Tag Archive for 'Serra'

Three ideas for 2023

Three ideas have struck me these days, and it seems to me that practicing them can serve us to live contentedly in this new year.

Margaret Atwood: “If there is a role for literature (that is, not what it “should” do, but what it actually does) perhaps it is this: literature speaks of the whole human being in a way that no other art can. A novel can be as much about exploring the minds and feelings of others…” “What does one need during a crisis? Above all, hope. Without it nothing gets done. Literature, though somber, is inherently hopeful. It bears witness to the belief that human communication is possible. Moreover, no novel that I know of ends with the death of all the protagonists.”

Michele Serra: He writes that the civilization of information forces us to know too much, which in turn becomes a daily burden to carry on our shoulders to which we add what comes from social media. All this conveys a strong sense of helplessness. What to do? “If it seems too much for you (and it is) to land on the island of the Lotusphagi, like Odysseus in Book Nine of the Odyssey, and unlike him decide to stay there, and consign forever to oblivion everything you know about the world; you can more likely do as Giorgio Gaber did in Illogica allegria. – I know, about the world and the rest too -, sang Gaber in that little masterpiece. He knew everything, but in one brief enchanting moment (“alone, along the highway”) he was seized by an inexplicable happiness. He was well, let us say, in spite of himself, and in spite of his consciousness of the evils of the world.”

Reinhold Messner: “I never asked myself what this life would bring me, how long it would last: what mattered was the audacity, not the answer to the question about the benefit to the community. We were not put into this world to die, but to express ourselves, by whatever ideas, actions, means. Our responsibility to the world is measured first by our behavior toward natural resources, and less by the experiences of the dreams we were able to realize.”

The referee: a man alone with his worries

Once again a refereeing error negatively affected the result of the match. It happened in Milan-Spezia where Serra for a supposed foul by Bastoni stopped the attack of Rebic, who had served Messias, whose shot under the cross had been successful.

The referee immediately realized the glaring mistake he had made but obviously could not turn back. This fact shows us once again that sometimes it is the referees who have a major influence on the outcome of the match. Technology helps but does not exempt from mistakes. This new case highlights a substantial difference between the errors of the players and those of the referees. The former have the team to take refuge in while the referees remain alone with their sense of guilt for having made a mistake, which should not have happened. Everyone agrees that mistakes are part of the game but this assumption is not enough for the referee to get out of the angst that a serious mistake causes. Serra’s mistake is like that of Jorginho who misses the decisive penalty or of the gymnasts who pursue the perfection of their performance without succeeding. We never talk about volleyball or basketball refereeing, because the referee’s choices rarely determine the final result, they are sports where points are scored in every minute of the match and the value of referee’s sanctions have less impact on the match. In soccer it is different. The goal is a rare event and the game is influenced by cautions, important facts for that game and the next.

The player goes to the field the next day and has teammates and staff to share his problems with. The referee has no one, he has no teammates, he has a boss, the manager who, if on one hand can understand him, on the other hand is the one who decides the games he will referee and if it is the case to stop him for some championship turns. The referee is alone in having to fight with the insecurities generated by a wrong choice, and I hope that in his private life he has people with whom he can share his feelings and fears, without being judged but simply accepted, because mistakes are part of any profession.

L’arbitro: un uomo solo con le sue insicurezze