Tag Archive for 'sfide'

Continuous improvement as the winning strategy

Coaching to cope with new challenges consists of personalized training, aimed at perfecting personal skills to the highest level and enabling everyone to be the best they can be. Moving along a path of continuous improvement thus makes it possible to meet the needs of organizations to have individuals who are increasingly effective and ready to respond to change.

Coaching is an approach to personal change that starts with a positive appreciation of professional performance. Phrases such as “Don’t rest on your laurels” or “If you stop, you’re lost” express the concept that every leader has always repeated, namely that only continuous renewal will make it possible to continue to repeat the successes achieved.

In this regard, the parallel between the managerial role and that of the high level athlete is very fitting:

  • They have, for the most part, achieved the goals they set themselves and are therefore considered successful people.
  • They are characterized by the energy and commitment that they put into their work.
  • their skills emerge in a decisive way precisely in situations of greater competitive pressure or greater stress.
  • They believe they can deal with most situations or problems effectively.
  • They take responsibility for the results of their performance.
  • they are perceived as reliable and competent.
  • They are seen by younger people as role models.
  • They derive maximum satisfaction from the continuous renewal of the challenges they face.
  • They are solver-problems
  • They look for contributions from people who can help them achieve their goals.

Do not fall into the trap of believing that these skills are easy to achieve or that these individuals do not experience difficult times. On the contrary, these skills are achieved through continuous work, pursued even on those days that are frustrating and seem to never end. The defeats and setbacks are the hardest and most painful moments to digest, but they must be accepted as part of the game in which one has chosen to participate.

Head coach and staff management: Basket

Head coach and staff management: challenges, responsibilities and perspectives in high-level sport events

Cristiana Conti e Cristina Montesano

Movimento, 2017, 33, 71-79

Le sfide della Pellegrini

La Pellegrini mantiene la sua motivazione elevata proponendosi e affrontando sempre nuove sfide. Sembra questa l’arma vincente di una ragazza che ha già vinto tutto e che continua a fornire prestazioni vincenti su una distanza diversa da quelle in cui ha dominato sinora. E’ un’atleta che ha più volte ammesso le sue paure ma che non hai rinunciato a superarle. Si conferma così ancora una volta un dato consolidato della psicologia dell’eccellenza. Secondo cui la differenza tra chi è in grado di fornire più volte prestazioni di livello assoluto e chi, invece, le fornisce solo una volta risiede nella capacità di sapere affrontare i problemi che le varie fasi della carriera sportiva propongono, senza lasciarsi impadronire dalla nausea per l’allenamento e per tutte le sue implicazioni (fatica, sacrifici, stile di vita). Chi non riesce a trovare le ragioni per affrontare queste nuove sfide è destinato a retrocedere da campione di una stagione ad atleta di successo incompiuto.