Tag Archive for 'visualizzazione'

The fundamentals of the mental training

It is important for a coach and psychologist to understand the basis of the psychological training.

It’s about answering the question of what aspects are the basis for mental improvement in young people. I would say that from the age of 14, one can introduce an activity centered essentially on mental education for sports. The purpose is twofold. Those who will continue in their development as athletes will begin to develop the mental skills they will need, while those who will not follow this specialized path will have had the opportunity to learn skills that will be useful to them forever.

With this approach we are always in the area of teaching what it is necessary to learn, from the mental point of view, to learn to compete effectively or successfully overcome challenging situations (even non-sporting).

  1. Self-control - to improve it you can start by learning to take deep breaths, it predisposes to reduce physical and mental tension, increases the concentration on training tasks and the use of visualization.
  2. Proprioceptive awareness - Essential for an athlete to know how to move, what are the sensations to be perceived, for example during the warm-up, to know if how I think I’m moving corresponds to how I’m really moving.
  3. Talking to yourself - you have to learn to talk to yourself in a way that is helpful and encouraging, in every training and competition situation. This is simple to understand but difficult to practice if you don’t live in an environment geared in this direction.
  4. Be task-oriented - We need to embrace the concept that “we improve through our efforts”, so the feedback I give to myself should relate first to the quality of effort and only after the result.
  5. Visualize the sports actions - the mental repetition of sport technique and tactics is indispensable in each part of the training process, for beginners as well as for experienced athletes.

These, in my opinion, are the main skills to be developed in young athletes at the beginning of the training process.

Bianca Andreescu mindset

Focus determines the coaching intensity

The secret of the intensity coaching session is in athletes’ the focus skills. You can practice judo or shooting your goal must be the same: Work to stay focused just before the beginning of each exercise. It’s something very easy to understand, but usually only the best athletes have a daily practice in this way. Most believe that “it’s only training” so I don’t need to have all this concentration like during the competition, but they don’t understand that if they don’t practice every day these skills, they will not have the ability to maintain the focus during the events. Deep breathing and visualizations are the actions that the athletes have to practice continuously during the sessions, They have to start they technical actions only when their mind is ready to do it, otherwise they will train in a mechanical way without mind commitment. My advise: take a deep breathing, than visualize your correct actions and do it. Than again, after a brief recovery period again and again.

Visualization exercises for sprinters

Coaches and athletes frequently ask me examples of mental visualization to practice during the sessions. Here you find an exercise concerning one sprinter.

Exercise: 10 times 200m in 35sec

Mental task: start only when you are ready, otherwise wait some seconds till you are this feeling


  • running every 200m at this time,
  • at the end of each one, walk and take some deep breathing and before to reach the start line visualize the next 200m; on the line, start only when you have the feeling to be ready.

Brief history of a football champion

William Rooney è uno dei fuoriclasse del calcio (180 goal in 364 partite) e la sua storia può rappresentare un esempio di quanti siano i modi per diventare e essere un campione. Primo di tre figli, non ha terminato gli studi e giocava dal mattino alla sera a pallone in strada, tirando sopra le auto per colpire i segnali stradali. Sino da bambino si è messo in luce segnando con la sua squadra a 9 anni 90 goal. Nel calcio inglese è regola prima dell’inizio di un derby che un bambino si faccia ritrarre sul campo con il capitano e che poi ricevuta la palla dal portiere gliela ripassi. Rooney invece ricevuto il pallone lo calciò in modo da farlo passare sopra la testa del portiere e finire in rete. E’ lui stesso a dire che il portiere lo insultò ma lui si era allenato tutta la settimana per effettuare quel tiro. Sostiene inoltre che un giocatore della premiere league deve essere un po’ audace o arrogante altrimenti non potrà mai giocare bene sul campo. Altro aspetto interessante di Rooney risiede nell’uso della visualizzazione del gioco. La sera prima della partita, e dopo aver chiesto al magazziniere il colore della divisa con cui giocherà, ripete le varie situazioni di gioco mentre è nel suo letto.