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Do NBA refs favor the home team?

“The advantage of playing at home is universal in sports. Major-league baseball teams consistently win 54% of their home games, while their hockey counterparts take over 60%.

In many of the NBA’s early seasons, home teams were regularly winning 66% of their games. But why?

Perhaps home fans cheer on their local heroes to incredible feats. Perhaps the bed in a superstar’s mansion is more comfortable than the road hotel’s. Maybe stadiums have been fine-tuned to the liking of the home team. Maybe jet-lag hinders performance.

Or maybe, under pressure from roaring and judgmental local crowds, it’s the officials.

Since March 2015, the NBA began assessing referee calls (and notable non-calls) in the final two minutes of all games within five points, posting daily reports on its website. Last month, The Pudding compiled the data and open-sourced the results for public analysis.

Does the home team receive favorable officiating? Does it explain the NBA’s home-court advantage?

We can break down NBA calls into three categories: correct calls, incorrect no-calls, and incorrect calls:

In every category, the home team benefited.

In recent years, in basketball and elsewhere, the home advantage has been evaporating. The decline has been slow and steady in English soccer over the past century. In baseball, where home-field advantage has been at some of its weakest levels in recent years, it’s thought that closer supervision of umpires may be to thank.

And perhaps it shall be in the NBA, as referees come under more scrutiny, it disappears in basketball too.

The two-minute database will continue to grow, and we’ll continue to learn more about how refereeing affects outcomes.”

(By Oliver Roeder)

Home Court Advantage by Referees’ Calls

Team benefiting from correct calls

(Refs correctly called an infraction against the other team)

Home team - 51%________________49% - Away team


Team benefiting from missed calls, an incorrect no-call

(Refs let team get away with infraction)

Home team - 52%_______________48% - Away team


Team benefiting from incorrect calls

(Refs screwed up – called an infraction on the other team)

Home team - 56%_______________44% – Away team

What motivation is for Arrigo Sacchi

Listen from Arrigo Sacchi what does it mean for him motivation, training and have a dream.

Risultati immagini per arrigo sacchi motivazione

Ferrari: the team victory

Skill, aggressiveness and sharing. It was the winning mix of Ferrari and Vettel.

The team – In the last months, it was calm and focused on enhancing their skills. Vettel said: “We focused on what we had to do from time to time without looking around … especially in the last couple of months we were calm and we worked”.

The driver – Vettel was aggressive towards Hamilton, pressed him and he surrendered. Emanuela Audisio wrote that he followed the advice he gave his defenders Nereo Rocco (former Milan manager): “follow him even in the bathroom.”

The team and the driver - throughout this time Vettel and the crew never stop to talk together, they shared ideas and this common attitude. Vettel said: “happiness in particular. In Maranello people were happy to work together. With each other. There were no shortcuts, you had to work so hard, think so much about what you did; and you can make  all this sacrifice only if you are driven by passion, desire”



How do you celebrate when your team score?

How do you celebrate when your team score? Hockey fans do it launching teddy bear toss.

Risultati immagini per time for a teddy bear toss

Soccer School for children with intellectual disabilities

«AS Roma is pleased to announce that, since January 2016, the Club promotes and supports the “Calcio Insieme”, a program born from the collaboration between the Fondazione Roma Cares e l’Associazione dilettantistica “Calcio integrato” the training pitch of Italian Olympic Center “Giulio Onesti” were made available at boys and girls, aged between six and twelve years old, suffering from intellectual disabilities of various levels, supported by a pool of doctors, speech therapists and instructors.
The goals are the development of the physical and psychosocial well-being of children, the reduction of stress related to their living conditions, to increase their self-assessment skills and the motivation to motor activity.
A technical team of AS Roma, with sport psychologists, has developed specific educational methodologies to create a safe, comfortable and never boring environment.
Among the results expected, there is the development of the culture of integration  and the education to the values ​​of sport through the soccer.
“Roma is a great social platform, and we are conscious of the responsibility that comes – says the AS Roma general manager, Mauro Baldissoni -. I hope this is one of the many experiments that we will put up in action. Sport has always been an aggregator and along a motivational tool to go over the limits. Have on the pitch children with intellectual disabilities  is a chance for them to improve.”
The instructors were joined by a medical team, coordinated by Professor Alberto Cei, scientific director of “Calcio Insieme”, looking closely the progress of these young athletes, looking for improvements in the movement coordination, in their self-awareness or more simply in daily life.
“Soccer can be a vital tool to help children with mental disabilities to develop yourself – explains Patrizia Minocchi, president of ASD Calcio Integrato-. This magical tool, the ball, has already yielded the first results, the children are learning to relate with the others.”»

Roma, too under pressure for the responsibility

Positive teams are more productive

It takes five positive comments, according to the Harvard Business Review, to cancel the impact of a negative criticism received in the workplace.

In a research article published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Kim Cameron and his coauthors found that a workplace characterized by positive and virtuous practices excels in a number of domains.

Positive and virtuous practices include:

  • Caring for, being interested in, and maintaining responsibility for colleagues as friends.
  • Providing support for one another, including offering kindness and compassion when others are struggling.
  • Avoiding blame and forgive mistakes.
  • Inspiring one another at work.
  • Emphasizing the meaningfulness of the work.
  • Treating one another with respect, gratitude, trust & integrity.

Cameron and his colleagues explain that there are three reasons these practices benefit the company. Positive practices:

  • Increase positive emotions which broaden employees’ resources and abilities by improving people’s relationships with each other and amplifying their creativity and ability to think creatively.
  • Buffer against negative events like stress, improving employees ability to bounce back from challenges and difficulties.
  • Attract and bolster employees, making them more loyal and bringing out the best in them.

First International Conference in Sport Psychology and Embodied Cognition
UAE University–Abu Dhabi Sports Council
24th-­‐27th February 2014,
Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE

This academic conference aims at exploring important points of connection between the empirical studies of sport psychology and the embodied approach to the cognitive sciences. It will offer a unique occasion of interdisciplinary collaboration, and foster opportunities of reciprocal learning between theoretical and applied sport scientists, exercise and performance psychologists, cognitive neuroscientists, psycholinguists, philosophers of mind, phenomenologists, and practitioners who work in the sport environment, including coaches, trainers, and athletes of various disciplines.

Embodied cognition theory offers the most suitable paradigm to pursue this integration and cross-disciplinary collaboration: successful sport psychologists recognize that the results and the models of embodied cognitive science can allow them develop more effective training methods; reciprocally, attentive cognitive scientists can’t overlook sport and exercise psychology, as this field is one of the richest terrains for empirical exploration, experimental discovery, and epistemological validation of models and theories. Cooperation between these two fields promises immediate and tangible benefits, as it allows proving the correctness of the theoretical models by testing how effectively they can improve the athletes’ performances; at the same time, it raises the value of sport science for cognitive science, proving how the empirical study of athletic performance can inspire and validate new explanatory models of sensorimotor capabilities, control, attention, memory, and language-action interfaces. Sports can provide invaluable insights for the sciences of mind, telling how skills are actually enacted and controlled, through the body, defining dynamic boundaries between mind and world.

I will be there with a keynote entitled “Improving concentration in football teams.”