention outside of sports, thanks to the work of Brené Brown. In her book Daring Greatly (Brown, 2012), Brown argues that “vulnerability is uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure. Vulnerability is also the birthplace of courage, creativity and change.”

Brown has been credited with bringing the potential value of vulnerability into academia and consulting. When we say that participating in a competition requires having learned to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations, we are expressing in other words that the athlete experiences a condition of vulnerability and that through performance he or she must transform it into a situation in which he or she engages in delivering the best performance while running the risk of failing to do so. Thus, the athlete consciously exposes himself to the possibility of being harmed physically and emotionally, by his own negative self-criticism, by opponents, and by his entire sporting world.

So we accept that we are vulnerable, we accept that we are exposing ourselves to the possibility of making mistakes that we would like to avoid, that we may fail to deliver the performance for which we have trained. But if we accept that we are competing, we will always be winners because we will have accepted that we are exposing ourselves publicly and that we were courageous precisely to have that decision early on.

Be ready to cope with incertitude

Working with athletes I realize that often their main limitation is not knowing how to deal with uncertainties, indeed it is precisely these situations that highlight our vulnerability. So we suffer thinking that the world is there with us or even that we are insecure people who do not know how to find the right solutions.

Both cases reveal that we have put ourselves in a situation where we will continue to suffer what happens without finding any form of resilience.

Training is also often one of the causes of this way of thinking. A lot of time is spent on improving technique and very little time on teaching how to be determined. We think a lot about knowing how to do the right thing but little about developing the determination that then manifests itself through technique.

The result is that many do the right things at the wrong time while others do them in a way that is not very determined. The result does not change and is negative.