Tag Archive for 'shooting in India'

Shooting in India is my most read text

My most read text is a chapter in the book by Peter Terry and others, 2014, dedicated to the successes of shooting in India; entitled “Shooting in India“.

It is written in collaboration with Peter Terry and it is the story of the career of the best Indian shooters who have won Olympic medals and world-class competitions and their psychological training carried out with them over the years by Peter and myself.

The text has been read in 54 countries and the largest number of readers comes from India, Italy, Great Britain, USA, Ireland, Spain and Australia for a total of 568 readers.

I’m happy because I have dedicated 26 years of professional activity with Italian, Indian, Taiwanese, Maltese, Cypriot, Iranian, Chinese, Arab UAE and English athletes.

My training program is described in the book “Mental training in shooting“, 2008, translated into English and Farsi and today it has been widely updated by the work of all these years, thanks also to the successes of the athletes I have worked with.